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Serenesforest's member appreciation thread- Hattu

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This is someone I actually know lol

the issue is less "you pick people nobody knows" and more "all the people you pick are people specific to your in-group, or people that nobody knows"

the exceptions to this rule have been Utsuho Reiuji and probably James Bond as well but I'm less sure there

and neither of them are exactly super visible, no offense to them intended

EDIT: forgot to put this back in here

Ah yes, a topic that many doubted but wound up okay sucks.

Seems legit

yes, it did wind up "okay" at one point

it was okay, and then it became worse when the pattern I mentioned above arose

this is a phenomenon called "change"

I honestly don't talk to Breezy a lot even though we see each other not infrequently

Edited by Euklyd
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the issue is less "you pick people nobody knows" and more "all the people you pick are people specific to your in-group, or people that nobody knows"

the exceptions to this rule have been Utsuho Reiuji and probably James Bond as well but I'm less sure there

and neither of them are exactly super visible, no offense to them intended

I honestly don't talk to Breezy a lot even though we see each other not infrequently

Oh, I'll... try to figure something out then!

Niether Haru nor Sask posts in HHH.

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Niether Haru nor Sask posts in HHH.

yes I did literally say that in the post of mine you quoted

also lol I forgot to never edit things into previous posts in FFTF

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I stopped caring about what's happening outside a certain thread after 3 years around...I get all the appreciation I need there even if they don't tell me.

That's why people who joined recently don't know about me, I don't mind them and at first I didn't want to have an appreciation day here for that specific reason...

And I don't mind anyone who doesn't know me. Be well all of you.

Edited by James Bond
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In particular, "I don't know that person but they sound like they're pretty cool" or stuff along those lines~

"I don't know that person but they seem okay I guess"
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James Bond - I don't know you much and I've been around a while, nothing against you personally it's just hard to appreciate members absolutely nobody outside of a select group knows about

Edited by Lord Raven
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I stopped caring about what's happening outside a certain thread after 3 years around...I get all the appreciation I need there even if they don't tell me.

That's why people who joined recently don't know about me, I don't mind them and at first I didn't want to have an appreciation day here for that specific reason...

And I don't mind anyone who doesn't know me. Be well all of you.

hey, based off of this, you're cool, confident, and kind.nice

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It's ok, I see your point, I just believe that every person in this forum deserves a chance here.

Also Breezy, he seems to be in a bad mood often, but he is not a bad person from what I know, he can be indeed a nice guy to talk.

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It's ok, I see your point, I just believe that every person in this forum deserves a chance here.

this is fair enough, and I agree

it's just kind of frustrating to have to say something along the lines of

"I don't know that person but they sound like they're pretty cool" or stuff along those lines~[/size][/color]

"I don't know that person but they seem okay I guess"

"I don't know that person so I'm going to assume that they're awful"

for a week or more

luckily I knew some of the people so ヽ( ᐛ )ノ

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Well I mean some of those responses were still being made to people who are fairly well known in some parts of the forum

My issue wasn't that people who are being brought up aren't well known to many, it's that people find the need to make posts that say nothing at all for a person they don't know

If you don't know them then there's no need to post and to put no decent effort into that post...

But at least there's an interview thread now

(It's just a peeve of mine though... since it's not like those kind of posts do any real harm or anything)

Edited by Freohr Datia
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