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Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U Tournament Hub (Please see post #1644)

Ema Skye

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I thought I did. Shoot lemme bump out and check

*Derp, turns out I misadded you! You're in now!, Kinzo!

Edited by Sara.
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Signs point to no! I am sorry Horace but I do not think my partner will be available tonight. Or maybe he's coming on late, we'll see I guess.

zuko's only around for another half hour anyhow, so I guess it won't happen. We tried I guess!

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So my 3DS cracked again. I'll be out of commission for today and probably tomorrow due to repairing it. Apologies for the inconvenience, but I anticipate being back on full steam by the weekend.

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Fuck, is it too late? Like will this drop on Thursday :S Sorry, I had class at 6:30-9:30.

Mmm yeah. :(

Pretty sure the previous one is done with since we weren't able to finish in time.


it's not like Doofina (or anyone really, except Elie I guess) can prevent you from continuing the tournament on your own

like, there are only two matches left, if you discount the losers bracket

just don't post about it in this thread maybe?

you could do it over skype or PMs or whathaveyou

PMs are probably best since I know at the very least Momentai doesn't have Skype

edit: since this might be unofficial idk if there's anything to be gained except bragging rights, and it's entire optional to finish, so just keep that in mind

Edited by Euklyd
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just don't post about it in this thread maybe?

you could do it over skype or PMs or whathaveyou

PMs are probably best since I know at the very least Momentai doesn't have Skype

Doubles Tournament guys can do this.

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At this point I'll just knock the Losers Bracket out from the bottom, and if the final two matches can occur, then I'd like to count them.

Doubles matches are impossible to coordinate. next time I think that if I set up a dubs Tourney, it'll be a Pick-Your-Teammate

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Well if no one has a problem with it continuing on the side and all participants still wanna play I guess we can have a go. It's up to our opponents...

As previously suggested, please PM me if you're interested! If not, I understand. I will purchase satin pillows and cry myself to sleep on them.

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