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It's Amiibo time


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Speaking of amiibos, Shin and I just finished packaging off his Ike amiibo to Florina. Man, we had to use a lot of tape. Also, Ike almost didn't fit inside the box. Whoops.

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Speaking of amiibos, Shin and I just finished packaging off his Ike amiibo to Florina. Man, we had to use a lot of tape. Also, Ike almost didn't fit inside the box. Whoops.

So much Ike Bondage. I hear he likes the tug of electrical tape, hue! Cool! You will receive payment for him next week.

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Hee hee, I always love some Ike talk! We like Ike. <3

Quite the opposite! That's why I put him in a box! But yeah, that's all my amiibo shipping done, I'll be returning to England three amiibos lighter.

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So each Splatoon Amiibo will give you 20 "DLC" maps. This works out to effectively 65 cents per map (if you pay the $13 price tag), which is incredible value for DLC and doesn't even include the exclusive gear. If you get the 3-pack, you get 60 missions for 60 cents each.

I think I really want these amiibos.

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Man, too bad that game looks so dumb, otherwise I'd totally grab that stuff. That's an amazing deal right there.

Was the flamebait really necessary?

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Sonic and Kirby are next runners up. Both for retail. Kirby was bought at Gamestop and Sonic was bought at Walmart, although I saw a few of him at one of the four Gamestops near my area. XD
Got him at Walmart for 12.94
My collection that is used now!
Before opening it!
Tee hee...
Got Mario at a local retailer today and the Gold one was quite a story to get! Gold one for Mario Party and the other one for Smash Bros.
Toon Link obtained. At Walmart for 12.94
Yoshi Ver 2 before opening it! Got for 12.94 from mail and was ordered from Walmart.
Canon. <333
Got for 12.99 by ordering at Gamestop before it came out!
12.99 and was ordered at Gamestop before it came out!
The real way he should look. <3333
It was ordered at Walmart for 12.94.
My Yoshi Ver 1 before opening it! Got it for retail at Target for 12.99.
Before opening them. Rosalina was bought from a scalper for 49.99
Before opening them. Marth was bought from a scalper for 39.99 and Ike I got for retail at Gamestop long before this amiibo came out!

Calm the fuck down. And send me your Amiibos for training.

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Was the flamebait really necessary?

Was responding to it really necessary? Seriously, we both know that you're in love with Splatoon and I hate it, why don't you just stop complaining every time I mention my dislike for it (which isn't even really often)? I don't complain in your Splatoon thread or anything, so leave me alone already.

Edited by Anacybele
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Looks like my current local store is only getting about 9 Robins and Lucinas and they had 60 preorders to fulfill. A friend of mine got a call and he won't be getting his robin amiibo and I was just in front of him. I'm still waiting for a phone call and I haven't received it all day so I hope this is a good sign for me.

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SIXTY preorders in ONE store? Damn... No wonder Nintendo is having trouble meeting the demand in NA, the demand is through the atmosphere and into space. o_o

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Ugh... I want a Robin amiibo, but on Amazon, there's a Japanese one worth over $45... I may as well decide to get lucky when I visit a store.

Was responding to it really necessary? Seriously, we both know that you're in love with Splatoon and I hate it, why don't you just stop complaining every time I mention my dislike for it (which isn't even really often)? I don't complain in your Splatoon thread or anything, so leave me alone already.

I'll admit that I'm excited for Splatoon, but in all fairness, you said that the game looks dumb, and you didn't state it was your opinion. Even if people know it's your opinion, it still comes off like you believe the opinion of the game looking dumb is overwhelmingly favored, when it isn't, which understandably won't sit well with people. If you said, "Too bad the game doesn't interest me," and that's all the negative stuff you have to say about the game, that's less harsh and misunderstanding than "Too bad the game looks dumb".
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Was responding to it really necessary? Seriously, we both know that you're in love with Splatoon and I hate it, why don't you just stop complaining every time I mention my dislike for it (which isn't even really often)? I don't complain in your Splatoon thread or anything, so leave me alone already.

Was the rudeness really necessary?

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Was responding to it really necessary? Seriously, we both know that you're in love with Splatoon and I hate it, why don't you just stop complaining every time I mention my dislike for it (which isn't even really often)? I don't complain in your Splatoon thread or anything, so leave me alone already.

Saying it was "so dumb" in the first place was pretty unnecessary, Ana. It's similar to you complaining every time Glac would mention her hate for Ike, if you think about it.
You have made it known on several occasions that you don't like Splatoon, so it's not like you have to reaffirm your opinion on it whenever you mention it.

I believe there's a saying for things like this: "It's okay to not like things, but don't be a dick about the things you don't like"

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I'll admit that I'm excited for Splatoon, but in all fairness, you said that the game looks dumb, and you didn't state it was your opinion. Even if people know it's your opinion, it still comes off like you believe the opinion of the game looking dumb is overwhelmingly favored, when it isn't, which understandably won't sit well with people. If you said, "Too bad the game doesn't interest me," and that's all the negative stuff you have to say about the game, that's less harsh and misunderstanding than "Too bad the game looks dumb".

I've seen other people here state their opinions the way I did and nobody complained about it.

Was the rudeness really necessary?

The only rudeness I see is from you, but no, it wasn't. Once again, you did not need to acknowledge my comment.

EDIT: Kon: Except Glaceon uses phrases like "shit lord" and "should die in a hole" and stuff. I don't say anything that harsh and insulting. "dumb" and even "stupid" is a lot more mild. I'm not saying "Splatoon is a piece of shit that should die in a hole."

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The only rudeness I see is from you, but no, it wasn't. Once again, you did not need to acknowledge my comment.

I'm not saying "Splatoon is a piece of shit that should die in a hole."

I don't see how I'm being rude. It was a genuine question because I don't understand what motivates you to make those type of comments. Although if that's your position on it, you could be the better person and not acknowledge MY comment.

Well, you said it now. Sure, disguised flaming, but still flaming.

Edited by Jave
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