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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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(I was trying to spec about a Scum!Ninja or whatever, but eclipse is a proven liar by Weapons' results so let's do this)

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We already lynched a scum tracker, didn't we?

If both of the main wagons yesterday were scum, it would make sense to try and makenthe other look town by associative read, which is the tricky part

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I thought eclipse was town on the counterwagon so its a good thing we have power roles?

##Vote: eclipse

@Via: Rein said Iris never tried to go anywhere, so she can't be an SK unless she's also a ninja (which an SK probably would need to be considering Mitsuki's role I guess, but eh.)

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also it's actually super-lucky I forgot to send in my action or else we'd be locked into an ML due to a shit gimmick on my role

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I tried to go somewhere, but the watcher report said I didnt. I think if youre roleblocked, you appear as having done nothing on watcher reports. So I don't think it means anything.

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y'know if Weapons is legit I think the game could feasibly be broken wide open with a massclaim

Realtalk: Should we just do this tomorrow?

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@Via: Mitsuki's hook saw who the target attempted to target tried to visit anyway I think?

I wouldn't massclaim because I have no idea what the cult has up their sleeves and the mafia seem to have built-in fakeclaims anyway?

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All of the mafia has claimed either their actual role or part of their actual role so far (unless you mean townie sounding roles, which is a good point I guess).

I don't think bearclaw is scum because of Mitsuki's vote on him at the beginning of D2. Also it would make no sense for her to track scum!bearclaw over scum!Elieson because she said literally nothing about bearclaw before (I think maybe) and it'd be better for her to track Elieson. Although it is weird that he didn't die, I guess.

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actually we may not have to cuz I'd say scum is Bear and one of the lurker slots

as for CL I'm kinda leaning either Eury on flavour or Psych on erratic behaviour

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I figured that there'd only be a 4 Mafia team in a game with a Cult in it? That's how Badass was IIRC. Also thoughts on alignments.


Belisarius (just general play has me reading him as town, and I don't think he'd be as standoffish as ITP)

Iris (I was reading her as town anyways, but she also got roleblocked by scum and didn't visit anyone, so she's not CL)

Polydeuces (town off of general play; like it's not as good of a reason as the other two but I still feel pretty good about this one)

Via (read Polydeuces)
Weapons (outed scum)


bearclaw (Mitsuki's interactions with him make no sense if he was scum to me, but him not dying + Poly's points make me less sure about this overall)

FFM (I was townreading him earlier, but he's kind of done nothing since also his ISO isn't working so I'm too lazy to read his past content)

jalmont (I feel like I should have a read on him...but I don't)

SB (Was going to have him as a townread for pushing Elieson over eclipse but Super Busser and the fact that eclipse is apparently scum)


Psych (really didn't like his interactions yesterday, and I feel like he's just kind of faded into the background and hasn't really done much)


Eurykins (town for pushing Mitsuki over me on D1, but her idling makes me feel like she got culted early on and didn't do anything since...or is CL maybe)

Shinori (I dunno, something about his role being so easy to prove and him being absent for so long rubs me the wrong way; don't think he's mafia off of interactions with Elieson though)

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Badass was like, 5 players smaller too and the town was a lot weaker there? I think having 4 scum would probably be unreasonable, since cult doesn't really do much to help clear up clears for scum and prevent situations like this.

I'm kind of wondering what the point of FFM being a flavourcop is after 2 scumflips where both of them claimed their real characters? It doesn't seem like it's actually of any use tbh.

I'll do read things in the morning I guess, eclipse flipping scum messed with what I was thinking a lot.

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