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Serenesforest's member appreciation thread- Hattu

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Nice dude, but he seems extremely salty.

isn't this like everyone on this damn site

Dandra is alright.

He clearly cares about me and tried to comfort me when I was depressed, so he's fine with me.

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i mean that was an impressively backhanded compliment lmao

I try

(honestly I wanted to try and at least say something nice about him but I just legitimately cannot stand the guy for reasons that few people know)

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I try

(honestly I wanted to try and at least say something nice about him but I just legitimately cannot stand the guy for reasons that few people know)

you don't have to post in this, the appreciation thread, you know.

you did it again with this post too dude lmao

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I try

(honestly I wanted to try and at least say something nice about him but I just legitimately cannot stand the guy for reasons that few people know)

i'm glad that these are the reasons for which you appreciate dandra in this, the member appreciation thread of serenes forest, in which members are appreciated in various posts detailing our reasons for appreciating them

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Failed to appreciate Tryhard in a timely manner, orz etc; posts things what I like, looking forward to trend continuing

*opens -THE RECORD-, writes and underlines "Dan's a good guy" in red ink, closes -THE RECORD-*

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Narga is awesome! I remember him before he was a mod, and he was awesome as a mod too! We had a lot of good times in the Math Thread~

I wish he were still active though...

Also, I'm probably too late to be replying to messages about me but

[spoiler=Response to old posts]

I remember once he posted up this math problem he was working on that was asking how far an animal of some kind tethered to a barn could move around a yard/farm pasture kinda thing. I thought it was really cool that he could even work on something that looked so impossible to me.

Whoa, you actually remember that? That was like, what, 2010? Solving that problem still remains as one of my most enjoyable experiences in solving math problems.

From what I understand of your description, that seems like a combination of area of a circle and pathagorean theorem.

Doesn't seem hard at all...

If the rope is smaller than length + width of the barn, then yes, it's not hard at all. But the actual problem had the rope larger than length + width. Here, let me quote it exactly as it was posted:

A goat is tied to the corner of the outside of a barn by a rope 12 meters long. The barn is rectangular (or a cuboid if you want to be pedantic but only 2 dimensions matter) with sides of length 6 meters and 4 meters. Assuming that the area around the goat is free of obstructions asides from the barn, that the barn is shut and any other weirdness you want to throw in to make the question easier, what area can the goat roam in?

And this was the picture that I drew to describe the problem:


Green regions are regions within the big circle that the goat can traverse in.

Red regions are regions within the big circle that the goat cannot traverse in.

Dark green regions are regions that are counted twice if you simply try to add the areas of the green sectors.

Adding the areas of the light green sectors yields 133pi square meters. However, the dark green region is counted twice so you need to subtract it. Finding the area of the dark green region isn't as simple as circle area + Pythagoras.

It's still not that hard, but the experience of trying to compute an exact solution all on my own was a truly wonderful one. Which is probably why I ended up telling SeverIan about it at that time (which I honestly don't remember doing).

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Dude... quoted from a problem I posted four years ago, crazy.

Using some polar co-ordinate integration, that problem is probably pretty easy. I have no idea what I was thinking about solution wise at the time but that'd likely be my first method of approach.

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It's still not that hard, but the experience of trying to compute an exact solution all on my own was a truly wonderful one. Which is probably why I ended up telling SeverIan about it at that time (which I honestly don't remember doing).

The only thing I remember is it was in a picture thread. It might've been in the one that got deleted, though.

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Dude... quoted from a problem I posted four years ago, crazy.

Using some polar co-ordinate integration, that problem is probably pretty easy. I have no idea what I was thinking about solution wise at the time but that'd likely be my first method of approach.

We were still like, high school students at that time, so I don't think most of us were aware of polar co-ordinate integration back then. Well, I know I didn't, and just abused trigonometric identities to calculate annoying angles and then used the areas of triangles to solve for the rest.


The only thing I remember is it was in a picture thread. It might've been in the one that got deleted, though.

Whoa, now I'm curious as to why that would be in the PICTURE THREAD...
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