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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Act 2: Warpath


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"Ask what? About zem? I juste 'ave never seen it, since, ben, Mina was right. I came from ze tiny village. I 'ad never been out of eet and while I never 'eard anysing negatif about such a relationship, I never saw eet. Why, were you interested?" she asked, wondering why such a question would've set Celestia off. Melanie quickly bowed towards Nora, and smiled. "Sank you for ze pay, madamoiselle Nora! Please ask us again eef you ever need 'elp!" She took Celestia by the arm and started to drag her off. "I sink eet would be faster eef we took your 'orse, even eef I am still sore from eet. Juste, ehm, look for any candle store. We do not need anysing compliqué, juste somesing to relax wis... Maybe a cinnamon, ou, some nice apple. Ahhh, I can already smell eet~"

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Declan was shaken out of his sulking by a pair of new presences... well, one new one and one not-so-new one. Peter had come over to talk to him about choices for things to do, which came as something of a relief - after all, he was getting burnt out by all the fighting. "Well, the food here is as good as you're going to get in Irska; at least, it is when there's not a war going on. Should still be something they can do to shake up your tastes, so to speak." Declan replied, glad that his familiarity with the area was coming in handy. Still, he wished he was back under better circumstances.

The other man nearby was... well, confusing Declan. He didn't remember anyone like him joining the group... Did he join while he was nearly arrested? Or was he just that out of sorts during the last fight or two? "Hey, uh... Peter? You mind filling me in on who this guy is?" He asked his other companion, hoping that at least he had an idea of who this guy was.

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"Hmm, if you're still sore from riding, we can try a different way..." Celestia noted, as she climbed on top of her horse, and then patted her lap, looking down at Melanie and beckoning to the dark user.

"Try riding side-saddle, it's easier on the legs. Hop up on my lap and hang your legs off the side, then wrap your arms around my neck to hold on." Celestia concluded, waiting for Melanie to hop on.

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"Différent? Like what?" Melanie was confused while Celestia patted her lap, tilting her head very slowly, until she explained what she meant. "Oh! I suppose zat would make eet less painful, would eet not? Okay." She slowly climbed onto the horse, and after a bit of shifting around, managed to get herself onto Celestia's lap. She held on tight, as she was a bit away from the ground. Would make for an unfortunate fall. "Okay, zen... Let us continuer." She wasn't so much embarrassed as she was worried for her falling.

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"Alright, hold on." Celestia noted as Melanie got herself set up, before riding along towards the shops. After some time, they came to a stop in front of a vendor, a bit of a general store by the looks of it.

"This place looks good. Want to see if they have them?"

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Well, that was more comfortable, but the bouncing was still a problem. I guess eet really does take time to get used to... Franchement. Melanie was more than glad to hop off when they came upon a store, brushing her robe off. "Oui. We shall check inside 'ere. I am sure ze général store will 'ave somesing close enough to candles, eef zey do not 'ave zem directly. Et, aussi, maybe I can get myself a new tome! Haha~ Zat would be fantastique~" Mel pushed lightly against the store's door, and walked inside.

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​She really wears her heart on her sleeve, huh? Lugos thought to himself as Sierra left. There wasn't much going on for social interaction, well apart from what Melanie had been doing and Peter trying to talk to Declan, so Lugos decided to join the leaving party. "I suppose I should get Kralle to a stable first... Don't want him to kill himself from exhaustion after all. Dad would probably resurrect and kill me himself if that happened." Lugos was outside at this point so his mumbling had probably earned him a few strange and perhaps concerned looks from passersby but he paid them no mind as he continued to search for a stable. He eventually found one nearby the inn; or he hoped it was at least, he could have very well passed the inn with the amount of attention he'd been paying to his surroundings. Anyway, after a few over-the-top hand gestures and reminding himself to never again train a wyvern like that, Kralle was on the ground and after a few more minutes in a stable. And now Lugos was free to do whatever, maybe he'd go shopping...

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Artemis stared at the sword for a few moments. As Calden predicted, she'd never seen anything like it in her life and was enamored by how beautiful it was. But at the same time...Is it really right for me to have such a sword? Surely it'd be better suited in the hands of someone like Vale, or even Declan. I really want it, but..."It really is an impressive sword, but a weapon's only as good as its wielder. I think it'd be wasted on someone like me. Maybe if I improve drastically while we're here, but...until then, you'd be better off selling it to someone else. Sorry for wasting your time," Artemis concluded sadly, reluctantly handing back the sword. She then walked off to the stables to check on her pegasus, who had arrived there beforehand. Noticing Lugos, Artemis waved at him and said, "Yo, how's it going? I'm just coming here to check on Sigurd, I assume it's the same for you?"

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Training and Trip-Ups

"Haha! No need to think lowly of yourself, Taima. Enduring hits for allies in the heart of battle is the way of the armor knight, and there's much honor in that. Hmmm... if you are alone in your group, however, perhaps you could benefit from additional training. If you'd like, I can show you some more advanced maneuvers with armor that can lessen incoming blows even more than before," the General offered.

"Looks like you've made quite the impression- training from the General, huh?" Sheikah teased. "Hmm, I might do a bit of training myself. Maybe get a bit more accustomed to using lances, right? Though, again I don't know how much foot training will help... foot training, that's..." She looked around, then nervously came to a realization. "Oh... I was so excited to go get a job that I left Privia near Nora's house. Ummm, that's... ah, I'll be back soon! Maybe!" Sheikah hurriedly made her exit out of the camp.

"What an odd woman. I've never met someone who can seem so fully in control of a situation and switch to being incredibly scatterbrained so quickly," Dervas remarked. "Regardless, my offer of training still stands."

Scents and Sales

"Oh, hello," a young woman greeted them, messing with bags behind a counter. The shop gave off a homey feel, full of tomes, decorations, and other such goods. "I was just about to pack up, since my shift is over, but I can make some last minute sales. What would you like this fine morning?"

Wyverns and Warriors

An absolute giant of a man looked over at Lugos's predicament with his wyvern, clad in gold armor and with short brown hair, carrying a colossal axe by his side. "They can be quite fickle at times, no? Your wyvern seems to be a strong one, but also quite willful, as they so often are."

Just outside the stables, another wyvern rider landed. "There we are... let's go, Privia," Sheikah spoke, guiding in the wyvern carefully but freezing as she saw the man. "Y-you're... I know you. You saved me when I was little," she spoke reverently. "It was a large fortress in Sloktan, where bandits were lying in wait to attack our village. Th-that was you, right, on a giant wyvern? I never learned your name."

"Hmmm... that would be about seven years ago, right? Small town, not far from Handres? You are mostly correct," the man confirmed. "I am Vacheres, a traveller- some call me the strongest man on Treiban. I don't know whether or not that's entirely true, but they can't be too far off. And my mount is a dragon, not a wyvern- too large for the stables, unfortunately, and usually terrifies people too much anyway, so it always ends up penned outside of large cities. You called your wyvern Privia, did you not?"

"Yes, sir! She is who so many wyvern riders aspire to be like, after all. But you were the one that inspired me to ride one in the first place," the boss confessed, barely containing her excitement. "It makes sense... nothing ever seemed as awe-inspiring as the first sight, but I guess I was always comparing badly." She looked to Artemis and Lugos. "Did you guys introduce yourselves already? I am Sheikah Hart, sir, leader of Hart's Hollows, and these are some of my employees."

"I see. You should perhaps reconsider your idol, at least on the personality side... I met her a few times, and she was rarely pleasant. Myths and legends do have a funny way of spreading quickly. We only just met, however. What are your names, then, and those of your mounts?" Vacheres asked the two other riders.

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Taima stared in shock at the man and then nodded quickly. "I, yes, of course. I would be honored to be trained by one such as you. I cannot... I cannot express the appreciation... I suspect I could use all the help I can get in the upcoming battles. So yes, thank you." She smiled as her boss ran off after her wyvern and chuckled. "I... yes, she can indeed be a bit scatter brained but... She is truly a good commander and I'm happy to serve under her. And once again, thank you. It's exciting to be given the opportunity to study under someone who has a similar fighting style to mine. I'll be honest, I've mostly taught myself. I have basic lance training from my father but... all this, with my armor and fighting style... I've mostly just picked things up as I've gone." She was still nervous, though slightly less now. She pulled out her lance, unsure if they would be using it or not, but figured if they weren't, she wouldn't want it strapped to her back anyway.

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"Yes, we actually came to look for scented candles... oh, are those vanilla? That might be nice..." Celestia replied, as she looked around the shop. When something finally caught her eye, she practically lit up.

"Oh, that's a shine tome! I'll definitely buy that, too. What do you think of going with vanilla, Melanie?"

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What a pretty store! Mel thought, walking in after Celestia. The store was quaint, but nice. Lots of tomes, and knick knacks about-- and what they had been looking for, candles. "Ohhh, Vanilla. Très bien. I am fine wis zat, zough, ehm... Juste, give me a moment to look around..." Mel had wanted to get a new tome. Flux and contaminate were working just fine, but they lacked the punch she wanted. And she didn't really have the speed to fire the other two off more than she already could... But! There it was! A dark magic tome that looked fancier than the other two. She pulled it off the shelf, recognizing the cover. "Zis ees une Carreau spell... I will take zis, aussi." She brought it over to the counter where Celestia waited with her own tome, smiling. "'Ow much will eet be, mademoiselle?"

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Artemis' first thoughts upon seeing Vachares were, Wow, poor guy. He must have a lot of trouble getting into buildings. I never really thought about whether doors were big enough until now. However, her thoughts became less frivolous as the boss entered from nowhere and started praising the man. Apparently he had singlehandedly saved the boss' village from a horde of bandits. The giant of a man claimed to be the strongest man alive, and from what she'd just heard, Artemis didn't doubt it. An actual dragon, though! Wow, I'd love to see it for myself. Artemis was still thinking about how it'd look like when Sheikah mentioned her in passing. "O-oh, right. My name's Artemis, member of Hart's Hallows...like the boss already said, I guess," She said, somewhat nervously. "My mount's name is Sigurd. He's named after a legendary hero like Privia, although in this case, it's more of a fictional hero. S-so you ride a dragon, right? A for reals dragon? If it's not too much trouble, could I get a chance to see it?" Artemis excitedly asked. She was aware that the stranger would probably reject her question, but she couldn't help but asking it anyways. You don't see one of those everyday.

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Wolfgang was snapped out of his daydreaming by the axeman from earlier who said that the Hollows would probably be staying for two days at most. Two days only? Then I've got no time to lose, I must head off to the Library! This was interrupted by Melanie innocently asking Mina about her relationship with the Irksan soldier. Ignoring it, he thought to himself, So , this priestess from before has a girlfriend who's an Irksan knight... I wonder if that ties her loyalty to Irksa? She knows a lot, so I wonder if she's willing to help a fellow Irskan mage. I dislike being tied down by loyalties but I suppose it has its perks.

Then Wolfgang quickly hurried over to the Irksan Library. He had no time to waste if all he had was two days of stay in Bonvale!

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Hmm, where to go... This was the first time he'd had so much money and so many places to spend it. It was a bit overwhelming but as long as he remembered to save some of it he'd probably be fine. His thoughts were interrupted by Artemis showing up and asking about his wyvern. "No, I actually just dropped him off here. He'd follow me everywhere otherwise," he explained. For some reason, ever since Kralle had returned alone from Sloktan the wyvern had been really protective of Lugos, as if it was filling in for his deceased father. It was both weird and comforting at the same time for Lugos.

And then someone else joined in on the conversation and good gods was he huge. Sure, Lugos wasn't exactly tall but the man almost has two feet on him! It was quite intimidating. "Yeah, that sounds like him alright," he said, not entirely sure how to respond to the man. Now that he thought about it though, Kralle was a lot like his father. Strong and stubborn but willing risk everything for him. His thoughts were once again interrupted by a new arrival, this time it was Sheikah. As she spoke to the man, now known as Vacheres, Lugos remembered Sheikah telling him about someone who fit his description on his first day on the job. So this is him, huh...

Suddenly being asked his name caught Lugos off guard and his calm persona faltered for a bit. "O-oh, of course. I'm Lugos Ovidio of Hart's Hollows; my wyvern's name is Kralle. It's an honor to meet someone of your strength."

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Failed Sales

Before Calden could protest, he found the sword back in his hands and Artemis was gone. Sighing, he returned the blade to his storage, and set off again, irritated that he'd (once again) failed to get rid of the sword.

Successful Sales

"For the tomes and the candles?" the shopkeeper asked, quickly examining them. "The tomes cost 500 gold each, and the candles are only another 25, so that'll be 1025 gold altogether!" she said, beaming at her two customers. "Is there anything else I can help you two with?"

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"Shake up my tastes, eh? Sounds like we came to the right place!" Peter let out a chuckle - good food was always welcome! He turned to Declan, then the newcomer. "Hmmm. . .never caught his name, but I'm pretty sure he's on our side. Nothing like some good drink to get a convo going. So, where's the best ale in town, Declan?"
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"Zat ees not zat bad... Celestia, I shall pay for ze chandelles, since eet was mon idée." Melanie got the bag that Nora had given her out, putting five hundred and twenty five gold on the counter. "I will go wait wis your 'orse for you! And take a good look een zis Carreau tome..." Mel began to flip through the pages of the book, candles stuffed into one of the pockets in her robe. Zis will not be zat 'ard to produce, I should sink... Maybe she should try right now? She stayed away from the horse for a moment, to make sure the magic wouldn't spook it, and opened the tome. She focused her magic and produced three dark orbs in front of her, spinning in place. "Wow! Fantastique~!"

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Declan put a hand on his chin to try and remember where he'd had the best ale in town. It was... probably east of here? He needed to start moving to try and pick up the scent, so to speak. "Come on, let's go find it. I gotta try and remember where it is, and if I'm even allowed there at this point."

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Guard 101

"Hmmm... it is good to hear firsthand she can be relied on as a leader, then. And there's nothing wrong with being self-taught, but hopefully I can help refine your style a bit. No need for your weapon- we can use training ones. Wouldn't want you to be on the bad side of Iraxen, after all." Dervas set the legendary lance aside carefully, taking a pair of lances with dulled tips and handing her one, taking up a defensive stance. "Give me your best shot, then. Don't worry about hurting me- my armor is very resilient, as am I."


"It is good to meet you, Lugos and Artemis. The life of a mercenary is not an easy one. It is a path worthy of respect for those who can keep their cool. The more temperamental are less enjoyable to work with. One of many reasons I did not find Privia likable in her lifetime, among others... if you'd like to see my dragon, she rests outside the city. Alexa is her name, and I would guide you. I will be here for several days, in all likeliness, so do not feel rushed if you have other things to do." Vacheres lifted his axe effortlessly. "In my time, I have done some of my own mercenary work, such as the fortress raid in question you speak of, Sheikah. I am fortunate to have received this axe, Gurasin, as it increases my endurance to the point of not needing allies much of the time. You all seem to be a bit smaller in stature, however- not that it is an issue, and believe me that my height can be a detriment at times, but it can make for a harder time with weapons. What is your equipment of choice heading into battle?"

Sheikah was listening so intently that she spaced out for a moment. "Ah, er... I use light magic, but I've started to learn lances, too... not that great at 'em yet. Sorry for being so out of it. Jeez, I'm not cementing my place as a leader too well, huh..."

"Do not fret, small one. The life of a leader has its own ups and downs. Never give up and trust your instincts- believe in yourself, because others put trust in you. These two look to be fine warriors, and if you lead them, you must be a fine leader."

"Y-you think so?" she spoke nervously, momentarily freezing up at his praise. What was it she told me... you are our light, so have faith in yourself. Even then... "Thank you then, sir. If you'll excuse me, I need to reconvene with the General shortly. You two be respectful while I'm gone, then, you hear?" The wyvern rider ran off just as hastily as she'd come, causing Vacheres to shake his head.

"How interesting that people who normally have confidence break down so easily before those they look up to. I would not consider myself up to par as a role-model, but I suppose for some people I am enough. I would like to hear your answers, however."

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Taima set aside Firefly and took the dulled lance slightly nervously. "Err, good. I think I'd rather use these then face that weapon. It looks... quite powerful to say the least." Settling into an offensive stance, she gulped slightly, and then let out a deep breath. She brought her lance up and lunged forward, feinting to his weak hand side and then lunging in towards his upper body, hoping to just land a single hit.

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And with that, Melanie had paid her share, even taking the candles upon herself, and left. Fishing out 500 of her own gold and placing it down on the counter next to Melanie's contribution, and gingerly picking up the shine tome.

"Ah, no, I believe that will be all. Thank you." She replied with a light bow, before exiting the shop as well, seeing Melanie practice the new tome.

"So that's what that one does..."

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Lugos was amazed at just how strong Vacheres had to be to lift his axe effortlessly. He had trouble hefting and iron axe and this guy could probably swing that thing with little to no effort. Vacheres could probably kill him in one strike, perhaps he should've spent more time reinforcing his armor rather than inscribing protection runes onto his robes. It was kind of disheartening but at the same time something to strive for. "Aye boss," Lugos answered Sheikah as she left, though she probably didn't hear him with how quickly she was going. He turned back to Vacheres. "I specialize in anima magic, though I've picked up axes recently on the chance I lose my ability to cast." There was also the fact that his father had used axes but it wasn't really worth mentioning.

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