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Guitar Mafia - Game Over


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Mudslinging is a personal attack, and that is not. Don't get oversensitive because they can't pull out of an extraordinarily wrong tunnel scenario.

Randa, go ISO me. I'm not dealing with the same asinine stuff anymore.

And to be fair, I don't care if your a fan of the post or not. I can't please everyone here. And also, no they've hardly commented on the rest of the game. Refa's hardly been here. It's been one excuse after another, and BBM posts like three lines every 4 pages. Just because I've been around more, and had more people throwing the same useless questions at me redundantly, doesn't mean I haven't posted about other things. Jesus, read the game.

Also, you're attachment on to BBM and Refa now seems of more personal interest to you since you've been getting called scummy. lol, it's transparent.

acutally mudslinging can be misrepresenting someones argument so as to make them look worse. ie what you're doing.

also dont be so aggravated simply because pointed out the problems with your post. the entirity of this response reads as you trying to make me look dumb, which you dont have to try to do, and failing, i have read the thread and unfortunately it would appear that ia mstill correct. and you have still havent commented on anything not related to you. like at all.

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1) That's a dumb reason to dismiss my content and 2) Yes, I'm tunneling you. You're still ignoring the fact that I have VALID POINTS that you are not arguing against to any acceptable capacity.

I've seen no valid points at all. Make them concise and I might take interest, but as of right now, everything you've posted is semantics or moot.

To appease these MFers, here's my comprehensive read list:








Null: (Because they haven't done anything notable)



Needs to die:




Needs to remove head from my rear end (Aka the intestinal tunnel):



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acutally mudslinging can be misrepresenting someones argument so as to make them look worse. ie what you're doing.

also dont be so aggravated simply because pointed out the problems with your post. the entirity of this response reads as you trying to make me look dumb, which you dont have to try to do, and failing, i have read the thread and unfortunately it would appear that ia mstill correct. and you have still havent commented on anything not related to you. like at all.

Uh... no. That's just misrepresenting info, and namely what they're doing to make a case, which is still inaccurate. And furthermore, I'm not misrepresenting their info, if you can prove it, do so. But if you can't, then step down.

Hey Randa, prove what you claim, or else it's all nothing. I challenge you to do so, because I don't believe you can. Rather, I know you can't.

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Uh... no. That's just misrepresenting info, and namely what they're doing to make a case, which is still inaccurate. And furthermore, I'm not misrepresenting their info, if you can prove it, do so. But if you can't, then step down.

Hey Randa, prove what you claim, or else it's all nothing. I challenge you to do so, because I don't believe you can. Rather, I know you can't.

okay i can prove that bbm was discussing the matter of mancer, myself, rapier, and dewound in his posts. i can also prove that refa has been talked about his thoughts on mancer and dewound. i can also prove that makaze script needs to be updated because your iso is wonky. and since i can prove the way you are presenting is wrong. i can you prove you misrepresenting them. which can also be called mudslinging. and im not going to argue a definition with you, because thats just a waste of time.

dismissed as being a moron.

The people tunneling me aren't on my need to die list, jesus. And you talk about misrepresenting info..

lol. last i check they were at the scum end of your list. ie scum reads.

I'm completely done with this game for now.

Vig shoot Randa full of holes to deflate him.

okay buh bye. thank you for all your useful and relevant information on the topics we have been discussing and not just on people calling you out.

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so upon going through the thread and control+f your name. i see you talk about 2 things. one defending yourself taking up the majority of your posts and a slight comment on dewoud and i still have no idea what grimy means. so yes thank you for making me prove my point that you have spent defending yourself instead of scum hunting.

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I haven't actually read enough to tell whether or not the aggression I'm seeing here and there is malicious, but please make sure to keep the game civil.

ok ill be better behaved.

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I'm not reading your post Larsa, I don't have anything to argue as I know what role I am and I know what I've done, you don't need to feel justified in telling me how it is.

@Prims, I asked the mod about it and he basically told me that I'll have to wait and see, otherwise it does nothing. I could try it tonight at the least.

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[spoiler=because god this post was long]

i feel like your posts made more sense when i was drunk. anyways this reads like me in reclass wrt the sb thing. you make it so you have at least some grounds for a later lynch on the slot, without actually showing any conviction to the lynch. (that still doesnt sound right but i spent a solid ten minutes trying to figure out the wording.)

this seems to be trying to excuse a lack of posting thoughts on rvs, when we were already out of rvs. that seems logically flawed.

one this was unnecessarily snarky imo. two you answered your question. this means the question you asked was an attempt to feign content. which is scummy.

sorry, in rereading your opinions are more clear and i just wasn't reading very well. also i surprisingly agree with this post.

psych actually posting in a game. nope ruined my hopes. also since you are mayor you must clearly be an sk. :P:

wait there are people who can read psych correctly. all i remember is turbo'ing him in ittd and he flipped doc.

where did i put that whiskey. :Dozla:

i had something to say about this post. now i forgot. uhh itll come back to me.

idk. like it was pretty obvious in retrospect.

environmental clash probably. using votes to get answers is very common on sf.

i dont remember rapier ever defending me though. also yes i get the same vibes from dewound as i did marth in qprouge, lo and behold i was correct then. but im not getting the same town vibes from you.

i am about as legal as i was 4 years ago. so not in the slightest hasnt stopped me before. and ftr i was drunk day 1 of smt as well and you were scum with me then so i can be drunk as either alignment. and it should not be a factor on my alignment,

aside from that though i agree with the rest of this post.

southern comfort is great though. it gets me drunk quicker than jak's or jameisons.

long ass wall post that for the most part i agree with. except go back and read smt.


seriously i might need to be drunk to understand some of these post.

less snark please.

only amazing not fucking amazing. so go go turbo refa!


## vote refa


this is bad and you should feel bad. im kinda compelled to turbo you for this ngl.

so thats not a lot of original content. well whatever idc. i really cant seem to get my feet under me atm so. :KnollRoll:

also ## unvote

## vote:mancer

i feel like you have been around plenty and have had more than enough opportunities to actually put out your thoughts and i just havent got a townie feeling from what thoughts you have put out.

Are you trying to play this game? You're just idly commenting on things that don't go anywhere in the first place.

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Don't worry I wouldn't read it. Anyways my thoughts on that matter are a tad bit conflicted. I'm not a fan of the fact that Refa has been tunneling. Though he does admit to it which is rather interesting given that tunneling is usually seen as anti-town due to restricting discussion on other possible scum reads. It makes me conflicted on Refa in general. Now #HBC presents another conflicting slot to read. As I've stated I don't see a whole lot of scum hunting and I'm not horribly thrilled with that. Now the constant, and in my opinion invalidity of the defense, is very unbeneficial to town, but that's probably due to my own way of thinking about being wagoned. This makes me slightly incline to belive #HBC is scum, but I'm more concerned about mancer ATM. And I have a general null on Refa.

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its not hammer vote. you can still unvote and i would actually rather we have two people unvote given that we have a mayor which puts at risk even at L-2. (no offense psych) a hammer would have resulted in the mod giving a flip and all conversation ending,

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Right, I pay attention. Assuming the setup is like 10/3, a scum mayor would be pretty OP (not to mention the game being incredibly swingy), and as soon as the game hits LYLO a day sooner than its supposed to he'd be up for lynch. #DismissingScumReadsWithRolespec

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Uh Randa, I don't know which part of me have been largely around because I've been pretty busy and caught up with life (and medication) lately. There's also the issue of SF eating up my posts that's irritating me right now.

Larsa looks really horrible to me at the moment. I don't like his listpost (I don't think I'll ever like listposts) and I don't like his interaction with Randa. I agree that he's placed most players that had suspicions on him earlier this phase in his scum list (BBM and Refa). He seems to be flailing around when Randa pointed him out on his OMGUS.

Also, you hardly ever pushed me, please..... Rapier is the one that has actually been pushing me at all, the only thing you ever did to me was to ask me about the possibiity of a gambit with a scum claiming miller.

Probably going to reread the first few pages soon. My memory of them is very hazy due to having read them while I was horribly drowsy. SF eating up my posts irritates me too because my posts seem shorter whenever I have to retype it.

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and ftr i was drunk day 1 of smt as well and you were scum with me then so i can be drunk as either alignment. and it should not be a factor on my alignment,

this is so weird and self-conscious lol why would you need to point this out

I think Randa is scum tbh, the Mancer vote is uninspiring at this point.

Want clear dewound reads out of Refa and Randa.

@EvilG: What are your opinions on people? I get that this is your first game but I can't even tell if you're reading the thread.

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You haven't? So why are you so memorable to me? I'm gonna go check that cause I usually don't remember people with substandard activity. (Except beli, because he really knows how to piss me off at times.)

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...I'd probably go for Psych/Randa. Randa saying he couldn't draw conclusions from Mancer and Rapier's posts was questionable when Rapier had clear opinions.


2.] I am calling serious BS on Prims and Larsa claiming that dewound is lying about his claim. Why the hell would dewound fakeclaim roleblocker, a role that is far more recurring as scum than town? The enabler aspect is a whole other monster that I will not touch.

3.] Larsa vs. Refa is grating on me. I am noting this because it is an interaction I have to take a deeper look at but initially it interests me far less than Randa, which I will get to soon. I will say that for D1 purposes, I am uninterested in a lynch of either two parties. Refa has been

4.] I am all for a Randa lynch after #194. For as much johns as he has produced for not posting real content, I am underwhelmed from what I see here. It is largely agreeing with people here and there...it strikes me as very sideline-heavy and lacks the oomph I expect from an innocent who is genuine with his scumhunting. A lot of his comments are irrelevant to finding scum and others are easy stances to take that progress nowhere, e.g., telling EvilG is would-be hammer is bad with no attempt at dissecting his motives or questioning him. I have been keeping an eye out for a profile of "(active-)lurking scum whose hands are clean of direct engagement" and Randa fits it. When he does engage someone in Larsa, I am grossed out by it. While Larsa has talked about himself a lot too, his scumhunting is there and Randa acting like it is not reeks of him riding the waves that Town has had against Larsa. Stating that Larsa is OMGUS'ing everyone who challenges him is ridiculous and about as surface-level as you can get; Randa has been picking at the easiest points that have been placed against Larsa and pushing it out there in lieu of better content hard. His lack of a stance on Refa in #215 is waffly and I am not a fan of how he equivocates his read on him.

5.] Gorf, part of you wants to policy lynch EvilG for his latest posts, hm? Is that still the case? Why so?

6.] What is a mayor? I am familiar with that as being synonymous with governor from other places, but I am assuming it means doublevoter here?

7.] Mancer and Randa both being on board with a Larsa lynch makes me want to lynch him even less.

8.] I want a Randa lynch and encourage everyone to vote him. Behind that, I am happy with a dewound lynch and you can consider myself there in spirit.

##Vote: Randa

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So I have some inclination as to why I thought mancer was more active than he was. Early activity and commenting on the early topics kinda got muddled in my mind. Sorry about that. And that does reduce most if not all the logical problems I had with you.

So since I don't feel like voting off a gut read


## Vote HBC

Already stated that the general lack of scum hunting in addition to omgus scum list are what bother me.

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