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Serenesforest's member appreciation thread- Hattu

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He (and other FE4 THREADers) should already know that I appreciate him a whole lot. Real talk: my fanboying is exaggerated; I don't actually think he's perfect or all-wise or anything, but I do admire him a lot. He can be very mean and very cryptic, but he usually doesn't mean to actually hurt others. I consider him one of my best friends. We're also third world buddies. \o/

Edited by Nightmare
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TE insists that he's a mean old man, but he's just a big softie that likes to tease people especially Neal

He also gives a lot of good advice to people and tries to help them, although he's not the nicest about it

He also has gr9 taste in anime~

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Aw.. shucks.. thanks.

Haven't talked to him much but he seems ok. I think I creeped him out once so he doesn't like me

I don't tend to judge that quickly, I've just been really busy
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