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Guitar Mafia - Game Over


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dude fuck yea @ people dogging the enabler claim. i usually dont sit well with em and i forgot why till reading: theyre fuckin unprovable and MAD easy for scum to pull. plus, unless he botched the claim, enablers are supposed to be straightforward roles (correct me if im wrong?)

@locals how much experience does randa have? cuz for all that i can understand people reading em as scum, guts telling me dumb cautious town @_@

@omega cuz he tried just up n hammering with 30 hours left and its pretty clear that hes not going to put effort into the game. my mind changing is dependent on him doing stuff. like iirc theres at least some semblence of content from the rest of the cast.

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We got about 19 hours left before deadline, and as much as I'm down to kill Dewound toDay. Omega almost is compelling enough to off Randa first. I agree about the false presence earlier part of the Day, furthermore later posts are a lot of one liners and fluffed up posts with no substantiation later.

@Everyone: To start getting our lynch together before deadline creeps up on us: Do we want a wounded Dewound toDay? Or do we want to Randangle Randa from the noose? Those are the two most compelling lynch choices atm. Mancer, upon a re-read, seems less likely as scum to me now, especially with Dewounds defense. If Dewound flips scum, Mancer is almost assuredly town from content, imo

honestly the only thing stopping me from requesting a premature dewound hammer is that Refa and EvilG haven't given us enough to go on
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Add Psyche to that list too, he's been pretty nonexistent as well. EvilG just needs to opt for replacement really, or someone needs to do us service and off him for us, lol.

How funny would it be if he was lurking scum, and tried to alpha strike hammer Dewound...? Is he new? If he tried to Alpha him, I'm gonna lmfao. Of course, that's highly unlikely I do believe.

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^^Psych's probably not scum based off of role alone (Scum!Mayor is pretty powerful, and I wouldn't expect to see it in a 13P game), and EvilG's play so far doesn't strike me as newbie scum. Just my two cents, which are actually $200 because of how swag my opinions are.

#HBC, listing my issues with you below.

-Contradicting yourself by saying you made a joke vote on Poly, but then later explaining it anyways (yes, this is relatively minor but it's still ~a thing~, as certain people would put it, hi Euklyd).

-You consistently mention that things could be viewed as scummy or could be a scum gambit. That's...just being paranoid for the sake of being paranoid, which is bad.

-You have a lot of content but most of it is focused on defending yourself; it comes across as overly self-conscious

-You haven't really scumhunted. So far, you voted Mancer because of one contradiction and made an admittedly good case on dewound (if he flipped scum, you'd probably be town by association)

-Your wall post had several reads that weren't actually substantiated by your prior content (Rapier, Poly, Randa). Would like further explanation on these in particular.

In all fairness, reading back I can see why a lot of your posts are defensive (didn't really ever register how many people were prodding you over that). I get that. What I still don't like is how you've made minimal effort to hunt the scums (really it's mostly been dewound); if you're town, surely you should be able to see where I'm coming from here. For starters, maybe explain your opinions in your list post, because as it is, it's kind of hard to get anything out of that.

1.] Refa, what has you thinking that Poly would not fakeclaim such a role as scum?

2.] Larsa's insistence on responding to every single problem with him concerns me. Larsa, why are you so focused on defending yourself here as opposed to looking for scum? I am reading page 2 and see you swatting flies. You are all over the place with your explanation of Poly's claim bothering you as well, and it is rather gross that much of your focus happens to be on your first critic, Refa.

4.] Dewound's 87 catches my eye. Boy, there sure are a lot of townies in this game but I'm waiting for the scum. Calling BS on Refa's Prims read as "too soon"; his earlier pardon of Poly shows he's a meta-dependent player and this reads as forced. Prims' pointing out of Dewound's calling Mancer's and Larsa's play fine is gold. Dewoundscum likes to take advantage of various SvT and TvT arguments so he ends up in good standing with both sides. Not liking this.

6.] I will have a vig list soon. Also, this game has me remembering how much my site loves making themselves look like scum.

1) Meta

2) Him responding to everything isn't scummy, it's him doing only that which is the problem. Agree with you about him being all over the place WRT Poly's claim though.

4) Am I really a meta dependent player? ;_: That makes me feel so mediocre, man.

6) Vig list? Really? We may not even have a vig considering this is a 13P game, after all (unless you'd like to claim).

3.] Larsa vs. Refa is grating on me. I am noting this because it is an interaction I have to take a deeper look at but initially it interests me far less than Randa, which I will get to soon. I will say that for D1 purposes, I am uninterested in a lynch of either two parties. Refa has been the most wonderful townie I have ever laid my eyes upon. His style, grace, wonderful posting habits, great avatar, etc. etc. have made it plainly obvious that he is the epitome of mafia playing.

Finished that thought for you. :>

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dewound's first post sure is a post. Don't like how he dismissed Prims' read on Mancer (not because he dismissed it, but like I can't even tell what his issues with Prims' read is), but everything else seems fine to me. Also I don't get what his issues with Rapier are overall, so his side comment there just confuses me. I really liked his response to Prims actually; like I don't agree with it at all (lol) but I can get his issues with Prims' and his Mancer read (which was one of my issues with his last po...wait you just read that). Prims made a good point about his dismissal of the HBC Larsa case, though; he keeps on saying that HBC is a go getter or whatever but never actually explains why that is the case. Also thought his explanation of why he was defending Mancer ("I don't like seeing the people who I town-read get wagoned, and I will gladly defend them") was townie as fuck. Don't like his Rapier case though; he's just cherrypicking Rapier's vote on Mancer while ignoring the rest of the dude's content (you don't do that to my townreads, yo). His frustration at all of the scumreads on him reads as genuine to me, though. I know I've been pretty conflicted here, but honestly I do think that his TOWN POINTS overweigh his SCUM POINTS; the only reason I'm cool with a lynch on him at all is because Prims' role apparently conflicts with his. I'm going to be honest here, I'm kind of hoping that dewound flips town (Town Refa, circa 2014). I can't see anyone being scum with him other than like Mancer (and even that's kind of tenous because I'm more inclined to believe that scum's hard defending town over their scumbuddies), so...yeah.

Regarding Randa, I don't want to lynch him. I can see where other people are coming from (about him not being particularly helpful), but I'm just not getting the scum vibes from him. Admittedly I might be biased just because his posts have been entertaining for me but whatever I don't even care. Also BBM had the best townread on Randa ever, drunk town rules. I didn't get any reads off of him concerning his list post, for better or for worse. Also only town would ever call for a turbolynch on me.

Thoughts on Mancer (I almost said Manix lol) are pretty much the same. His play overall just feels very different to me compared to the last game; I'm just not feeling the aggression or the pressure in any way. Could be because I'm town this time around (ha, rhyming), but I dunno. Paste my issues with dewound's Rapier case here; we're not lynching him today lol.

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I'm always wondering what non players think when they're reading the thread and viewing my posts. I feel like everyone is thinking MAN THAT REFA IS SURE OBVIOUS SCUM WHY ARE THEY NOT LYNCHING HIM, but you're wrong (for once)!

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Larsa, I'm not sure what tunnel goggles you've managed to glue to your head but it's wrong. I think I run a much higher risk to fully claim all of my role aspects over not explictly revealing something, wouldn't you think? This is all rather conjecture on my part because you can keep telling me that somehow this coincides with me being scum but I don't know how much of a fool you'll feel when you see I'm not lying about anything. I can't tell why the mod has disclosed it to me, but I can tell you that if I were to guess that 'compensation' works as a trigger of some sort, and I don't see how that's bastard and nor do I see why you think this is somehow a crucial point into why I'm scum. I've wanted to town-read you but boy you are playing so dense to the possibility to me being town right now that I somehow got a second wind to tell you how you need to start reading me as a player instead of reading me as a role that I claimed, and I completely hold to claiming said role because the last thing I want is to get myself mislynched if I can stop it, so literally don't tell me that it's 'anti-town' or 'town doesn't have incentive' to do that because it's in my complete right to ensure I do what I think is best.

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I'm sick of defending myself, let's talk about the people in this game shall we? I'll say that this game is quite hard to post in as you have a case of where certain people have complete control of the thread and are pushing discussion/avenues that they want, and then others who haven't really done so much beyond elaborate for the person they're voting (I'll give you a hint: most of them is for me).

I don't think Prims is scum for trying to CC me in a way that isn't explict but hinting on to as why he thinks I could be scum based on my role alone, in fact it's quite townie. I haven't fully had any problems with Prims at all either and so far he's been sensible and I enjoy most of what he's posted. I don't want to hear someone tell me I'm fishing here but I would honestly like to know what it is that somehows contradicts my role? If I'm directly speaking to prims here, you've essentially put yourself as a target for scum anyways so there really isn't any point to mince words here.

Omega on surface is really good but it might be the playstyle difference that is throwing me for a loop. I hesitate on townreading him because I know he is not a slacker at this game and that what I mostly feel for Omega is that I agree with him a lot but I'm not seeing him get heated with the discussion as much as I'd like to. It is almost safe in a manner and I hope he calls me out on it because right now I'm not content with the way he has been playing this game, and I'm wondering why everyone else is for that matter.

Larsa's being..really weird right now. I don't know where to take my read on Larsa at the moment and unlike Omega where I think his surface is good, I think it's scatterbrained and really hard to read because from an objective viewpoint because Larsa spends too much time fluffing up his posts with longwinded conclusions that are an eyesore to read. I wouldn't call it necessarily scummy at the moment but I will say that his alignment will be easy to figure out following his consistent he is on his claims and how he has been moving forward with the game.

Randa is simple vigbait and I don't feel like talking about him, I would hammer if someone asked me to. I think the lynch today needs to be between a Randa/Gorf if you want me to be honest but maybe I'm again the crazy man taking pills to not town-read Gorf here; maybe the people town-reading him could tell me more why he is somehow town? I haven't seen him progress his read on me at all and he's just been sitting on his vote this whole time, I'm not sure where that's townie.

Speaking of vote


Rapier's fine and I don't think I'm going to get anything out of him anymore. Everyone else not mentioned here needs to do some legwork as I don't feel like reading someone who isn't there half of the time.

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Oh yeah, that EvilG fella. He's probably town as I don't think he would make himself obvious, even if he might be a bit noobish, I would pay close attention to the people who will try and mislynch him later on if anything.

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dewound (5): Gorf, BBM, Prims, HBC Larsa, EvilG (L-2)
MancerNecro (2): Rapier, Polydeuce

Rapier (1): Mancer

Randa (3): Psych, Omega
HBC Larsa (2): Refa, Randa

With 13 alive it takes 7 to hammer. Phase ends in 12~ hours. (Countdown.)

Psych and BBM are requesting a sub.

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I'll explain should the lynch on him suddenly become unlikely, but let's just say my reasons are very solid and I imagine most people would agree if I claimed them.

Don't want any elaboration on your role today (although if dewound flips town, people should definitely be asking you about this tomorrow), but how likely do you think that he is scum based solely off of role reasons?

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If BBM was scum, I'll rage. I don't think I've been the same alignment as SB since...SMT Mafia lol (but since I was really Deathbound all along, that doesn't really count either).

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You should answer my totally legit question.

I don't think I've been the same alignment as Refa since a few games ago

I don't think I've been the same alignment as dewound ever

Fantasy was closer than SMT!

Yeah, same here. Weird how that works out, isn't it?

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I'm always wondering what non players think when they're reading the thread and viewing my posts. I feel like everyone is thinking MAN THAT REFA IS SURE OBVIOUS SCUM WHY ARE THEY NOT LYNCHING HIM, but you're wrong (for once)!

This is literally what I thought as I was reading along gg.

My general thoughts at that time were like

general thoughts:

poly town

prims town

bbm town

rapier town

gorf town

mancer scum

refa scum

psych scum

Haven't been able to get a grasp on most of the new people easily but now that I'm actually playing I can try harder I guess. Probably won't be able to get a good post up for a while though.

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This is literally what I thought as I was reading along gg.

My general thoughts at that time were like

general thoughts:

poly town

prims town

bbm town

rapier town

gorf town

mancer scum

refa scum

psych scum

Haven't been able to get a grasp on most of the new people easily but now that I'm actually playing I can try harder I guess. Probably won't be able to get a good post up for a while though.

I agree with most of your townreads (except Gorf, don't have a read on him based on his posting style), but do you really think there'd be a scum mayor? Good job on your Refa read though,10/10 would kill

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bleh actually my sleep schedule is wonky and I'm worried I'll wake up to find you guys hammered somebody else last minute; weirder things have happened.

Sorry Larsa but I was misleading, my claim actually doesn't CC anybody at all, I just didn't expect anybody else to jump in. I have a day cop ability which I used on dewound and got a guilty, so there is like a 0% chance he is town rn.

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(I mostly just held back so we'd get more out of the day first, but Refa has posted, Psych is subbing out and I think EvilG is probably newbtown given dewound scum.)

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Wrt Dewound's claim stuff, I think that his role is legit but is probably scum, and it disables the doc or something when it dies. Vhaltz put a bunch of shitty useless/negative utility roles in NSP in his Motk game, so.

Scum Mayor could easily exist lol.

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