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Guitar Mafia - Game Over


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And by looking good I mean, good to lynch. Oh look Omega saying the same....except playing tunnel the Gorf. Idk about that, Gorf DOES love to bus his partners. But he was a forerunner on the Dewound lynch. I don't see it yet, Omega.

Gorf is likely innocent on a Randa scum flip; the inverse is true on a town flip. I believe that Dewound's flip is irrelevant to his alignment.
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-Something that struck me as really off was him [dewound] reading OmegaG in the last post. Like, he'd never said ANYTHING about the dude before...so what exactly is the scum benefit of putting out a read on the dude in his last content post and being like "I hesitate townreading this guy". Going to have to reread him to make sure probably (since before he was just kind of a null read), but I would really like more input on this.

I love it!

Gorf, what do you make of this find?

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Gorf is likely innocent on a Randa scum flip; the inverse is true on a town flip. I believe that Dewound's flip is irrelevant to his alignment.

I see where you're coming from now, and I accept that. He initiated the push, so I see where you're coming from on the Gorf bussing his partner deal.

Yeah, I can see that.

@SB: He does that... A lot.

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I'll do it when I get around to ISOing everyone, I sware.

Gorf is likely innocent on a Randa scum flip; the inverse is true on a town flip. I believe that Dewound's flip is irrelevant to his alignment.

This is bad reasoning, especially since Randa is town and Gorf's probably not scum (whoever said he was second on the dewound wagon was totally right). Even if the dude likes bussing a lot, a scum lynch is still relevant to his alignment, perhaps even more so. Do you think he bussed? If so, what actions of his came across that way? If there aren't any signs that point to him bussing, then he's probably town.

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I'll do it when I get around to ISOing everyone, I sware.


Why is Randa town? I'm not sold on him being scum without properly reading him but the fact he never mentioned an opinion on Dewound yesterday doesn't make him look great.

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Okay fair enough.. I thought you slipped for sexxx. To be fair though, it is prob obvious we have dumb scum to not think enough to not go for the optimal kill and go for the second best.


that could seem very wrong out of context.


Why is Randa town? I'm not sold on him being scum without properly reading him but the fact he never mentioned an opinion on Dewound yesterday doesn't make him look great.

i say im town because tyne-wear mafia. or whatever the one with parahessia was. i dont really remember but i was about as motivated as i am now.

also i did mention dewound in my giant quote post iirc. and if i didnt, which i swear i did and will be kinda surprised if i didnt, then i mentioned it when prims asked for clarification.

also also, prims was your claim of day cop a gambit to convince town to vote with you to nab your scum read or was it you busing your partner, cause my role cop says that are not a cop, but rather a lover-maker, which seems kinda useless as scum but whatever. care to address why that would appear as such?

also also also im not going to vote prims for this if only because FAYZ mafia.

also also also also what does #HBC stand for

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Why is Randa town? I'm not sold on him being scum without properly reading him but the fact he never mentioned an opinion on Dewound yesterday doesn't make him look great.

It's mostly just flipped scum being OK with lynching him (I agree that him not mentioning an opinion on dewound is LAME on his part, but it doesn't make sense for dewound to be distancing from him and scum!him to just ignore dewound), and the fact that Mancer is PROBABLY NOT scumbuddies with Randa considering yesterday (admittedly that last one only makes sense if you're scumreading Mancer but whatever). Looking back, my townread on him is not as strong as I thought when I wrote that post, but noone's actually made a half decent case on Randa so it's still legit.

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also also, prims was your claim of day cop a gambit to convince town to vote with you to nab your scum read or was it you busing your partner, cause my role cop says that are not a cop, but rather a lover-maker, which seems kinda useless as scum but whatever. care to address why that would appear as such?

also also also im not going to vote prims for this if only because FAYZ mafia.

There was no reason for Prims to lie about being daycop as town (because dewound was going to get lynched anyways) if you're telling the truth. Lover maker would be useful as fuck for scum lol.

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because day cop seemed really op in a 13 person setup.even if it were limited, such as mine is, so it wouldnt get completely out of control, so basically i felt like it would be unbalanced unless vhaltz made a really op scum team, which i doubt because dewounds flip.

also apparantely i mentioned dewound as an aside when i was addressing mancer.

i dont remember rapier ever defending me though. also yes i get the same vibes from dewound as i did marth in qprouge, lo and behold i was correct then. but im not getting the same town vibes from you.

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There was no reason for Prims to lie about being daycop as town (because dewound was going to get lynched anyways) if you're telling the truth. Lover maker would be useful as fuck for scum lol.

also town prims didnt really have a lot of reason to lie about being cop in fayz and he was sadly, and kinda hysterically, vigged for that.

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also town prims didnt really have a lot of reason to lie about being cop in fayz and he was sadly, and kinda hysterically, vigged for that.

Maybe the same thing will happen here. You never know...

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Just going to claim for full disclosure, because 1) I was planning on doing it anyways, albeit later when I had ISO'd everyone else and 2) I really want to know what other people think about this setupwise. I'm Suicide Dayvig (but for some reason, my alignment doesn't show up when I flip; I wonder why that is), and while this probably shows some failing of me as a mafia player that I thought Suicide Dayvig and Daycop could exist in the same setup (I was kind of skeptical but I didn't get why Prims would fakeclaim daycop as scum when dewound was going to get lynched regardless and it wouldn't make him look any townier), but whatever I'm claiming now OK fuck you.

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you guys post too fast

I could easily see gorf being early on dewound's wagon trying to manufacture interactions then being forced to stick to it once it took off. what especially bugs me is that dewound spent d1 "forcing" himself to suspect Gorf when there was no real reason to, at least none ever explained.

also also, prims was your claim of day cop a gambit to convince town to vote with you to nab your scum read or was it you busing your partner, cause my role cop says that are not a cop, but rather a lover-maker, which seems kinda useless as scum but whatever. care to address why that would appear as such?

uhhh I'm not a lover-maker, I am legitimately a day cop. Presumably you were redirected. but why that in mind: why the fuck would you target me after D1? also why the random limitation? are you the scum rolecop randa?

##Vote: Randa

No more claims today, please.

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Just going to claim for full disclosure, because 1) I was planning on doing it anyways, albeit later when I had ISO'd everyone else and 2) I really want to know what other people think about this setupwise. I'm Suicide Dayvig (but for some reason, my alignment doesn't show up when I flip; I wonder why that is), and while this probably shows some failing of me as a mafia player that I thought Suicide Dayvig and Daycop could exist in the same setup (I was kind of skeptical but I didn't get why Prims would fakeclaim daycop as scum when dewound was going to get lynched regardless and it wouldn't make him look any townier), but whatever I'm claiming now OK fuck you.

ok so dont vig anybody yet. we should all talk this through first.

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