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Serenesforest's member appreciation thread- Hattu

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oops missed a few people

Kinumi - cool person. She's given me a great deal of laughs when I needed them, and she plays Cave Story too!
Kitty - also a cool person. Talented artist, and a very friendly person.
Breezy - cool when he's not in a bad mood.

Tangerine - one of the few admins/mods I've talked to at all (cough: twice). Actually, I've talked to most of them at least once. Was understanding when I made a mistake.

Bond - seen him a few times on the forums. Haven't talked to him.
Crashgordin - who?

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theres that word again


brb edit

fun fact

[color=white]hidden text[/color]

shows up against the grey background within quotes

also within plain text editor

thats why putting stuff in white text is good until someones quotes it

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brb edit

thats why putting stuff in white text is good until someones quotes it

there are other better ways though

for the record they're secrets :)

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Sooooo every single person who's answered this one seems to be in agreement on Breezy ^o^

Oh no sorry Emerald actually answered differently so almost every single person

eh and I guess also the responses saying "I don't know him" or shadowfrost's "who's that"


Edited by Freohr Datia
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While Breezy may be hard to handle at times, when you flip to the bright side of the coin, both his sarcasm and shots that he fires can be hilarious. From when I actually had the chance, his writings were rather thought provoking (even if it took me time to fully grasp), but those days are long gone and buried

Lastly, he's one of some whom I've known since my "new member phase", that I'll always have high respect for

(This applies to all the others as well, whose days I might have missed)

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