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Splatoon (Major Update on August 5th/6th, Ver. 2.0.0 Patch Notes Available)


Next Splatfest is Transformers-Themed  

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I'm very glad the Killer Wail will require less points to use. It's one of my favorite specials!

I really don't like the Inkzooka. I'm glad it was nerfed because everyone I fought using it had perfect aim. Either that, or I just have terrible, terrible aim, which probably explains why I suck with chargers lol. I'm sure it's not too much of a nerf though, and will still be a good special. I need to start practicing with the guns!

Don't understand why the Echolocater requires more points...? I'm indifferent to the change, though.

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Really? Cool!!

Honestly didn't think it would come here.

They kinda had to release it here because even if it's Japan-only you can see it in Online matches.

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They kinda had to release it here because even if it's Japan-only you can see it in Online matches.

Good point.

Still suprised thought, since the company that localized Squid Girl supposedly went bankrupt.

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I got the Famitsu Apron gear on my first update shop. Really happy with that.


In terms of Heavy Weapon I do love it but at the same time, I really hate it. You really have to be in medium range for it to be effective and the charge is a bit eh. I much preferred it if you can just hold and shoot the ink without releasing the button.

The bucket's range is ridiculous and it's great at damaging enemies in tower control but I don't find that I will use this weapon often.

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The one thing that kills any chances of me using a Slosher is that, for no good reason, it isn't an automatic weapon. If I wanted my hand to cramp, I would use a brush!

Splatling is very promising, however.

Edited by Tamarsamar
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I really like the Slosher! For reason, my fingers don't hurt / cramp if I use it too often. But I guess it also helps that I can also use the Inkbrush / Octobrush without cramping too, heh. It works well for Tower Control, but I've really only used it for about 3 matches. I'll have to see later if I'm willing to spend more time and get better with it. But with what I've done so far, it works really well.

Haven't tried the Heavy Splatling yet, but I don't know if I'll be a fan. I'm not great with Snipers and charging, but the high fire rate might be better.

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Ooh the Splatling is so fun. Being a fan of Chargers means that the two charges needed to get it to max doesn't bug me. Charges fast. Amazing killing machine. Amazing at a distance.

Do not like the new level up method though. I'm used to the old one.

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The biggest problem I have with the splatling is that it uses the charging mechanic. I much prefer the hold the button to shoot style of playing like the heavy in TF2. Usually when I let go of the ZR button, I move the gamepad thus leading me to have to recompensate my aiming and I usually I don't have steady hands even with lower sensitivity.

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The one thing that kills any chances of me using a Slosher is that, for no good reason, it isn't an automatic weapon.

It's a bucket: Why would a bucket be an automatic weapon? :facepalm:

Do not like the new level up method though. I'm used to the old one.

So you'd rather take ages to level up, than to level up quicker. Besides, the "new" way of levelling up is exactly the same as how you level up your rank during Splatfest.

Anyway, I'm having a fun time with the both of them, especially the Heavy Splatling gun.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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It's a bucket: Why would a bucket be an automatic weapon? :facepalm:

Because gameplay should trump flavor every single time?

There is literally no reason why holding ZR shouldn't prompt my inkling to make continuous bucket swings. At least for the brushes, holding ZR prompted a switch into painting mode. The Sloshers have no such excuse.

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Because gameplay should trump flavor every single time?

There is literally no reason why holding ZR shouldn't prompt my inkling to make continuous bucket swings. At least for the brushes, holding ZR prompted a switch into painting mode. The Sloshers have no such excuse.

From what I've seen online, nobody else has any problems with it. It seems that the only reason your complaining is that you suck at using the Slosher (and, as the saying goes "A poor workman always blames his tools").

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From what I've seen online, nobody else has any problems with it. It seems that the only reason your complaining is that you suck at using the Slosher (and, as the saying goes "A poor workman always blames his tools").

More like, mashing ZR is physically uncomfortable to me, but if other people want to do that then hey, that's their prerogative.

What about players that have something like, say, diabetic neuropathy? Would your suggestion to them be to "git gud" with the Sloshers as well?

Personally, I'm doing just fine with my automatic Shooters, anyway. Maybe I'll try the Splatling some time since that isn't nearly as uncomfortable to use--it's basically an automatic weapon that you have to prepare, instead of firing on demand. It helps that it takes minimal charge to splat someone or cover a corner area.

Edited by Tamarsamar
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A capture the flag style ranked battle mode is going to be in the update tomorrow.

Video explanation



NEWS FLASH! Tomorrow evening at 7 PM PT, a new mode will join Splat Zones and Tower Control in the Ranked Battle playlist!

Introducing…. Rainmaker! In Rainmaker, both teams compete to snag the, uhhh, Rainmaker. Once you’ve got it, the goal is to carry it into the other team’s base!

How’s it work, you ask? As soon as the battle begins, grab onto that Rainmaker! It’s guarded by a shield, though, so you’ll need to bust it out first. Once you snag it, head for the other team’s base. And be quick about it!

If you run out of time or get splatted, the Rainmaker will be dropped and its shield will also reactivate. The Rainmaker is crazy heavy, so you can’t Super Jump while carrying it. Hopefully your teammates will watch your back!

But don’t think the Rainmaker is just some shiny object - it can shoot ink like an Inkzooka. You can even hold to charge the Rainmaker up for an extra-powerful shot! The closer you get to the enemy base while holding the Rainmaker, the lower your goal distance will drop. If you retreat too far while holding the Rainmaker, it’ll explode sooner! If the battle ends without anyone carrying the Rainmaker to the goal, the team with the lowest goal distance will win.

Edited by kingddd
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From what I've seen online, nobody else has any problems with it. It seems that the only reason your complaining is that you suck at using the Slosher (and, as the saying goes "A poor workman always blames his tools").

I like the slosher, the only weapon that my fingers can't seem to keep up with is smacking people around with the brushes, but I haven't used them much.

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The Handling stat has some serious diminishing returns when faced with physical limitations. My Inkbrush and Octobrush swiping speeds are effectively identical, and thus if I had to use a brush weapon, then I do not effectively have any reason not to pick the Octobrush.

Might buy the Carbon Roller Deco when it comes out, who knows. But my preference is heavily in favor of full-automatics and Splatlings.

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I thought Tower Control was chaotic...

But it got nothing on Rainmaker!

Rainmaker is pure chaos, but I'm really liking it so far!

And is it just me, or rapid fire weapons are the most useful ones in this mode?

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