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Extreme Weight Loss Diet: Day 1 out of 7!


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It's true the keto method is to help reduce body fat. However I still retain the opinion that if you're also going to the gym, working out, etc. you need more calories to keep your energy levels up. I'm no expert but I'd imagine that putting your body through its paces while cutting its energy source wouldn't give the best result.

Regardless, Meats. All of it.

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this sounds like a good idea and you should definitely keep doing this

maybe reverse psychocology will work

unfortunately I can't really tell you what to do otherwise

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It's funny, because, after what I just posted, it sounds as if you're encouraging the actual SOLID method (see my last post, you'll see what I mean).




EDIT: Forgot #Meat, because #MEAT

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Uhhhh, anyway. Raven, low-carb diets are a terribad idea.

oh yeah because starving yourself to death with a literally anorexic intake of sustenance is a fantastic plan

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Dear Soul,

this diet is unhealthy and you have no business dieting this ferociously regardless.

Also with regards to carb-low dieting, making immediate and large changes in your sugar intake is a good way to get to know low level withdrawal symptoms. I do not recommend. The low carbohydrate diets that I'm aware of that work aim to reduce mostly sugar intake over extended periods of time. Like by replacing the sugar in your tea/coffee with artificial sweetener and switching to low sugar sweet stuff.

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Dear Soul,

These types of diets don't work. I learned this in health class that they don't work. Don't starve yourself and just eat a diet with little sugar, and exercise. Don't turn to drinking juice only either . I hope a more balanced plan works for ya buddy.

Edited by WaluigiWeegee
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anything is probably a better alternative to what you were originally doing

And I don't deny it. However, simply tracking calories allows you to eat pretty much anything. Even with something as low as 800 kcal, I could eat foods that I like, including carbs.

oh yeah because starving yourself to death with a literally anorexic intake of sustenance is a fantastic plan

Like I said, above.

Dear Soul,

this diet is unhealthy and you have no business dieting this ferociously regardless.

Also with regards to carb-low dieting, making immediate and large changes in your sugar intake is a good way to get to know low level withdrawal symptoms. I do not recommend. The low carbohydrate diets that I'm aware of that work aim to reduce mostly sugar intake over extended periods of time. Like by replacing the sugar in your tea/coffee with artificial sweetener and switching to low sugar sweet stuff.

Thank you.

Dear Soul,

These types of diets don't work. I learned this in health class that they don't work. Don't starve yourself and just eat a diet with little sugar, and exercise. Don't turn to drinking juice only either . I hope a more balanced plan works for ya buddy.

Well, it's not like I've ever been much of a sweet's person, really. ;o But, limiting sugar isn't really the magic pill, as most seem to think.

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It's true the keto method is to help reduce body fat. However I still retain the opinion that if you're also going to the gym, working out, etc. you need more calories to keep your energy levels up. I'm no expert but I'd imagine that putting your body through its paces while cutting its energy source wouldn't give the best result.

Regardless, Meats. All of it.

the short of it is you can drop about 1000 kcal, you just gotta keep your protein coming in like a waterfall (ie, more than daily intake of 70g, amount depends on lean mass of person), and otherwise eat very well. if you do that, you're well on your way to reducing overall body fat and minimizing muscle loss as you shed ~2lbs per week. for someone like soul, i'm really not even sure why he's cutting. if i were him, i'd bulk to 180lbs and cut but alas.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Yeah, it makes sense when you say it like that. I just haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate fat. Any minimal amount that I gain. If I gain a tiny bit of fat, I just can't stand the way it looks, my body loses definition. I am pretty thin, yeah. But I'm also not as thin that my abs have good definition but neither that I lack any sort of decent shape. It's funny, actually.

But yeah I hate fat. Most guys don't really care because they just want to look good at the beach and bulk on Winter or something.

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I've never been more relieved to hear about a failure.

That being said, if you're going to go into a different, more sustainable diet (keto, for example), do so gradually. And when in doubt, talk to your doctor. . .IIRC, you're still in that age range where physical growth might be a thing (I stopped growing in my twenties, but I'm an extreme case).

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Yeah, it makes sense when you say it like that. I just haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate fat. Any minimal amount that I gain. If I gain a tiny bit of fat, I just can't stand the way it looks, my body loses definition. I am pretty thin, yeah. But I'm also not as thin that my abs have good definition but neither that I lack any sort of decent shape. It's funny, actually.

But yeah I hate fat. Most guys don't really care because they just want to look good at the beach and bulk on Winter or something.

You lose definition because you have near none to begin with if you're skinny. People around the 180lb range while shredded can gain a bit of fat while still remaining pretty good looking because their body has a solid base of muscle to support the definition.

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What i'm saying is, that actual shape you have is simply the muscle you have now, at 60kg that's not a lot so that's why you lose it at a much quicker rate when you do gain that fat. If you had "more muscle" so to speak, the fat wouldn't be as much as a problem because the "shape" is a lot more pronounced.

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I see what you mean...well, how did it go with you? Did you go for an all-out "dirty bulk" or anything? Or just left it up to fate, and let your stomach decide when to eat?

EDIT: If I posted this kind of stuff in, say, BBForums, they would murder me there. :awesome:

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Fuck yeah I went on a dirty bulk ahhahaha, kebabs, kfc and mcondalds at least 3 times a week (my bank account depleted at a rapid pace), not to mention the Chinese food my mum brings home. Got up to 80kg and now im at 75 where i'd like to maintain for the rest of the year.

Next year i'm aiming higher with a clean bulk to get my stats up, though

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I would imagine you'd be thin yourself, but, you know, better-built over-all. Uhhh, don't know if fast-food is the same over there as in the U.S (cheap). To be honest, I'd kind of love to do that (because, HELL, I CAN eat), but yeah like I said. ):

I think I gained one good lbs in a month ever since I started taking more protein (because whey and probably things like dips and some bodyweight pull-ups).

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Well, I mean, that's definitely not very much. But tangentially related to that, I was surprised when I learned that a healthy amount of muscle gain in a full year was somewhere around 30lbs. Like holy god, I was planning on being in prime shape before transferring to Japan and now I actually have to speed things up. :0

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mhmm, I was at 55kg around 4 years ago when I started lifting, always going on and off because of stupid teenager reasons like self confidence or just being lazy, mainly because I was on that sleep late playing games/watching videos lifestyle though. It was only last year i shot up from 60 to 70kg.

Everytime I go overseas I get so jealous when seeing the price of food.

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Well, I mean, that's definitely not very much. But tangentially related to that, I was surprised when I learned that a healthy amount of muscle gain in a full year was somewhere around 30lbs. Like holy god, I was planning on being in prime shape before transferring to Japan and now I actually have to speed things up. :0

Yah, but that's if you have the whole bright ideas on nutrition and stuff. It's a very important thing to have in mind, from the very start. If you get to spark 'dem newbie gains well and keep training consistently with a solid diet, it's going to happen.

I went from 63-64kg (last year, before starting) to 58kg (about 1-2 months ago) and now currently at 60.5kg or so. lawl

mhmm, I was at 55kg around 4 years ago when I started lifting, always going on and off because of stupid teenager reasons like self confidence or just being lazy, mainly because I was on that sleep late playing games/watching videos lifestyle though. It was only last year i shot up from 60 to 70kg.

Everytime I go overseas I get so jealous when seeing the price of food.

That was me last year ): Except for the videos games part, which would've been nice.



2) You cycle your calories (eat more on training days, eat less on rest days) and accept that gaining muscle/losing fat simultaneously will take a VERY VERY long time
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Soul if you look at your stats you really have no business dieting, you're close enough to being under weight as it is.

Also, what's the deal with you losing definition when you gain fat? I know that knowing you gained weight isn't exactly pleasant, but as far as I know, the tone of muscles etc does not alter until you make really significant weight gains.

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Soul if you look at your stats you really have no business dieting, you're close enough to being under weight as it is.

Also, what's the deal with you losing definition when you gain fat? I know that knowing you gained weight isn't exactly pleasant, but as far as I know, the tone of muscles etc does not alter until you make really significant weight gains.

If you don't have much muscle to begin with, that fat may just make you look "skinnyfat" in the beginning stages depending on genetics and fat distribution, I went through the same thing for a brief period as did a bunch of friends, Soul's mind might just be exaggerating that which is what makes him so self conscious about it

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That's kind of what happened on my vacations to Miami. I mean, it wasn't terrendabad (as I make it ought to be), but since I don't have much size to begin with (and wasn't lifting in that 2-3 week period)...hmm, yeah. It's actually a pretty normal thing, I think (for that "phase" to happen). And, yeah, I'm sort of exaggerating it. lawl

I'm glad my body is shaped differently to not look like that (like in the picture)...I'd kill myself. ;.;

alb, how did you get through this without tearing your hair off

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I followed Starting Strength which I mentioned before in the other thread, since it consists of pretty much only compound lifts they expended a lot of energy and I needed to eat a lot to not even feel sore. Also its meant to take advantage of newbie gains so stats rose quickly as a result a solid shape started to form, so that stage got through pretty quickly without worrying about it

Also when you say you eat a lot, its probably not true, it only seems like so much because your stomach gets full quicker due to being skinny

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