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Crusader Kings II - and how not to suck?


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Which are good ways to reform the Norse faith? On my current run (I accidentally deleted all my other savefiles when messing around with mods, go me), I chose to play as Bjorn, then conquered Norway and Sweden (I only created the latter country, though) along the way. Norse moral authority is currently very low (2,5%), two holy sites are being held by me, another by Norse!Denmark, another by Lotharingia and I can't remember the other.

Can I just lolconquer all the holy sites counties, reform the faith, then give up on those who are too far and hard to maintain?

Yes of course you can. But I think it's easier to raid to raise moral authority for the Norse? At least it is what I did.

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Now that I read about it, I can't. If I conquer that holy site on Lotharingia, it will trigger Holy Wars, from what I've read (I don't know whether it doesn't apply when we're at 900-1000).

I didn't know raids raised too much of norse moral authority. Sounds like a good idea.

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burning temples gives 1% (?) moral authority per holding

it will trigger Holy Wars,

you want to do this. if you can take your christian neighbors, repelling a holy war is like +3% moral authority (bonus: it undermines the pope a little bit too). chances are, reforming the norse faith without holding at least 4 holy sites is going to be a holy war slog, so it's best to just grab them. i think you can reform the faith if you hold all five regardless of your MA, anyway.

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I have around 4k-5k units at maximum (even though I conquered Norway and Iceland). I don't think I can survive a Holy War unless I grab enough money to contract, like, all of the mercenaries available to face off the huge armies of Catholic kings.

... I shouldn't have expanded that much so early.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Why am I not getting any achievements? I am using the Steam version, my game is fully updated, I am playing online and sometimes I don't use Ruler Designer - even though it is so awesome.

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This game in mutliplayer, so good.

The disconnects left and right in multiplayer, so bad.

I really enjoy this game with some friends, but one of them is playing it on Linux. And it seems the multiplayer between Linux and Windows users is just plain shit. The game disconnects most of the time, some tiems after 30 minutes, some times after 60 minutes - some times right after unpausing the game. And instead of fixing it seems each patch only makes it worse. It's really sad, because it's such a good game. D:

Edit: Are you playing in iron man mode (or whatever it is called) were you only get autosave? Achievements only work in that mode in Single Player.

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Someone point me in the direction of a thorough tutorial for an ultra n00b. :U I just...am having so much trouble wrapping my head around this game.

I haven't come across any "easy" walkthrough or anything (though the beginner's guide here is decent for learning the game), but this is excellent: http://www.ckiiwiki.com/Crusader_Kings_II_Wiki

I additionally watched some beginner tutorials on youtube/let's plays - one of the Irish counts seems like the best option for just starting out and that's what I did. This one in particular.

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I got the Old Gods dlc because GLORIOUS NORGE. I think i may be starting above my level here, but im not passing up the opportunity to be Harald Fairhair lel. That wiki looks hella promising. Thanks!

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Someone point me in the direction of a thorough tutorial for an ultra n00b. :U I just...am having so much trouble wrapping my head around this game.

this guy's lp really got me started on some of the finer mechanics, even if it's a little dated now

if you're playing it through steam (is steam required now? idk) feel free to add me and ask me whatever the hell questions you want. i've played a, um, lot of ck2.

EDIT: oh

Why am I not getting any achievements? I am using the Steam version, my game is fully updated, I am playing online and sometimes I don't use Ruler Designer - even though it is so awesome.

people have said it but are you running IRONMAN? you can't get cheevos without IRONMAN. i've had sort of iffy luck getting the wol achievements to unlock, but i think that was savegame compatibility or sth.

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this guy's lp really got me started on some of the finer mechanics, even if it's a little dated now

if you're playing it through steam (is steam required now? idk) feel free to add me and ask me whatever the hell questions you want. i've played a, um, lot of ck2.

EDIT: oh

people have said it but are you running IRONMAN? you can't get cheevos without IRONMAN. i've had sort of iffy luck getting the wol achievements to unlock, but i think that was savegame compatibility or sth.

Coo coo. Ill add. (i love that avatar, mate.)

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I got the Old Gods dlc because GLORIOUS NORGE. I think i may be starting above my level here, but im not passing up the opportunity to be Harald Fairhair lel. That wiki looks hella promising. Thanks!

I wouldn't expect anything else. :smug:

Still, you can pick things up from videos even if they aren't exactly the same faction/area. Just that Scandanavian pagans will have more emphasis on raiding, aggression (no penalties for having vassal levies raised, also a flat bonus in levy size, but being at peace too long gives penalties) and succession is a big problem. They're harder than starting as an Irish count (which is pretty much treated as beginner island), but are a little more interesting. Playing as the Zoroastrians like Karen or places that are one province surrounded by big kingdoms looks to be the hardest that I've seen.

I played one game where I conquered Norway and Sweden but then I stopped - only time I played as the Pagans, but they are very fun.

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Yeah, playing as Norse is usually tougher for a beginner. It's usually better to try to become more familiarized with the mechanics first and try an Ireland playthrough, or a Castille (Leon?) playthrough like in the tutorial.

Playing as the Zoroastrians like Karen or places that are one province surrounded by big kingdoms looks to be the hardest that I've seen.

I played one game where I conquered Norway and Sweden but then I stopped - only time I played as the Pagans, but they are very fun.

I should actually try that without save-scumming like there is no tomorrow some other time.

That said, raising tribal armies is so OPed.


I didn't know I needed to play on IRONMAN. I'll try it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, lords, ladies, bastards and barons!

Has anyone here found a good character for the Game of Thrones/SoIaF mod?

I am the emperor and also the caliph of the Sunny, I answer only to Allah!

Actually, I have no ideal what do you mean when you say "find a good character"?

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  • 4 months later...

I have to dig this topic up thanks to the upcoming DLC. The new DLC shall be about the Wrath of Khan, just as I've predicted. It will have raiding, demolishing holdings, fort, tributary system and a lot of cool features for the nomads. Amongst them is the tributary system that I have always want. Are you ready to become the Khan of steppes? Hyped/10, could burn Constantine to ashes again!

I bet that the next DLC shall be about the buffalo soldiers.

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About Way of Life, it is worth purchasing it? It's 10 bucks where I live, with the promotional discount and all. I've read that it exaggerates a bit and that it's flawed in many ways, like with limited paths and stupid effects.

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About Way of Life, it is worth purchasing it? It's 10 bucks where I live, with the promotional discount and all. I've read that it exaggerates a bit and that it's flawed in many ways, like with limited paths and stupid effects.

So far, they changed a lot to balance the DLC. However, it's not a must-have DLC, you will not lose anything. It is not bad but not good either. Also, 10 bucks is way too expensive for what little the DLC gives. Its real price should be 4 bucks at most. For short: No, it's not worth purchasing. 3/10 because of the ridiculous price and 5/10 because it's an unnecessary DLC.

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