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It's Amiibo time


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Aw, nice haul guys! I'm glad you were able to get Rosalina, Ray~ ;D

Things were pretty nasty at my Target. There's some crazy people hunting amiibos... @_@ Me and my friends go there just before the store opened, but we weren't able to get a Rosalina, there were too many people waiting in line in front of us. Good luck to anyone trying to get their hands on one!

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I fucking hate everyone right now, especially Nintendo. You guys have Rosalina and my local Target is picked clean of her even though the guy said they got like 30 of her. Granted, I WANTED to be there earlier, but my mom forgot and I didn't think Rosalina would sell THAT fast here.

This is utter bullshit. Fuck you, NoA, FUCK YOU!

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Whoa there, calm down. I haven't even got a single amiibo yet and I'm still waiting on Shulk.

Besides, I'm sure Rosalina will get rereleased as part of the Mario series for Mario Party 10, unless by any chance the Smash variant is the one you want.

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I understand you're upset about the lack of Rosalinas Ana, but there's no need to act like a spoiled child about it. You will get one in time. Preorder it if possible; that's the best way, I think.

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I'm not acting like a spoiled child. That'd be a ridiculous way to behave. If I was acting like that, I'd be whining and crying and screaming and kicking and shit. I'd basically be throwing a big tantrum. I was only yelling angrily, which everybody does. I have every right to be upset. I wanted Rosalina, but never even had an opportunity to pre-order her since her preorders were closed extremely fast, and she was only open while I was ASLEEP, I think.

Kiseki: I want the Smash one since it has a Luma in it. I love the Lumas and Rosalina is cool.

Unless Target gets another shipment of her sometime in the future, no, I will never get her now. The only way would be to either cave into the dipshits online that buy stuff just to resell at inflated prices or get one from a European/Japanese market, which are also more expensive. And even if they weren't, the only foreign money I have are a few Euro coins sitting on my shelf, leftover from my time in Germany and Belgium. I keep them because they're really pretty coins.

And of the other set 3 Amiibos, only Bowser has arrived according to my local GameStop. The rest have indeed been delayed. Ike, Toon Link, Shulk, Dedede, Charizard, all of them. Sigh... Luigi was delayed back in December too. All the ones I want get delayed for some reason (Rosalina not included for obvious reasons). -_-

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I abused my position as a Target employee to get a Rosalina (not really. I'm only required to wait until 15 minutes after regular customers have a chance to purchase merchandise and not be on duty when I buy stuff. I took a break at about 8:10 and took a Rosalina from the hook at exactly 8:15. So, I obeyed the exact wording of Target's policy, A group of three scalpers arrived while I was on break and were still standing around holding the rest of our Rosalina stock, along with all of the few Toon Links that we had also gotten in, and planning their next move when I got back to work. I wish I could have done something to stop them, but Target doesn't care what people do with merchandise after they pay for it so interfering with any customers would have gotten me fired).

Also, I got a Bowser, my favorite Nintendo character. Luckily he wasn't so rare and there were still like ten of him when I got off work.

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Oh? That gives me a bit of hope, ClevelandSteve.

My mom said she has a friend who works at a Target in Arizona and asked her about getting me a Rosalina there. I had little hope on this due to policies and stuff, as you said, but now I have a bit more since you were able to get one!

And if I see Toon Link or Ike at my store where I work before GameStop gets them in, I'm going to pick them up there on my break too. I work early morning hours, so I should get them in time, given how long we had Little Mac and Diddy Kong.

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After getting to Target at 12-something (earliest time I could even leave the house) and they told me they were out of Rosalinas, and then TRU the day before being picked clean an hour prior, I'm like this close to giving up.

The whole thing is getting completely stupid. People shouldn't have to get up at the ass-crack of dawn or place preorders months in advance just for the CHANCE to maybe get one of these toys before the scalpers and hoarders sweep them all up.

The other day I saw a kid with his parents asking about Ike and Sheik, and I felt rather bad because I knew that kids like him are the ones who have it the absolute worst, since they usually CAN'T do either of the above.

You're doing a REALLY good job here Nintendo, people were sticking with you despite all the problems you've been having and this is a great way to show them how thankful you are.

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I abused my position as a Target employee to get a Rosalina (not really. I'm only required to wait until 15 minutes after regular customers have a chance to purchase merchandise and not be on duty when I buy stuff. I took a break at about 8:10 and took a Rosalina from the hook at exactly 8:15. So, I obeyed the exact wording of Target's policy, A group of three scalpers arrived while I was on break and were still standing around holding the rest of our Rosalina stock, along with all of the few Toon Links that we had also gotten in, and planning their next move when I got back to work. I wish I could have done something to stop them, but Target doesn't care what people do with merchandise after they pay for it so interfering with any customers would have gotten me fired).

This makes my blood boil more than anything. Fuck policy, if I was working there... I don't know what I'd have done with those people. Stared them down as I scanned through them, and done them individually, very, very, slowly. And finished it with a snide remark as they left. Maybe?

And Ana, the way your previous post was written game me the impression of a person in their teens (so yes, a child in my eyes) raging at a parent (=Nintendo) for taking their phone/laptop as a form of unjustified punishment for something they didn't do (=missing Rosalina amiibos). "I fucking hate hate everyone, especially my Father," "this is utter bullshit, fuck you, Dad, fuck you!" You see where I'm coming from here? If I remember correctly, you're at least 20+, right? There's really no need for such extreme behaviour when it comes to this stuff. There's better, more mature ways to let us know you're unhappy about it without you sounding like someone nearly half your age.

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After getting to Target at 12-something (earliest time I could even leave the house) and they told me they were out of Rosalinas, and then TRU the day before being picked clean an hour prior, I'm like this close to giving up.

The whole thing is getting completely stupid. People shouldn't have to get up at the ass-crack of dawn or place preorders months in advance just for the CHANCE to maybe get one of these toys before the scalpers and hoarders sweep them all up.

The other day I saw a kid with his parents asking about Ike and Sheik, and I felt rather bad because I knew that kids like him are the ones who have it the absolute worst, since they usually CAN'T do either of the above.

You're doing a REALLY good job here Nintendo, people were sticking with you despite all the problems you've been having and this is a great way to show them how thankful you are.

I couldn't have worded it better myself, Zak. I agree 100%. I also feel terrible for the kids that might love Ike or Shulk or Lucario... Especially the ones that love Ike because a little bias.

This makes my blood boil more than anything. Fuck policy, if I was working there... I don't know what I'd have done with those people. Stared them down as I scanned through them, and done them individually, very, very, slowly. And finished it with a snide remark as they left. Maybe?

And Ana, the way your previous post was written game me the impression of a person in their teens (so yes, a child in my eyes) raging at a parent (=Nintendo) for taking their phone/laptop as a form of unjustified punishment for something they didn't do (=missing Rosalina amiibos). "I fucking hate hate everyone, especially my Father," "this is utter bullshit, fuck you, Dad, fuck you!" You see where I'm coming from here? If I remember correctly, you're at least 20+, right? There's really no need for such extreme behaviour when it comes to this stuff. There's better, more mature ways to let us know you're unhappy about it without you sounding like someone nearly half your age.

I feel you, Raven. I went on Amazon just to see if MAYBE I could find a Rosalina that's cheap, but no, the bastards want $30-$50 for her. Meanwhile, the common ones are like less than $5. It's total BS.

As for the rest of your post, yeah, I turn 24 this year. But really, I've been dealing with the Amiibo BS since my problems with Luigi and now this all happens. It was just really hard not to be so angry. But I think I see your point now.

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I feel you, Raven. I went on Amazon just to see if MAYBE I could find a Rosalina that's cheap, but no, the bastards want $30-$50 for her. Meanwhile, the common ones are like less than $5. It's total BS.

As for the rest of your post, yeah, I turn 24 this year. But really, I've been dealing with the Amiibo BS since my problems with Luigi and now this all happens. It was just really hard not to be so angry. But I think I see your point now.

Amazon.co.uk has Rosalinas going for £44.50, that equates to $67.18, according to Google. I haven't visited any shops that may sell Rosalina amiibos, but I'd imagine they are all sold out thanks to scalpers. It's ridiculous. Nearly as bad as the GameCube adapter situation, and it rubs me the wrong way. But all I can do is place a preorder and hope for the best - the best being the shop prioritising their preorders over free amiibos on their shop shelves.

A one/two per person policy really needs to be put in place. The shops are cowards for not taking a stand against scalping. No, as long as they sell their stock and get their moneys, they don't give a fuck about people with qenuine intentions to keep and use them for themselves/gift as presents to others. Quite sad, really

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I couldn't have worded it better myself, Zak. I agree 100%. I also feel terrible for the kids that might love Ike or Shulk or Lucario... Especially the ones that love Ike because a little bias.

you mean like me

I hate to ask my mom to go to Target each time, just cause it's so much farther away than the mall / GameStop. It's a good thing my brother pre-ordered Ike. I hope I'll find a Rosalina someday. I went today, and she wasn't there.

I checked earlier today, and Rosalina was up for ordering on the Target website, but I'll have to check again right now and not miss my chance! I really want that Rosalina amiibo!

EDIT: Darn... that was quick. Either Target took down Rosalina pre-orders again, or she could be sold out within half a day.

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Amazon.co.uk has Rosalinas going for £44.50, that equates to $67.18, according to Google. I haven't visited any shops that may sell Rosalina amiibos, but I'd imagine they are all sold out thanks to scalpers. It's ridiculous. Nearly as bad as the GameCube adapter situation, and it rubs me the wrong way. But all I can do is place a preorder and hope for the best - the best being the shop prioritising their preorders over free amiibos on their shop shelves.

A one/two per person policy really needs to be put in place. The shops are cowards for not taking a stand against scalping. No, as long as they sell their stock and get their moneys, they don't give a fuck about people with qenuine intentions to keep and use them for themselves/gift as presents to others. Quite sad, really

What I don't understand from a purely business perspective is why in the hell Nintendo isn't taking a hint from this obviously there is demand for these damn things and they control the supply. Each of these things go for $13 and here you have one going for $67. 13x5= $65. So literally for every one sold by this scalper they are losing 5 opporunities for profit. 5 opportunities to make $13-low cost of production. Nintendo, what in the actual hell? Have you got to the point that not only your product naming is bad but you can't even do basic math? If you're trying to create demand by limiting supply fine, not my prefered thing as a consumer but at least release a statement saying that more are on the way.

For perspective Marth amiibos were going for over $50 on Amazon in the US. After Nintendo announced in their first direct of the year that more were on the way the price dropped to $20-25. This is basic economics people. Something Ninty dosen't apparently understand which probably explains their current situation and the fact that they are literally denying themselves profits given their current state just boggles my mind.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm ranting but I'm only saying this because I care about Nintendo and they can be a kickass company (and I would hate and I mean HATE to see them go away) when they decide to but the business practices they got away with and that helped them dominate in the 80's-early 90's either don't work or need to be updated.

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So I asked my mom to order me a Shulk amiibo today, and apparently she already ended up doing it earlier and I just didn't understand what she said.



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I'm glad I got to preorder Ike and Toon Link myself. I would be HELLA upset if I couldn't get my hands on the former. And quite upset if i couldn't get the latter either. Toon Link is adorbs.

My mom asked her friend from Arizona, but I think her friend was too late. She didn't even know about the Rosalina Amiibos until my mom mentioned them to her. Still, I appreciate that my mom tried, she knew how upset I was and how much I wanted this figure. And how I've been going through frustration with this.

Why HASN'T NoA taken the hint? Yeah, they're bringing more Marth. But that's it. Marth isn't the only Amiibo in demand here. I bet they're stressed too, but none of this is helping a lot of people!

A one/two per person policy really needs to be put in place. The shops are cowards for not taking a stand against scalping. No, as long as they sell their stock and get their moneys, they don't give a fuck about people with qenuine intentions to keep and use them for themselves/gift as presents to others. Quite sad, really

This is a very good idea. Sure, some people might argue "first come, first serve" and shit, but scalpers are still horrible, greedy people. Kids that want these Amiibos can't expect their parents to be willing to pay so much money for one little figure, and these kids are likely going to be after more than one.

Unfortunately, all we can hope for is that people don't buy from these scalpers and make these scalpers realize how stupid they are and that nobody is going to pay their insane prices.

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Dedede and Ike have been delayed? What is this? I heard about Shulk, but....

If i get a call tomorrow about Dedede, ill see if theres any extra Ikes to pick up. I didnt preorder him but ill grab one if there is one to grab.

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Just be glad that you even have the chance to get Rosalina + other amiibos. I'm flat broke and even if I could get the money, it's not like I can drive anywhere to get them. And as for Rosalina there's no way I'd be able to convince anyone to drive over an hour away to get to the closest Target.

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Well, if they all got delayed to the 13th, im not terribly arsed. Mine are paid for so ill get them no matter what. Plus MM3DS drops then so it will be this nice thwomp of a gaming day anyway.

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Actually, I've heard a lot of tell in the US that certain figures are being limited to 1-per-person.

It doesn't ACTUALLY do much to help when there's 12 (they get shipped in units of 4 and this is a VERY generous assumption that believes the clerks DON'T take dibs) of said figure on the shelf and a 40 person line waiting outside.

One of my RL friends is gonna help me import a Shulk. I know it'll be 30 bucks but I'd rather pay 30 now and have it guaranteed than have to pay 50+ later.

It's for somebody I REALLY care about anyways, so it's not a simple case of "just do without it".

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Well, my brother owes me a Rosalina amiibo and I'll make him get it for me even if it costs him $60...but this situation is looking grim. I haven't gotten word of a cancellation on my Ike pre-order from GameStop, so hopefully I won't lose that one and it's simply been delayed as some are saying. Those two are the only ones I care about (that I don't already have) until the next wave.

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Well, my brother owes me a Rosalina amiibo and I'll make him get it for me even if it costs him $60...but this situation is looking grim. I haven't gotten word of a cancellation on my Ike pre-order from GameStop, so hopefully I won't lose that one and it's simply been delayed as some are saying. Those two are the only ones I care about (that I don't already have) until the next wave.

I was just charged for my Ike and Shulk preorders from Gamestop today so you should be good to go. If not there will be hell to pay from alot of people.

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