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Types of characters you would like to see


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Think outside the box and come up with some character types FE hasn't done yet, that you would like. Can be a personality, or a role, or a class, or a combination of those, or whatever.

The two I would like to see:

Female fighter/warrior/berserker. There are female axe users in other classes, so why not? I have an OC like this, but we have yet to see one in canon.

Sassy badass female thief. There are very few female thieves in general, they kinda did this with Lelia but she died :( I'd like one with a personality close to Sully's, just doesn't give a rat's butt about being ladylike and can give the boys a run for their money. Maybe a rival thief beats her to the treasure and she kicks him in the bollocks and takes it for herself xD That would be awesome.


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A character who looks like a generic soldier, even having the generic class image and faction name, but if your lord is in his range he'll talk to them and recruit himself instead of attacking. His real face and name appear after the battle.

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A character who looks like a generic soldier, even having the generic class image and faction name, but if your lord is in his range he'll talk to them and recruit himself instead of attacking. His real face and name appear after the battle.

That would certainly be interesting. Sounds like in terms of story, he'd be a spy or something?

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Nah, just some nobody who doesn't like where things are going and wants to defect. The whole point is to have a generic enemy recruitment out of the blue with no clues to his personality, with character depth coming later.

EDIT: Alternatively, he could surrender and ask to be taken as a POW, leave the map, and then join afterwards.

Edited by X-Naut
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I'd kind of like to see a cynical jaded Jeigan type unit. He does care for the team but his experiences in the past haunt him via PTSD like symptoms and just overall has a very bitter world view.

Development could swing any number of ways.

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Wyvern Rider Lord. Starts as a foot unit with Lances. Promotes into Wyvern Rider.

Gender is irrelevant. I just want a flying lord.

I toyed with this awhile back...only they started out as fliers too. Now I think that would make them too OP...

I'd like to see a manakete as a lord.


Manakete or laguz lord sounds awesome. And I think you can stick with Erika all the way through, might be wrong though.

I'd kind of like to see a cynical jaded Jeigan type unit. He does care for the team but his experiences in the past haunt him via PTSD like symptoms and just overall has a very bitter world view.

Development could swing any number of ways.

I'm for this!

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I'd love to see a Jagen-type unit that does more in the story than just advise the lord character and start promoted and stuff. I did this with a certain favorite character in my fic, so... :P

The female thief idea is nice too, though there is one in FE6 (Cath) and Radiant Dawn (Heather). In fact, I took this a step forward and created a thief princess! Well, she's a princess that's both a thief and an archer, to be technical. Why does she steal though? That would be telling. Heh, heh.

Anyway, I'd like to see more actual laguz too. Not Manakete, not Taguel, I want the laguz back. Some new species of laguz would be cool too, I'm already going to add three (Falcon, Fox, and Fairy Dragon. ...Whoa, why do they all begin with F? lol). ^^

Female lord all the way through: Major yes. This is why I made my lord character female. There ARE a few chapters where she is not available, but for the vast majority of the tale, she is used. And she's the only character with the Lord class.

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Please just give us a female lord who sticks around the whole game. Why FE10 p1 should have been expanded into one of its own

That aside, I kinda just want us to have an early archer who is extremely cocky and sure of himself, then his stats actually show it!

Most early archers are just 'nice guys'

Not complaining doh ~~~~

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Falcon Knight!Jeigan with her daughters as your two unpromoted Peg Knights.

A female Sain-type character.

I also like the idea of a generic enemy guy who turns out to be recruitable (though there has to be some indication that they're recruitable or else it would be complete luck that anyone would find out about them)

EDIT: @Youmu Konpaku: Isn't Virion kinda what you're talking about? You know, a cocky earlygame Archer that's actually good.

Edited by The Geek
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I'm for this!

Forgot to mention either gender I kinda specified "he" on accident lol. May use it in my hack i'm slowly contemplating

Also I want to see just for silliness alone. A male Pegasus Knight

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Falcon Knight!Jeigan with her daughters as your two unpromoted Peg Knights.

A female Sain-type character.

I also like the idea of a generic enemy guy who turns out to be recruitable (though there has to be some indication that they're recruitable or else it would be complete luck that anyone would find out about them)

EDIT: @Youmu Konpaku: Isn't Virion kinda what you're talking about? You know, a cocky earlygame Archer that's actually good.

He's only good in Luna+, because of Counter immunity.

Bows are bad in FE13 outside Luna+ because of how EP oriented it is.

And I don't count L+ as a real game mode b/c it's so cheap.

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Manakete or laguz lord sounds awesome. And I think you can stick with Erika all the way through, might be wrong though.

Not really. Her brother gets a chapter or two to himself and they end up being 'equals' on the whole, which really isn't the same. I'm talking more of, say, a game where Lucina is the de-facto, undisputed lord the whole way through for example.

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Y'know what I want?

A lord that specializes in dark magic.

Also - A lord who's like a villain-protagonist. (s)he wipes out all of the opposing armies, thinking (s)he's in the right, when all of the other armies are the true good guys - and maybe, late in the game, (s)he realizes the horrible things (s)he's done.

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Also - A lord who's like a villain-protagonist. (s)he wipes out all of the opposing armies, thinking (s)he's in the right, when all of the other armies are the true good guys - and maybe, late in the game, (s)he realizes the horrible things (s)he's done.

I'd love that. Like FE4, only you're playing as Arvis.

Wish list:

Peg Knight Lord, though the idea of a lance-using Lord who promotes to Wyvern Rider is also a great one.


Badass female PIRATE.

The cynical Jeigan and the Falcoknight Jeigan are both cool ideas, too.

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I like the idea of a badass female thief. Most of the ones we have gotten so far tend to be a bit on the childish side. The only female thief that actuall acted proffesionally was Leila if I recall correctly.

Other then that I would like to see a Jeigan who's either a Sniper or a General. Jeigans already have quite the early game advantage and putting them in the best class in the game is a bit overkill. General's limited movements and Snipers lack of enemy phase give units that can still dominate, but not nearly to the extand that Paladins can.

A new male manakete would be nice to see as well. I don't mind the loli dragon thing that much, but I don't think they should be the only kind of manakete you can ever gain access to. I know you had Bantu, but that was a long time ago if you don't count the remakes.

A personality I would like to see is a priest/bishop who actually doesn't think too much about the whole religious stuff and primarily uses it either for status reasons or because he was forced to join the clergy by his parents. Many nobles where forced to join the clergy if they weren't in line for the throne if I recall corectly, because it was another way for the family to gain status. The character doesn't have to be a jerk or anything like that, but he could just not have the same spiritual motivation as the other priests.

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There's Heather, yeah, but her personality isnt really what I described. Dunno about Cath though...havent played FE6. I like the non religious priest idea. And the dark magic lord.

I'm surprised you didn't mention the shapeshifting womanizer, Ana...lol.

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More lords with axes, bows, tomes, and staves.

I would like to see a cross between a taguel and a manakete. Beast stone + Dragon stone.

A cross between a dread fighter and a bride.

Fire mage, lighting mage, wind mage.

A cross between a cleric and general. Defensive healer tank.

A joke character like Bad Box Art Mega Man or Dan.

I would like to see a red mage.

More status ailments.

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Fire mage, lighting mage, wind mage.

More status ailments.

For the former Jugdral and Tellius have those very classes

As for the latter Jugdral and Elibe have a fair number

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I'm surprised you didn't mention the shapeshifting womanizer, Ana...lol.

Ah yes, I forgot about that one. XD

I do so like the idea of a laguz womanizer too, since I created a dragon that likes getting the ladies' attention. lol

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More diversity in magic classes beyond just "oh it's a mage but they're on a horse/use light/dark magic instead of the normal anima magic." Some of the older FE games do this to an extent (e.g. Bishops have higher Res, Shamans/Druids are slow but powerful) but I feel like more could be done.

I'd kind of like to see a cynical jaded Jeigan type unit. He does care for the team but his experiences in the past haunt him via PTSD like symptoms and just overall has a very bitter world view.

Development could swing any number of ways.

I've wanted to see something like this as well. I feel like Arran COULD have been this, but sadly (IMO) FE12 didn't really elaborate on this much from my experience.

Also, August from FE5 fits the cynical part. Not so much a Jagen, but he certainly fills the role of a more cynical advisor to the main hero, especially in contrast to Dorias.

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Since many classes in FE have both offensive magic and staves, a Red Mage would need to include physical combat too - so basically, Tinny's Mage Fighter class, which should without a doubt return.

things I want from the top of my head:

-- the return of a really old hag, obviously - one Niime was NOT enough

-- all gender exclusive classes to not be exclusive anymore - I particularly think a womanising male Troubadour would be a hilarious subversion

-- not only that but also subversion of common roles - like a female Knight that is girly (but still badass), a male Fighter that isn't a meathead jock, tomboys in the waifu classes (= mages and horsebirds), etc

-- the story to be led by a mixed group of three lords like in FE7, except with all of them being relevant instead of having a Lyn. bonus points if the "Eliwood" is a girl

-- more siblings, parent/children and already married couples, the latter doesn't need to come with a maxed support or anything of the sort

(in fact I'll use this tangent to say I hope marriage doesn't ever return because shipping needs to be free from the chains of gameplay so I can ship Roy/Wolt and the like in peace)

-- a dark mage that is not esoteric, intimidating or from the enemy faction (though that's more of a theme change for dark magic than a character change)

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Female Berserker would be neat.

Male Axe Lord by the name ViĆ°arr who isnt all hotheaded or teenaged. He'd be a little bit like Sigurd, only he wouldnt die halfway through the game. Certainly wouldnt be as biased as Chrom, or as Leeroy Jenkins as Ephraim. No, his flaws would be more nuanced. Kinda tired of blue haired lords.

I'd kind of like to see a cynical jaded Jeigan type unit.


A maudlin Jeigan would be the business. Sothe was kinda neat cuz he wasnt the Typical Jeigan in personality. But his personality was ass, so.../shrug

A more "alien" type of Big Bad would be cool. Like, one of the things i liked about FE7 was that the final boss was this dragon. It just comes through the gate all mindless and kinda frothing. I think exploring something like that further would be cool. A cosmic horror type creature that isnt a dragon or demon. Kinda like Majora meets Cthulhu.

Wyvern riders not being a part of the enemy nation would be nice. In fact, lets just swap that for a moment. Wyverns are of the hero's nation, and the pegknights are of the enemy nation. :Y

I want another Echidna.

The Christmas Cavs being both female for once.

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