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How do people...beat games so quickly- AT LEAST, much, MUCH faster than I do. Friends and others tell me they beat games a week or two after they get it...I tend to take months, SOMETIMES years. I just can't sit with one game and beat it. I tend to go do something else after I lose- It's like I lose interest and get 'unmotivated' when I lose. Like in FE, for example. There are cases when good strategy can only do so much, and then luck just factors in your results drastically (and that's probably just part of the problem)...

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If I'm really enthusiastic about playing the game, then I'll beat it pretty quickly, though if it's taking too long/I'm ticked off/I'm bored/a new game comes out, then I might just stop playing it for weeks.

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When a game is really good, I tend to blitz right through it and I enjoy that adrenaline. If a game takes forever for me to complete when I get it or not touched again after a year, it's a dud for me. Not worth my time.

Older FE games have pacing issue for me that prevents me from skipping things which is why it may take me a month or two to complete it. Usually 1 or 2 chapters per day is the most I can do for older FE games. FE11/FE12 and Awakening I can blitz through 5 chapters or so at most thanks to the convenient skip features. Yes there is emulation but I personally cannot stand emulating games anymore.

Edited by kingddd
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Huh, I thought I was slow at beating games... But I usually beat them faster than you do, Juliet. Sometimes it takes me up to a month though.

I know one reason people beat games fast is for speedruns, but that's all I can tell you.

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There are some games I just can't be bothered to play regularly. I got Awakening over a year ago and still haven't brought myself around to finishing it. On the other hand, there are some singleplayer games I've managed to finish in a week or so.

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I know one reason people beat games fast is for speedruns, but that's all I can tell you.

Usually when it's a speedrun, they've beaten it at least once though. Speedruns are probably never first playthrough.

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Enthusiasm and a good friends goes a long way! Like around 6 hours of gaming per day till your done with the game. Though I miss the high school days where I once did 3, 14 hour sessions with my friends :( .

Though I probably did more than that on a single game though.

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I tend to play 3 games in the same time frame, so that if I get frustrated or stuck I can switch games. I normally take a couple of months or more that way because I tend to get stuck a lot unless it is a Legend of Zelda game, then I tend to beat the game very quickly if it is OoT or latter. Plus my gaming budget is rather small so I make the games I do buy last.

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How do people...beat games so quickly- AT LEAST, much, MUCH faster than I do. Friends and others tell me they beat games a week or two after they get it...I tend to take months, SOMETIMES years. I just can't sit with one game and beat it. I tend to go do something else after I lose- It's like I lose interest and get 'unmotivated' when I lose. Like in FE, for example. There are cases when good strategy can only do so much, and then luck just factors in your results drastically (and that's probably just part of the problem)...

You clearly have a life, that many other people don't. Be happy!

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From the topic title, I thought we were gonna have to give Soul "the talk".


Ya know, depends on the game. Took me ages to beat Xenoblade first time through cuz of how long it is. If a game holds my interest enough, ill play it until i finish and it takes about a couple weeks to a month. Unless its ALBW. I beat that in two days.

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I either turbo through the game (e.g. Persona 4, Valkyria Chronicles, Phoenix Wright, Cave Story minus the Hell portion which I've never beat ;_;) no matter how long it is if I'm really engaged or take a more slow burn (2-3 weeks for games around Awakening's size) for other games (this doesn't mean that I like them less, just that they're less engaging for whateever reason).

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You clearly have a life, that many other people don't. Be happy

Actually, it's opposite. People that have life just cruise through the game to enjoy the other things. If it take you 1 month to finish a 8 hours game, then there are something wrong with you.

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I feel that as I'm getting older I'm losing that drive to finish games as quickly. As a 6th grader I would blaze through games almost weekly, but now that I'm doing education post-college even when I get a few hours off per week that I could use to play video games I instead spend the time to have some peace and quiet to myself so a game that would've taken me a week would take a few months to finish.

But, if I get hooked onto a game for whatever reason, I'll finish it in a month.

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I once borrowed Kirby: Canvas Curse from a friend and beat it over the weekend. I even played through with Waddle Dee, King Dedede, and Meta Knight to unlock Waddle Doo. I only had time to reach 92% completion, but I surpassed my friend's 58%. On Monday I returned it and he was shocked that I had already beaten it four times!

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