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If you could add one thing...


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Can be a minor mechanic, a weapon type...whatever. What do you think FE needs?

I think expanding on the ballistae would be awesome. Particularly, a catapult thing that you can actually launch your units across the map with. Rumor has it that they would do that back in the day, put people in catapults and throw them into the enemy ranks to cause chaos/make it easier to seize the castle. You'd put one unit on the catapult space, then use another to launch them. Obviously mounted units wouldn't be launchable...but it would add a new depth of strategy, and would be epic on huge maps like Holy War has. Enemies would be able to use them too if they get to them, so watch out!

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Rumor has it that they would do that back in the day, put people in catapults and throw them into the enemy ranks to cause chaos/make it easier to seize the castle

If you want to kill your own allies maybe. Mythbusters tested that one, I believe and the dude would not survive this. But they did catapult corpses into besieged cities so that illnesses would spread. That'd be a bit too harsh for FE, though.

I definitely want ballistae back. And Ledge or what it was called. But apart from that I can't think of anything new I'd want. I'm rather content with how things are.

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Am I allowed to mention my three tier branching class system? It's not entirely something we haven't seen before and not necessarily one thing. There's loads of things I'd love to see come back and improved. Crossbows, Biorythym, Witches, Chameleons, CON. For something entirely new that we've not seen before...I'll have to think about it.

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A non-linear campaign, have different options on how you approach an enemy. For example, you must invade the enemy castle, but in order to reach them you must choose how to approach, through the mountains where a General who specializes in mages waits, or in the plains where another general leads his cavalry. Sort of like alternate chapters in games like FE6, but a with a much heavier influence on how the game plays as a whole, with different choices favouring different types of units, different weapons and characters to be found as well.

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A world map which itself functions like a standard FE chapter except with ships! The world map works like the one from FE2. You start with, let's say 2 ships. The stats of your ship depend on the crew it is carrying. You move your ships to attack enemy ships. you can either attack to destroy or board the ship. Attacking ships also causes a lot of damage to your own and repairing won't be easy. Boarding the ship changes the world map into a ship chapter like the ones you see in FE7 and FE8.

I've got a few more ideas for this concept.

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The Summoners of Tear Ring Saga.

The fact that their summons move instantly make them a treat unlike any other seen in the series so far, including their predecessors in Gaiden. Because dealing with them is never a matter of luck: The existence of the summoners themselves and their Staff immediately gives all the information about spawning locations and creature type that are needed to make them fair obstacles. They are especially nice in locations were the enemy has strong defenses that make it hard to charge them down immediately.

And of course, once they are death, they can't summon anything anymore. So you don't even need to gamble about how long you have to let your units idle on a fortress tile if you don't want spawns strike your clerics in the back.

Edited by BrightBow
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Expanding upon the ballistae upon other classes like the others already mentioned, is pretty high up on my priority list. Oops, the topic title said one thing only.

As for something new altogether, I've no particularly innovative ideas like RJW had, but I really would like a lot more attributes in the weapons (and I do mean more than only the return of weapon weight). I'm not a huge fan of how insignificant the differences that distinguish them from one another are currently.

Edited by Topazd255
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I would be interested to see what dual wielding would be like. Maybe they could have your unit always hit twice(one each weapon) but balance it by giving a penalty to defense and/or avoid, something along those lines. But then again, brave weapons would be pretty overpowered.

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I would be interested to see what dual wielding would be like. Maybe they could have your unit always hit twice(one each weapon) but balance it by giving a penalty to defense and/or avoid, something along those lines. But then again, brave weapons would be pretty overpowered.

When doubling with two braves, you mean as in a x8 attack?

The easy solution is one of a kind Braves, or preventing dual wielding with braves in the first place.

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An Anima system with Fire/Water/Wind/Earth magics that supports dual-type spells (for example, Thunder requires Fire and Wind ranks). Light and Dark can each be strong against two, weak against the other two and neutral to each other.

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I would be interested to see what dual wielding would be like. Maybe they could have your unit always hit twice(one each weapon) but balance it by giving a penalty to defense and/or avoid, something along those lines. But then again, brave weapons would be pretty overpowered.

It would probably a severe reduction to HIT. Meaning yeah, 8 attacks but you'll probably only do the damage of 2...until you combine it with Hawkeye.

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If you want to kill your own allies maybe. Mythbusters tested that one, I believe and the dude would not survive this. But they did catapult corpses into besieged cities so that illnesses would spread. That'd be a bit too harsh for FE, though.

That's actually where I got the idea...

It's fantasy though, and hey, a lot of the classes do backflips and stuff already. I bet they're agile enough to maybe make a smooth landing. Unless they're an armored knight lol. Let's take Kellam and launch him into Fort Steiger! He'll be happy he's getting noticed, and he might land on one of the Valmese and crush them. OR we can go get some risen and use them instead, but we'll need tranquilizing darts...

I like the dual wielding and dual magics ideas.

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Radiant Dawn's support system, with full convos for certain pairs at A (or S, if it exists) rank.

An Anima system with Fire/Water/Wind/Earth magics that supports dual-type spells (for example, Thunder requires Fire and Wind ranks). Light and Dark can each be strong against two, weak against the other two and neutral to each other.

That sounds to be needlessly complicated. What is wrong with simplicity?

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There are many things I'd LIKE to add... but I think the one I'd like to see above all else would be actually two things working together.

1) Multi-branching classes. What can I say? I loved what they tried in FE8 and even liked what they fiddled around with in Awakening with the Second Seal. But the problem is that people would figure out what the best 'class' is rendering all the others moot and killing the multi-branch which is why...

2) PATCHES! We have the internet! We can tinker around with characters and classes to ensure things don't end up too wildly favoring one class over another!

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Oh! Branching paths an additional content based on character deaths. And not the completely messed up way Shadow Dragon rewarded you for massacring half your army. I mean if you're meant ot be protecting the princess as you travel across the continent and she dies in gameplay then the story continues on and different things happen as a result. Think Pelleas' death in Radiant Dawn except gameplay based. The way perma death is now in Fire Emblem actually just equates it to a gameover when ever anyone dies. If losing important characters changed the way the game is played then it would add replay value and actually give deaths meaning beyond "Abel got hit by a critical. Damn now I have to reset. That was a waste of two hours."

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Oh! Branching paths an additional content based on character deaths. And not the completely messed up way Shadow Dragon rewarded you for massacring half your army. I mean if you're meant ot be protecting the princess as you travel across the continent and she dies in gameplay then the story continues on and different things happen as a result. Think Pelleas' death in Radiant Dawn except gameplay based. The way perma death is now in Fire Emblem actually just equates it to a gameover when ever anyone dies. If losing important characters changed the way the game is played then it would add replay value and actually give deaths meaning beyond "Abel got hit by a critical. Damn now I have to reset. That was a waste of two hours."

Then they would have to program a whole other story. But why not?

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Then they would have to program a whole other story. But why not?

Branched paths existed in the GBA games, they just were not dependent on deaths.

Rather, they were based on EXP accolation, villages, and Player choice.

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Radiant Dawn's support system, with full convos for certain pairs at A (or S, if it exists) rank.

Ooh, being able to have Ike and Elincia marry one another (or at least get engaged) during the game? Even better. ^^

Edited by Anacybele
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The vast armory of FE10. Bring back greatlances, greataxes, blades, knives, crossbows and the plethora of extra spells back. Plus, bring back all the crazy staves from FE5 and other games. Plus, the weapons effective against cavs and armor Knights. The weapons like the hammer and horseslayer, except with the weapons like the longsword, poleaxe and heavy lances making a return. Oh and make it so units can carry 8 things like in RD too.

The reaver weapons from the GBA games can go burn in all the fires though. All they did was complicate the weapon triangle. It was difficult to keep track of which weapon type was good against a reaver weapon. Especially when you had a fight between two units using two reaver weapons. Too much to keep track of, the weapon triangle gets exponentially more complicated for them.

Oh and also, I liked dismounting in the SNES games. It added a cool option and made sense to me. It wouldn't make sense to being mounts in tight end castles, your maneuverability goes down the crapper in that situation. Also, you could dismount a peg knight to avoid archer bonus damage, and do so with cavs to avoid slayers as well. And the feeling of versatility I got from those classes was fun!

Edited by DomesticHausCat
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While I would, very much, enjoy branching story paths, I would like it to be based upon something actually directly under the players control. Something as simple as just giving them an 'A or B' type choice or going full-on dating sim and make the entire outcome change based upon whom the hero nuzzles up with at nights. I don't think character death paths should be a main mechanic and should remain a novelty.

What about character-specific attacks/abilities? Like, maybe, having two mages close together boosts their attack range by 1? Or a different version of the 'pair up' mechanic where it only works for husband/wife (or family in general rather) units?

But I'd really like to see some better reason to avoid fliers/mounted units. Maybe it's just me, but they seem to be outright dominate even in Awakening. Maybe alter their mechanics so that they HAVE to move to really attack? (maybe make their stats fairly low, but for each space they move in a straight line they get +1 to all stats till the end of the turn? That way they can't fight indoors as well and have to be careful about the EP since they'll be caught exposed). Course, this could also be my dislike of how worshiped mounted units are in tier lists as well.

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The reaver weapons from the GBA games can go burn in all the fires though. All they did was complicate the weapon triangle. It was difficult to keep track of which weapon type was good against a reaver weapon. Especially when you had a fight between two units using two reaver weapons. Too much to keep track of, the weapon triangle gets exponentially more complicated for them.

Not really, lol.


If an enemy has a Lancereaver, then just attack with an axe. Or an Axereaver, but that negates the doubled bonuses.

It's just thinking in reverse. You're making that sound way more complicated than it really is.

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