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My half-brother and I thought Ike was the coolest in the game too! In fact, we fought over him in the SSE. lol Fun times...

But I decided to double-check my skill vs lv. 9 CPUs first of all. I actually couldn't beat them in the first few matches. But after playing for awhile, I could beat them pretty consistently and with any of my characters (including Dark Pit), though the matches are still close. I'd say they're better than Brawl's CPUs though, these guys actually know some combos and edge-guarding techniques and whatnot. Not as well as all of you, of course, but even so.

I got back online, I think I actually might've improved a little... I mean, I still don't think CPUs are a huge help, but they did let me figure out some things I was doing wrong, like why I couldn't for the life of me land Dark Pit's up-tilt. xP And I decided to see one last time if I could do something about my Ike suicide problem. I think I sorta fixed it... I dunno. But for now, he's back in my party again.

So...yeah, like I said, I got back online now.

Edited by Anacybele
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Lol did not see this message. Took a nap due to school tests and all that. As long as you know what to do and what can make you better, its all good. Just keep getting motivated. A loss teaches you something. Keep it up!

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Well, if you say so.

Doesn't seem like anyone wants to play at the moment though. :( Or maybe they just got tired of me quitting and stuff... I wouldn't blame them, honestly... I do apologize if that's the case though. I understand completely. I wouldn't like someone quitting the way I was either. I didn't really want to do it, I just felt like I had no choice sometimes...

Anyway, I went and did a few more CPU matches, though, because I actually forgot to beat a lv. 9 with Mii Swordfighter. lol

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Umm I am pretty sure you had a choice. Killing yourself will just confuse people and make the match feel weird. If you feel sorry, I guess you probably should not do it. I am down to play, but customs arent my cup of tea along with regular stages. Its a game after all

Edited by Radiance
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If I did, I really didn't know or think of it...

And I'm sorry, but I prefer custom moves when I use Ike and don't really like Omega stages.

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Smash ville, battle field, or stages like that? If thats the case we will play for fun then. I will use no custom characters cause I dont have any lol

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Yeah, what's the issue with her using customs? You don't like them, but no one's cataloging your wins/losses here and you don't have to use any.

Also, you should play on Gaur Plains with Engage the Enemy blaring and fight Metal Face.

For science!

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I dont have a problem with it. I just dont prefer it. Idc about win loss ratio, that shit means nothing to me. Sorry if I sounded blunt, I dont mind her using customs and I said I was not gonna use any in my last post.

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i'm pretty sure she means SD'ing

Yeah, pretty much this. I feel like when I suicide, I kind of waste a potentially good fight. I'd rather KO my opponent myself and win a match that way than end up winning simply because they suicided. xP

Smash ville, battle field, or stages like that? If thats the case we will play for fun then. I will use no custom characters cause I dont have any lol

Yeah, basically. The only time I use omega stages is when the regular stage is just terrible/annoying to me in 1v1, but I still like the concept. Like, I enjoy Yoshi's Woolly World, but the regular version is just really annoying, so I play the omega version.

Oh, and I turned off my game, I thought there wasn't anyone around atm...

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It was fine for a bit then it went wonky again, its kinda difficult because college dorm, never know when it'll be used less or more x.x

Seems stabler now, and it was fine when I played with Horace and Refa the other day...

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This is starting to kill me. Lol your warning was true. This lag made me do so many moves I didnt want too and died for it. Kind of pissed but what can I say.

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