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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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Yeah I don't want to massclaim yet.

And rn I can think of like one reason why I would claim today but if it never comes up, I won't claim.

Shinori said something about being gone all weekend, and paperblade was apparently missing claims. :l which kinda pisses me off because it probably means he hasn't been reading the thread again. I will fucking strangle him

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Hah. So elie was scum. YAY I DONT SUCK(Entirely).

Although I didn't use my action last night cause Of stuff. I didn't know it was night phase. BRAD YOU SHOULD HAVE MESSAGED ME ON SKYPE I CAN USE THAT FROM MY PHONE. Although idling was probably smart since I'm not caught up on anything at all whatsoever.

Sorry guys, luckily I'm a little less busy. I just finished my orientation for Olive Garden earlier today though and now I has a job! TRAINING STARTS WEDNESDAY.

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Darn, I think I got roleblocked last night.

I'd like to note that this is literally impossible since Shinori claimed to not have sent in his night action and the scum hooker already flipped

who did you even target last night?

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It's not literally impossible (even barring stuff like Shinori lying, but I'm inclined to take him at his word for today), there could be more than 2 Hookers in a Role Madness game or some JoaT of some kind or something. I dunno, man.

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Also I'm too lazy to quote it, but whenever you wake up SB; this game is 20P and Badass was 17P. And OC (which means that things would naturally be more scumsided to balance out it being OC). None of the flipped power roles have been particularly powerful. I dunno, like I could see the setup being 14/5/1 if there was an SK but 14/5/1 with a cult seems way too scumsided for an NOC game.

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Uhh you guys need to post your reads before we lynch eclipse cause there's a decent chance two of us will die overnight and I'm pretty sure she's at L2 atm. I love 6 hour day phases too but you're jumping the gun.


Eury - is an unknown to me I haven't read any of her posts

Iris - I can see her being a serial killer if there is one, I suppose it wouldn't be too difficult for someone to find out N3. Otherwise she's deftown.

Bear - Toss up, I'll gladly lynch him simply because.


eclipse - mafia scum

Psych - Beside the terrible Iris scumread yesterday I don't have much I would consider scummy from him but I still have a mafia read.

FFM - Active Day 1, really not since. His role claim was pretty out of the blue and the only role info he has shared is from a mafia player, so they could have just collaborated.

I have townreads on everyone else (in order of confidence starting with highest):

Shinori - I agree with Quote that he's just really stupid (and didn't read the topic) instead of being really mafia



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flip explains what sara. had to gain from lying..

i see no reason not to believe weaponsofmassconstruction considering that play from a mafia perspective makes no sense but ill hold off on voting until near deadline so we can make the most out of the day

user da bear to me hasn't really offered much in terms of content/explanation. going off his posts he goes from "we drove x and y because we are both town" to asking beli why they were so sure that bear and sara. were of the same alignment. to me that inconsistency really bothers me and while i would like to believe that having a scum pair leaves the mafia too vulnerable from a balance perspective nothing else bear has said/done jumps out to me as village.

it is concerning that eurykins has gone from posting walls to not posting at all but i can't make a judgement on that behavior unless eurykins returns to posting (esp. on current events)

weaponsofmassconstruction what;s the case for refa being mafia?

carpet monster at this junction is either mafia or has tuned out of this game i find it *highly* unlikely one forgets that they didn't submit an action - their claim at the time was random and as far as i can tell doesn't seem to be providing any insight for the village given the flavor. this role seems pretty perfect for a mafia fake claim since it doesn't reveal any information that actually helps the village. all this plus carpet monster's fairly erratic behavior makes me feel that they are mafia

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Also I'm too lazy to quote it, but whenever you wake up SB; this game is 20P and Badass was 17P. And OC (which means that things would naturally be more scumsided to balance out it being OC). None of the flipped power roles have been particularly powerful. I dunno, like I could see the setup being 14/5/1 if there was an SK but 14/5/1 with a cult seems way too scumsided for an NOC game.

Badass was 11/4/2 with even night recruiting, so I can totally see 14/5/1 here if the cult has similar recruiting patterns. A 4 man mafia is really frail here, considering that the cult isn't really taking out clears themselves, so the extra member makes sense to me.

I agree that FFM backing off to "wait I didn't send in an action" is weird. I'll do like, a more in depth reads post some time this afternoon.

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eclipse (6): Weapons, Quote, Refa, Polydeuces, SB/kirsche, Bearclaw

Not voting (8): Belisarius, eclipse, Eurykins, FFM, Iris, Jalmont, Psych, Shinori

Day 3 ends in 58 hours and 25 minutes. There are 14 players alive, hammer is 8.

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Laptop is in for repairs (which they didn't finish in a week :S) so posting on the WiiU. Take that haters! Also why did we need 4 subs for an SFMM game nobos step it up.

Gut says bear is prob town on role, it's a harsh punishment for the mafia to lose both a member and a driver simultaneously. He should idle for now so that if he acts we know he's scum. I don't think protecting your codriver is a scummy thing either so I disagree with whoever criticised his association with Elie. His other content is meh but not necessarily scummy. Shinori is also obvtown on rolespec.

Refa has pretty poor assosiation with scum, scumreading eclipse until her lynch didn't seem likely then suddenly "whoa BBM's case on Elie is actually pretty good everyone should vote him" with <7 hours into the phase. Then he completely 180s on his eclipse read based on Elie interactions when said interactions were pretty weak (which he himself pointed out when he criticised eclipse's vote). Also his ISO of Mitsuki feels really inconclusive and isn't well explained (why was her Marth read bad?) and outside of these guys the only stuff I can remember is his criticisms against SB which I know is wrong and he's also pretty all over the place with today (scum-->town-->null). Am pretty happy to lynch here tomorrow.

Massclaiming is a bad idea because of cult, I get the feeling that the cult threat isn't being taken very seriously because this has been pointed out before.

Via were you roleblocked again last night because you seem quite irritated at the idea of being roleblocked tonight and you haven't made it clear either way? #960 is confusing and I can't work out what the conclusion is.

I agree that FFM's recent behaviour is weird, so I had a look and after an early wall his opinions become non-existant and I feel like his N1 action is not very well reasoned (unnecessary paranoia over Manix being a CL) so overall his action use has been pretty terrible and worthless.

That's all I can be bothered to do right now, most happy to lynch Refa and FFM tomorrow.

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dude i was roleblocked for two nights wtf am i supposed to do

i didn't want to spam the thread with more "WOW I HATE SHINORI FOR ROLEBLOCKING ME" and look he hasn't even been reading the thread so wtf am I supposed to do

here, in case it wasn't clear the first time i said it:


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I misread your post bc i was on the phone with my mom lol but yes, I was blocked n1 and n2.

I would rather not be blocked again tonight.

Shinori claimed his role out in the open already. His role roleblocks for two nights in a row. I got the PM on N1 that said something (idk if I can paraphrase the flavor so I'll just say SOMETHING) kept me from using my action, and would keep me from using my action on n2 too. And the reason I was so irritated is bc Shinori roleblocked me because he thought I was CL off of ~meta~ instead of blocking Elie who was actually scum.

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can I stop talking about this now bc I don't want to spam the thread with it more

aaanyway I really don't think Refa is scum but this is like 80% meta/gut and 20% actual "I don't think Refa is scum based on his ingame actions" logic

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