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2.] I am calling serious BS on Prims and Larsa claiming that dewound is lying about his claim. Why the hell would dewound fakeclaim roleblocker, a role that is far more recurring as scum than town? The enabler aspect is a whole other monster that I will not touch.

I'll explain should the lynch on him suddenly become unlikely, but let's just say my reasons are very solid and I imagine most people would agree if I claimed them.

Besides my own info though "enabler" just sounds like an unprovable claim tacked on to give town incentive not to lynch him while also sounding more unique.

Randa needs to go but dewound is higher priority for me.

Mayor is a doublevoter, yeah.

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So wrt dewond: I see him as scum read, like I said earlier he strikes me as I did Marth in qprouge. He actually strikes me as playing in the same exact fashion. ie pointlessly defending mancer and then, rather amusingly, getting counter claimed. Least I think that's what you did. If not I don't what role based information you would have. I still thought mancer was worse. And at this point feel slightly worse about HRC, not to mention it would be dumb to put someone at L-1 with like 24 hours. I think.

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yeah sorry I haven't done much the last two days I kinda had a rough day yesterday involving calling the cops on myself so my focus hasn't really been on mafia

vote stays where it is because on my skim through, Mancer stills pings me

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Uh Randa, I don't know which part of me have been largely around because I've been pretty busy and caught up with life (and medication) lately. There's also the issue of SF eating up my posts that's irritating me right now.

Larsa looks really horrible to me at the moment. I don't like his listpost (I don't think I'll ever like listposts) and I don't like his interaction with Randa. I agree that he's placed most players that had suspicions on him earlier this phase in his scum list (BBM and Refa). He seems to be flailing around when Randa pointed him out on his OMGUS.

Also, you hardly ever pushed me, please..... Rapier is the one that has actually been pushing me at all, the only thing you ever did to me was to ask me about the possibiity of a gambit with a scum claiming miller.

Probably going to reread the first few pages soon. My memory of them is very hazy due to having read them while I was horribly drowsy. SF eating up my posts irritates me too because my posts seem shorter whenever I have to retype it.

BBM and Refa are not on my scum list for the third time, now. Read, please. This is why I'm frustrated. There specifically on my STOP TUNNELING list. My scum list is Dewound, you, and Randa.




2.] I am calling serious BS on Prims and Larsa claiming that dewound is lying about his claim. Why the hell would dewound fakeclaim roleblocker, a role that is far more recurring as scum than town? The enabler aspect is a whole other monster that I will not touch.

3.] Larsa vs. Refa is grating on me. I am noting this because it is an interaction I have to take a deeper look at but initially it interests me far less than Randa, which I will get to soon. I will say that for D1 purposes, I am uninterested in a lynch of either two parties. Refa has been

4.] I am all for a Randa lynch after #194. For as much johns as he has produced for not posting real content, I am underwhelmed from what I see here. It is largely agreeing with people here and there...it strikes me as very sideline-heavy and lacks the oomph I expect from an innocent who is genuine with his scumhunting. A lot of his comments are irrelevant to finding scum and others are easy stances to take that progress nowhere, e.g., telling EvilG is would-be hammer is bad with no attempt at dissecting his motives or questioning him. I have been keeping an eye out for a profile of "(active-)lurking scum whose hands are clean of direct engagement" and Randa fits it. When he does engage someone in Larsa, I am grossed out by it. While Larsa has talked about himself a lot too, his scumhunting is there and Randa acting like it is not reeks of him riding the waves that Town has had against Larsa. Stating that Larsa is OMGUS'ing everyone who challenges him is ridiculous and about as surface-level as you can get; Randa has been picking at the easiest points that have been placed against Larsa and pushing it out there in lieu of better content hard. His lack of a stance on Refa in #215 is waffly and I am not a fan of how he equivocates his read on him.

5.] Gorf, part of you wants to policy lynch EvilG for his latest posts, hm? Is that still the case? Why so?

6.] What is a mayor? I am familiar with that as being synonymous with governor from other places, but I am assuming it means doublevoter here?

7.] Mancer and Randa both being on board with a Larsa lynch makes me want to lynch him even less.

8.] I want a Randa lynch and encourage everyone to vote him. Behind that, I am happy with a dewound lynch and you can consider myself there in spirit.

##Vote: Randa

I'm only doubting it due to balance issues. My role sort've conflicts with that claim, and if Prims does as well...then there's no way he's town. Town RB would throw balance, imo, if Prims is also contesting that, then Dewound is highly likely to be a scum RB.

Me calling BS on his claim is to the town effect, because it would present an insane balance problem if he was townsided with both me and Prims having role related qualms with it.

Dewound needs to go.

Also THANK YOU for nailing my sentiments on Randa. He's as surfacey as you can get, and when I asked him to expound and prove it, he couldn't.

I'm in favor of Dewound ToDay, and then Randa toMorrow.

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yeah sorry I haven't done much the last two days I kinda had a rough day yesterday involving calling the cops on myself so my focus hasn't really been on mafia

vote stays where it is because on my skim through, Mancer stills pings me

Woah, hope everything is good... Sounds rough. Sending prayers your way.

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FWIW, surface-y is how I remember Randa in, like, his one scum game from when he was very new and had to sub out. I feel good about offing him after dewound.

Requesting Larsa not elaborate on his role any further, just to be safe.

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FWIW, surface-y is how I remember Randa in, like, his one scum game from when he was very new and had to sub out. I feel good about offing him after dewound.Requesting Larsa not elaborate on his role any further, just to be safe.

Shining force wasn't it.

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Want clear dewound reads out of Refa and Randa.

My initial impression of dewound from my skimming was town (not so much his hard defense of Mancer, but moreso general tone wise); I'll get a more definite read out soon, I just need to muster up the will to post. I saw the bit about you (and HBC) CC'ing him or whatever you did, but two people CC'ing him seems kind of off to me. Like his claim didn't read as a fakeclaim to me, and if that is his actual role, it seems weird that it would contradict two town roles.

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FWIW, surface-y is how I remember Randa in, like, his one scum game from when he was very new and had to sub out. I feel good about offing him after dewound.

Requesting Larsa not elaborate on his role any further, just to be safe.

I didn't plan on it, Prims. Fo sho.

@Refa: Right? If it hadn't been for Prims having a role problem with him, I wouldn't have further CC'd him, because standalone it was plausible just highly unlikely, now with Prims and myself it seems absurd.

Also love how Dewound has went AWOL on us, even though I know he's been around, He's skim milkin it

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Addendum: I can see the Enabler portion being a fakeclaim, because what even is Enabler supposed to enable? If anyone has a role that needs enabling, they should like claim it.

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I'm sorry what does skim milkin mean. I legitimately have no idea.

Also Refa being demotivated? Almost guarenteed to be scum.

I was just being dumb skimming as in skimming the thread but not reading and milking the time so he doesn't appear before deadline.

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I was just being dumb skimming as in skimming the thread but not reading and milking the time so he doesn't appear before deadline.

Thank you. That should've been obvious but I'm really out of it rn.

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Refa that's such a blatant role fishing. DO NOT CLAIM. They wouldn't know it anyways... many roles could use enablers. Doc, Cop, etc. Hell even Vig if he wanted it to have one. Too many possibilities.

##IGMEOU, Refa.

...They should claim that their role needs to be enabled, not what their role is. ;/

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We got about 19 hours left before deadline, and as much as I'm down to kill Dewound toDay. Omega almost is compelling enough to off Randa first. I agree about the false presence earlier part of the Day, furthermore later posts are a lot of one liners and fluffed up posts with no substantiation later.

@Everyone: To start getting our lynch together before deadline creeps up on us: Do we want a wounded Dewound toDay? Or do we want to Randangle Randa from the noose? Those are the two most compelling lynch choices atm. Mancer, upon a re-read, seems less likely as scum to me now, especially with Dewounds defense. If Dewound flips scum, Mancer is almost assuredly town from content, imo

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Oh...my bad actually. I thought enabler was an active ability that allowed someone to use their role. But on the wiki it says that enablers are told what power role they enable? So wouldn't dewound know...

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Oh...my bad actually. I thought enabler was an active ability that allowed someone to use their role. But on the wiki it says that enablers are told what power role they enable? So wouldn't dewound know...

Yeah he should, unless Mod hid it, which is unlikely, unless he's using bastard mechanics. Which further more makes Dewound smell like a cow pasture

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