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Was Powerpuff Girls for girls


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The demographic was definitely for girls but as a guy I still enjoyed it. Now that I'm older I kind of realize it's actually one of the most clever cartoons I've ever watched. I still crack up at the episode when Buttercup tricks the tooth fairy by giving her the teeth of the criminals she beats up.

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I thought it was pretty good

Also it's kind of like mlp: not really meant for boys but they still watch it

so yeah

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It was specifically intended for girls, yes, but had great periphery demographic value. I recall once reading a study that claimed more boys actually watched it, though I can't confirm if that was true.

I liked it and knew boys who also liked it. I really never considered it a "girl's show," but then, that might be part of what made it really good.

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I seem to recall Lauren Faust saying that she made the show (and Fosters, and MLP) in a way that it could appeal to audiences regardless of gender, and relatively regardless of age.

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Pretty sure it was intended for both boys and girls.

Also, I had a crush on Bubbles when I was a kid.

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^yep. bubbles is adorable, even little kid me knew it.

the villains in ppg are so hilarious.

edit: i thought this was going to be one of those mlp discussions in disguise. i'm glad it isn't.

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Im pretty sure it wasnt supposed to be just for girls. Just like how Kimpossible wasnt supposed to be just a girls show. Female leads =/= girls show.

Kim Possible was great.

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An ftm friend told me they didn't watch the show as a kid because they thought it was, indeed, for girls. I was about as mock-outraged as you can be without actually being outraged

Then again, when I was a little jerk, I thought it couldn't be one of those shows that was only for girls, because it was way too funny. :smith:

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