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Characters who needed Buffs, or Nerfs.

Tide of Waves

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Many people consider DK to be the worst character in the game. Any reasoning as to why?

I've considered Falco to be the absolute worst in this game. DK has always been traditionally low tier and people assume this time will be no exception.

I was hoping that Falco would use two Blasters at once in a later iteration of Smash. Now with all of the nerfs he's gotten, that seems pretty much needed.

Rosalina is Brawl!Meta Knight broken and needs to cut back on damage output.

Shulk's attacks are pretty slow in contrast to the speedy glass cannon he was in his original game and should be sped up.

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Ike and DK from the looks of it. I'm guessing ike still hits kinda hard and DK is just bad all around as usual being such a clumsy kind of character. Metaknight's sword range makes me feel bad for him. Like wow.

honestly if sakurai thinks ike having a good range attack would have been op then he doesn't know that much about balancing despite it being his project regardless

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What? Luigi doesn't feel butchered at all to me. He plays excellently and I can wreck a lot of shit with him. I feel a lot of buffs and no nerfs (except that drop in height for Super Jump Punch, and even then, that's more of a buff because it means less time being helpless after using the move) on him. I can't understand why people are putting him in bottom tier.

I mained him since Melee, for the record.

Edited by Anacybele
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No way is Falco the worst character in the game, his only real nerfs have been with his lasers

as someone who used him a lot in brawl, that's a HUGE nerf. There's also his nerfed illusion (has more startup and worse hitbox).

Ana, I thought you didn't play melee much?

Edited by Cornet
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I dont think anyone needs a nerf. Zelda could use a buff and i was expecting one what with her being separate from Sheik. D: Ganny needs a speed buff and his up-tilt needs to not be what it is.

This. Oh god, this. I hate trying to Smash with this. This is like, the worst tilt ever.

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as someone who used him a lot in brawl, that's a HUGE nerf. There's also his nerfed illusion (has more startup and worse hitbox).

I did too. His tilts and uair/bair/nair are better than in brawl, and his fair is actually not bad for going off the edge if you use his custom fire bird. I also like his alternate reflector (the one that does the most damage) and I like his stun gun. His dair is iffy but his bair and usmash kill better than they did in brawl, and killing was arguably hte hardest thing to do with Falco in Brawl.

Just don't play him like Brawl Falco and you'll see that he's worse than that but not anywhere close to as bad as you suggest.

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I think Paulutena is the worst character in SSB4 because of her very low attack speed, fragility and her huge seize for a female.


this post is not only incorrect, but actually kind of offensive.

This. Oh god, this. I hate trying to Smash with this. This is like, the worst tilt ever.

Yeah poor Zelda. It is sorrow.

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Yeah poor Zelda. It is sorrow.

Zelda? You were talking about Ganondorf's Volcano Kick, weren't you? That thing is horrendously wretched. Which is a lot more painful to me since I've made him an honorary main.

Edited by Dai
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Zelda? You were talking about Ganondorf's Volcano Kick, weren't you? That thing is horrendously wretched. Which is a lot more painful to me since I've made him an honorary main.

I...mentioned Zelda in that post and saw only her name. /senile

But yeah, dat Volcanic Kick sucks. Its so slow and why~

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I...mentioned Zelda in that post and saw only her name. /senile

But yeah, dat Volcanic Kick sucks. Its so slow and why~

It seems like it should be a Smash rather than a tilt.

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Bowser needs some minor nerfs; just not on his damage as his attack speed is already quite easy to predict.

I think Marth just needs his Brawl sword length back as well as the timing for Dancing Blade to be fixed. His damage is fine, and he needs some buffs on his aerial attack speed.

Olimar needs some massive buffs. This guy was once the best, now he's one of the worst. His attacks are noticably weaker and because of having lesser Pikmin, they all need a health boost.

Call me a bit biased, but I think Robin needs a bit of a speed boost... movement wise.

I have to agree that Ike needs some buffs and largely disagree with his nerfs. He was already quite shit in Brawl, but nerfing his range was completely unnessecary.

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I wouldn't say Falco's been nerfed overall; he's just different. I mean, if my own experiences have any merit, I couldn't stand him in Brawl, but I kinda like him in this game. He just relies more on his jabs, dash attack, and tilts to dish out damage, alongside his lagless aerial moves (n-air and I think b-air?); his recovery has been buffed (I'd argue it's now slightly better than Fox's recovery, thanks to side special giving Falco some momentum once he reappears, unlike Fox); and his f-air is a really good gimping move. His smash moves also have nice killing potential. Yeah, his lasers having horrendous ending lag sucks, but that doesn't mean he can't have potential to be a good character this game. My own opinion is that one that is dedicated to main Falco--and use him well-- will be rewarded quite nicely

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Falco vs Little Mac sounds like it'd be very interesting then. lol One has an insane ground game, but crappy air game while the other has a crappy ground game, but an insane air game. :P

I think Ike should have better grabbing range too. He just looks to me like he can reach farther than that...

Robin needs faster running speed, just wtf how can he run that slow...

Edited by Anacybele
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Robin needs faster running speed, just wtf how can he run that slow...

I can agree with this part -- Robin just feels so sluggish to me that when compared to other characters in the playable cast, it's not even funny. Although I used him a lot in Smash Run and won a lot of final matches, he gets absolutely wrecked in Race to the Finish final matches no matter how many speed boosts he gets. Even if he gets the most speed boosts for that run, he still has a high chance of losing the race since a good number of the cast is faster than he is (space animals, any Kid Icarus character, Captain Falcon, Sonic, most Mario characters, Toon Link, Meta Knight, Marth and Lucina, etc.).

Perhaps his cloak and tomes are really weighing him down...

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Falco vs Little Mac sounds like it'd be very interesting then. lol One has an insane ground game, but crappy air game while the other has a crappy ground game, but an insane air game. :P

I think Ike should have better grabbing range too. He just looks to me like he can reach farther than that...

Robin needs faster running speed, just wtf how can he run that slow...

I think what the dude was saying had a lot to do with the fact that Falco is a balanced air/ground character.
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