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Anything from Smash Bros Series influenced you to play other games from unknown characters?


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Marth and Roy-After hearing about it from my little brother and have listened to some soundtracks and read about FE1(NES) on RPgamer. I then started playing it after SSBM influenced me to do so after FE7 since that was my first game and FE1NES was my second.

In order













-Tear Ring Saga



Lucas-Got me to play Mother 3 after seeing New Pork City and the Chimera, etc. Even though these were some spoilers from the game itself. The game blew my socks off which got me to further love the Mother series dearly which got me to play Mother 1 afterwards.


It got me to buy the trilogy set which is Metal Gears 1-3. ...And already own the NES game that I've had that since I was a kid.

F-Zero64 and Grand Prix

It got me to try these out and loved them!




Shoot: 90ish dollars. Better see if I can find it cheaper at Gamestop.


Sequel...I presume. It's coming out on Dec next year.


The Last Story(Will get later as it has the same formula as Xenoblade, or could be another one of it's games!)

Yes. I'm just going to buy this game shortly. Because many folks at amazon says that it is one of the greatest JRPG'S they have ever played. It was the same when Star Ocean 3 got me to try out Valkyrie Profile after seeing Lenneth and Freya in it. When I've touched it, it was one of the greatest games that I've ever touched and is one of my 20 utmost favorite games of all time. Then started Valkyrie Profile 2 which the game blew me away upon the story. I have a feeling that Xenoblade is going to wow me like these games. I know that Smash is a series to have Nintendo's consumers buy more of their stuff, but it is working for me yet again...Xenoblade, here I come!

Having this alone with Persona 4 Golden/Arena and a Wii-U and Smash. Better make huge plans for this...

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Isaac in SSB4 got me to play Golden Sun 4.

...In some alternate, better universe.

realtalk no I don't think so

got into FE and Xenoblade separately and I don't think there's anything else

also even the not-example I gave isn't accurate because I'd play GS4 even without SSB4

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SSB as a series has gotten me into Zelda, Metroid, and Fire Emblem. I still follow them today. Interestingly, the series represented in SSB I had played previously I've largely stopped following...

In a way, it also got me to try Xenoblade. If it hadn't been for all the speculation around Shulk possible getting in (before, of course, he was officially revealed), the game likely would never have been on my radar.

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Only Fire Emblem because the way the series played intrigued me. Played Mother 1 since my brother got a reproduction cart for the NES like 2 years ago. It was kind of NES ridiculous.

Any other series I've either played already, only Kid Icarus really, and the rest do not interest me, Mother and StarFox included despite owning the original games of each, because I hate fun :KnollRoll:

Or I've already played them, ie all of the notable and successful Nintendo IPs with long standing series and libraries, or with a bunch of good games like Metroid.

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Only Fire Emblem. Even then, I'm not sure if that even counts since I didn't go out of my way to play it at all, so I think it would have happened anyway.

Otherwise, I had been a massive Nintendo fan before so I've seen just about all of it at some point, including some Mr. Game & Watch games (as opposed to just Game & Watch games, which may also feature characters like Mario and Link). The exception is Samus but I was brought to the series through a friend's Metroid Prime disc, so that definitely doesn't count.

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Ike in SSBB intodruced me into the Fire Emblem series. Radiant Dawn was my first Fire Emblem game.

Seriously I never heard anything about this series before Brawl (played Melee after Brawl).

Now I'm trying out the Metal Gear Series, because I love Solid Snake in SSBB! Metal Gear Solid 4 is the first game of this series I'm playing. Playing MGS4 should console me for Snake isn't in SSB4.

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SSB got me into:

Earthbound/Mother series, F-Zero and Metroid. Ever since that year I played most of them.

SSBM got me into:

Fire Emblem and first game to play was FE7 and have played pretty much all the localized FE games and FE12.

SSBB nothing:

didn't attract any new series for me since most of the niche series that they showed off in game I already knew or played already.

SSB4 no influences:

I already wanted to get Xenoblade way before the announcement and there are hardly any copies here in Canada. Importing one from US is annoying since many sellers demand huge custom taxes on it.

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Ness + Lucas got me into playing Earthbound.

I didn't really care much about the Fire Emblem series until the 3DS ambassador program. And then eventually, FE8 became my favorite Fire Emblem, and THAT influenced me to play as Marth and Ike in Brawl.

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I got Smash Bros. Melee because of Pokemon, so apart from Mario, almost every series in Smash Bros. I got into because of it. I got into Xenoblade independently, as well as Punch Out. SSB wasn't necessarily my prime motivator for getting into Fire Emblem, Zelda or F-Zero either. But honestly, SSB is like a Nintendo gateway drug.

This is mostly because I never had a home console before the GameCube and guess what game came with it.

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I suppose Melee got me into playing the old Zelda 64 titles, which I happened to have on a GameCube disk.

That as well as all the Twilight Princess hype got me to also play that Zelda game.

However I haven't played a Zelda game since TP.

Obligatory Marth and Roy got me into Fire Emblem. I pretty much surrendered to the idea that FE was a "Japan-only" game, then my friend's like "Hey I got FE. Marth isn't in it but there's a guy who looks like Roy, with another blue-haired guy and a girl." Next time I was at a game shop, I scoured the GBA section until I found it.

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I got Smash Bros. Melee because of Pokemon, so apart from Mario, almost every series in Smash Bros. I got into because of it. I got into Xenoblade independently, as well as Punch Out. SSB wasn't necessarily my prime motivator for getting into Fire Emblem, Zelda or F-Zero either. But honestly, SSB is like a Nintendo gateway drug.

This is mostly because I never had a home console before the GameCube and guess what game came with it.

Inject me. Inject me. Injeeeect meeee. I musn't miss out on these probable masterpieces. Oh, and Punch Out along with Earthbound are some games that I've played independently. Super Smash is a drug of Nintendo. I don't care. I would have never payed any attention to Xenoblade if it weren't for Shulk getting in. Because of that, I musn't miss out on this probable masterpiece. It's shocking that I've never even heard of it even though it came out in the west. Not a trace of the game until SSB4 existed for me. No Olimar because I'm not interested in travelling with a plant spaceman walking around with plants, Kirby, I'll try later, Xenoblade because of Shulk being a handsome hero and liking his Monado arts as well as RPG's being my main passion. :3

Wario Ware I've already touched without Smash. Both Inc and Twisted! :D

Ha ha...

Whoever though that Wario would come into Smash after that. Pit...I dunno. Maybe later. The series has been dead for a really long time. Played Ice Climbers...but stopped playing it after getting wonked. Star Fox already played both the SNES and 64 games and stopped following the series after that! I've stopped following Link after TP. But...Hyrule Warriors will start to change that! ;) Animal Crossing, I'll give it a go later. Love that Villager. :D It is rather nice that some games can get you to play others to not miss out on the experience.

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Ike made me buy his first game out of a huge desire to try it after I looked it up. ^^ So I have him to thank for making me the FE fan I am today. It's one reason I adore him so much. :3

I also started playing Kirby games fairly recently, though it wasn't really because of Smash. Although it being brought up in our Smash Wii U/3DS discussion thread did kind of help.

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Melee was the only game that got me into other series. First of all, Fire Emblem.

It wasn't me who went directly to FE but was my brother's curiosity about Marth and his brother (Roy, lol), so he got FE7 with VBA and later on we bought it on Puerto Rico. I loved the game, its gameplay, its levelling system and above all its characters, especially Lyn and her legion. After Blazing Sword, I got to play:





FE12 (japanese)





Another series was Metroid, getting Prime was the best thing ever, although I didn't went back to play the SNES/GBA versions, I got Trilogy on the Wii.

Xenoblade wasn't influenced at all due SSB4, but rather the Operation Rainfall that got me into The Last Story, too.

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Funny story, I got into the Metroid series almost a couple years ago when I saw Metroid Prime on a shelf in a local game store and thought "this might cure boredom for a while. It's made by Nintendo" That game was so damn good that not even my nostalgic bias for Zelda and Pokemon could prevent me from admitting that it's the best game I've ever played. I also got Super Metroid shortly after when it was on sale on the Wii U, though I didn't like it as much, it's still an amazing game. Ironically, before playing it I thought the series was just your basic linear shoot'em'up, boy I was wrong.

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Just like I've stopped following Pokemon after Gen II till friends were going on and on that Diamond and Pearl were really good! :D

Metroid...I've got into all the way and never stopped playing the series even though it has died for a decade after Super Metroid's release.

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Xenoblade is getting ported over to the 3DS. Japan Only that is since there is no word as to whether that it will come out in the west or not. Must have happened after Shulk's reveal. It'll come out somewhat next year. Having the ability to transfer saved data from the Wii to the 3DS will likely be a pain to the developers. -.-

Oh, and the game will only work with this 3DS model.


It's about time that Nintendo is going to make some improvements on it. This model will be released in Japan on Oct 11, 2014, New Zealand Nov 21, 2014 and NA will get this in the year 2015. Bout time that sound quality will be improved since it isn't all that good on the older models. With headphones that is.


Yasonori Mitsuda is one of the music composers. This outta be good! :D

Hee hee...

The smash doesn't lie. I'm going to play this for sure. Four more days before I get my check and can buy it!

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The smash games introduced to the f-zero and star fox games. Interestingly enough I learned about fire emblem not from melee but from that Mario& Luigi superstar saga game, where it had a booklet in the box that showed off a bunch of different gba games that came out around the same time that included fe7.

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Only Fire Emblem.

Of course.

Fire Emblem was hardest to discover since it never was released outside of Japan until SSBM gave NOA the decision to start porting it! Which has happened for about a decade. Like Samus' loss after Super Metroid, so it's not much of a deal. =]

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Lots. I was only, like, 5, when I played Melee and younger for Smash 64. The only characters I knew were Mario and Friends, Pikachu, Link, Zelda, Sheik, Ganondorf (I remembered watching my dad play Ocarina and vividly remember the scene where Sheik was discovered), and Samus (my dad played Metroid Prime before Melee).

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