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It's Amiibo time


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Yea, I totally was able to use 1-click, and when I tried to buy another thinking that it would've failed, it worked and i was told Sry man, 1 per person yo.

That sly Josh

Heh, I wonder if we were told it would be disabled to encourage people to make sure their shipping info and all was up to date so they would risk less emails and such about accidental info errors. :P And risk less people having to have their orders canceled because of said errors.

I wanted Palutena mainly because I think she's pretty cool and I wanted to do some shenanigans with her and Ike. Hee hee.

Edited by Anacybele
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Managed to get Palutena! Awesome because she's one of my mains.

Also caved and got a Rosalina for $32. Still scalper prices but considering she was like 90 bucks in Canada before the restock I'm totally okay with this.

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Really? I visited my local GAME the other day and saw at least 5 Palutena's on the shelves... Is she really that popular where you live?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Really? I visited my local GAME the other day and saw at least 5 Palutena's on the shelves... Is she really that popular where you live?

North America in general has really low and I mean very very low supply of amiibos. Europe and Japan you'll usually have no problem finding them in local stores and it's why people are importing the heck out of them.

If you were to walk into any NA stores, you will find only the following:

Mario Series Amiibos

Smash Bowser

Smash Zelda

Smash Mario

Smash Peach

Smash Pikachu

Smash Yoshi (uncommon now)

Smash Luigi

Smash Diddy (uncommon now)

Smash Pacman (uncommon now)

Smash Sonic (uncommon now)

If any of the following are not listed, they are either rare in stores or no stocks at all. This is how bad it is. Even the DK series is getting rare and they were common as heck back then. Kirby is now even going to the uncommon now and I never find any in any of my local game stores. Heck my local stores only gotten half of the preorders of Ness and Shulk amiibos at launch. They had to wait 5 weeks to get a resupply and even then, they could not even fulfill enough of those in the waiting queue. Europe and Japan honestly has it very good right now since the overall demand is low compared to the NA.

During the preorder launch of wave 4, the lineup when I went to had 140 or so customers lining up to preorder Lucina and Robin. Guess what happened. My local shop only gotten 7 Robin and Lucinas.

The situation of the amiibo demand has gotten so bad now that all my local stores are now saying they will never do any preorders at all now.

Edited by kingddd
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Amazon actually did a good job with the Palutena release; limited to one per account, disabled 1-click, they didn't sell out for a bit over an hour. I mean it's possible that everything that seemed good will all later implode and it turns out that most of the orders get canceled, but it seemed like Amazon were actually pretty competent about the whole thing...

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My Amiibo collection! Since I was lazy and used my laptop camera, in bad light, the amiibos may be hard to see. Plus some are hiding behind others.

Left side: Mario, Peach, Link, Pikachu, Ganondorf, Yoshi. Right side: Marth, Ike, DK, Diddy, Wario, Charizard. Top: Boxed Silver Mario. Not shown: Fox.

All but Silver Mario obtained at retail/received as gifts. SM bought off some $40 scalper. The black thing in the corner is my head.

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Forced to miss out on Palutena amiibo release on Amazon as I was at work. Plus, I can't exactly order anything online as my parents hate anything addressed to me that doesn't have anything to do with college/studying.

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Really? I visited my local GAME the other day and saw at least 5 Palutena's on the shelves... Is she really that popular where you live?

Yep. As kingddd said, North America has it really bad regarding amiibo supply. The only place in Canada that I know of that actually got restocks of amiibo is New Game + in Calgary, Alberta (they also take online orders and deliveries, for those on SF who are interested). Even then, they really pumped up the prices like having Marth, Ike, and Wii Fit Trainer for $60 new.

Though comparing my personal experiences to kingddd, I've never actually seen a Pac-Man amiibo in person, even at New Game +'s panel at the anime convention I went to. Also, I've only ever seen Toad, Silver Mario, and Sonic in stock once of all the stores I visited.

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Yep. As kingddd said, North America has it really bad regarding amiibo supply. The only place in Canada that I know of that actually got restocks of amiibo is New Game + in Calgary, Alberta (they also take online orders and deliveries, for those on SF who are interested). Even then, they really pumped up the prices like having Marth, Ike, and Wii Fit Trainer for $60 new.

Though comparing my personal experiences to kingddd, I've never actually seen a Pac-Man amiibo in person, even at New Game +'s panel at the anime convention I went to. Also, I've only ever seen Toad, Silver Mario, and Sonic in stock once of all the stores I visited.

I have probably only seen like 4 pacmans and even then, those were wave 4 launches. I saw 3 silver Marios but I witnessed a guy buying all three of them. Luckily I didn't really care about recolored Marios so never bothered. Not to mention my local craigslists and Kijiji are nothing but people attempting to sell their Silver and Gold Marios but with no results at all.

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The goddess has arrived! ^^


Also, my first Ike/Palutena fun pic. Hee hee.


"Hey there, handsome!"

"Uhh...hi. (crud, why does she remind me of Elincia?)"

(I can't help it, besides Palutena being pretty, funny, and cool, I also like her with Ike because she looks a little bit like Elincia. lol)

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The goddess has arrived! ^^


Also, my first Ike/Palutena fun pic. Hee hee.


"Hey there, handsome!"

"Uhh...hi. (crud, why does she remind me of Elincia?)"

(I can't help it, besides Palutena being pretty, funny, and cool, I also like her with Ike because she looks a little bit like Elincia. lol)

Also helps that in either Ike's or Palutena's classic mode endings in Sm4sh he's shown presenting a flower (Lip's Stick IIRC) to Palutena

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Also helps that in either Ike's or Palutena's classic mode endings in Sm4sh he's shown presenting a flower (Lip's Stick IIRC) to Palutena

I saw that! I thought it was SO cute! Sakurai might be a shipper. XD

Tsunami: You didn't get free 2-day Prime shipping? That's why mine came so quickly.

Edited by Anacybele
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Tsunami: You didn't get free 2-day Prime shipping? That's why mine came so quickly.

I don't think so.. I am glad the order went through, at the very least. I hope it doesn't get canceled.

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So here are my new additions to my amiibo collection. All gotten from store searching on Saturday:


Charizard and Wario were simply grabbed at a store where they had about 4-5 copies of each. Easy finds.

Greninja, however, was gotten at a different store and he was carefully hidden in the back of the counter among a sea of Wave 1+2 commons. I spotted him by almost pure chance (I was leaving the store and decided to take a second look), so when I said I was taking it even the guys at the store were surprised to find out it was still there.

Not complaining, though. It was a good day for amiibo hunting.

Edited by Jave
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