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Guitar Mafia - Game Over


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Every time I see a no kill night I think of CY'OR.

##Vote: Refa

Look up for reasoning. Need to look into Mancer further because that hammer out of nowhere sucked and he was completely unmemorable yesterday, as well as the people who all came from (whatever site it was) except Gorf.

Prims pls tell me you have another daycop.

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I didn't really read anything during the night phase honestly. I'm kind of hoping that someone just was like "I watched Prims, these two guys visited him" so I can be super lazy. Still bothered by Manixnonotmanix Mancer, but Imma gonna have to read up on dem associative reads. Noone else makes sense to me as a scumbuddy though so meh. Kind of at a loss at this point; someone had to have bussed dewound.

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I didn't really read anything during the night phase honestly. I'm kind of hoping that someone just was like "I watched Prims, these two guys visited him" so I can be super lazy. Still bothered by Manixnonotmanix Mancer, but Imma gonna have to read up on dem associative reads. Noone else makes sense to me as a scumbuddy though so meh. Kind of at a loss at this point; someone had to have bussed dewound.

Oh really? Why say Prims?

##Vote: Refa

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Gorf's scum meta is to bus his buddies straight to hell while dewound's is to get in a lot of interaction with his buddy in staged conflict.

These happened, though I still feel strongly there is at least 1 scum between Randa and Zyth. I would steamroll them if I was running the show...

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Uh, who would scum want dead more than the obvtown who lead the lynch on one of their members?

Idk, but part of winning as scum is picking kills that won't be obvious protected targets. He was the obvious choice for protection and whoever doc was picked right.

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im thinkin the lynch is probz zyth randa or possibly mancer. i havent decided whether or not that interaction between em was the "im gonna defend a townie and hope i lose so i look good" ploy or him thinking town didnt have shit on his mate and that he can logically defend em. either way its either strong town or strong scum. but id probz rather one of the former two first.

bbl homies

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@locals how much experience does randa have? cuz for all that i can understand people reading em as scum, guts telling me dumb cautious town @_@

@omega cuz he tried just up n hammering with 30 hours left and its pretty clear that hes not going to put effort into the game. my mind changing is dependent on him doing stuff. like iirc theres at least some semblence of content from the rest of the cast.


So, Randa gets to be innocent while EvilG is in the lynch pool...I find it difficult to believe that Randa gets handwaved off gut while the latter gets thrown into the dumpster with no effort to analyze his intentions.

I think we should play a game called tunnel the Gorf on a Randa town flip! What do you say?

##Vote: Randa

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Randa's looking good to me from his late D1 posts.

I wanna see how Zyth plays out from his previous slot's owner.

And Mancer..eh, Dewound flipping scum is telling on his slot. From the interaction I want to say he's town, but idk for sure. Need to see more Mancer to solidify that read.

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I bet dewound changed his name to personally spite ME and make it harder for ME to ISO him. : < Anyways, here's what I got out of it (too lazy to read anyone else for associations ATM because I read through the thread like three times on Day 1 and it was so much effort).

-Totally voted for his scumbuddy Gorf in RVS. #Roofaquest2014

-Made a one off line defending Psych and Poly in his first content post; considering he never mentions either of them again (well, Poly once after but who's counting), I'm inclined to believe it's just a one off comment intended to pad his post rather than furthering the SCUM AGENDA.

-His defense of Larsa is pretty bad actually (already stated my issues with it yesterday, I think), but Larsa looks better because of interactions from his end; so dropping that read. Actually his later comments towards Larsa after Larsa began scumreading him are also in favor of Larsa (being town)... Fuck me.

-He defended Mancer as well, and like with his Larsa defense, it was inadequate. He calls out Prims on grasping with his read on Mancer, but doesn't explain why that is until a few posts down the line (although on an ISO, his explanation doesn't really answer any of his issues with Prims' read on Mancer). Some cool townie dude pointed out that there was a discrepancy with him hard defending (going as far as to say the number of votes on Mancer's wagon were shameful) what he later admitted to being a null read, and that's a good point. Normally I'd be less sure because hard defending your scumbuddy only for them to amount to a null read is really suboptimal play, but he also didn't even suggest any counterwagons to his own so eh. Should probably read interactions from Mancer's end later on, but I have to go like buy video games.

-Rapier is probably town because he's the only person dewound pushed to any significant degree; this is completely useless information because I already knew that Rapier was town anyways. Why couldn't you have pushed BBM?

-If Randa was his scumbuddy, I'm not sure he'd refer to the dude as vigbait. Admittedly a relatively weak read, but it's a thing.

-Something that struck me as really off was him reading OmegaG in the last post. Like, he'd never said ANYTHING about the dude before...so what exactly is the scum benefit of putting out a read on the dude in his last content post and being like "I hesitate townreading this guy". Going to have to reread him to make sure probably (since before he was just kind of a null read), but I would really like more input on this.

-His EvilG read at the very end there seems like he's trying to go for an easy mislynch/vig IMO.

##Vote: Mancer

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Sorry, but I'm pretty sure I bus more than Gorf.

Omega lining up lynches for no real reason is awful, and I'm kind of questioning his jump off of dewound yesterday. I actually think Mancer's interactions with dewound reflect worse on the slot rather than better, the buddying is null but Mancer found him apparently suspicious but never got on the wagon.

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-Rapier is probably town because he's the only person dewound pushed to any significant degree; this is completely useless information because I already knew that Rapier was town anyways. Why couldn't you have pushed BBM?

It's cool. I'm obvtown anyway.

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It's cool. I'm obvtown anyway.

Yeah, but that's because of your avatar. Dinosaurs are townie as fuck, especially when they're badass. ##RequestingDinosaurComics

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