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Types of characters you would like to see


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Hector has 35% speed and 50% defense. Growths are all on the main site.

Ike's 35% speed vs 40% def in RD, but Vanguard also has 5 more speed cap than defense.

Anyway I'm in the abolish gender exclusivity and a female lord without spotlight-stealers camp. Personalities-wise I just want them written well.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Ike also has a good base speed if I remember correctly and definitely has more movement. Hector is speedy and does use an axe but the fact that he doesn't gain movement on promotion and excels more in HP and Defense than anything makes me class him more as a Knight. Which I think are intentional traits of him since he did debut as a knight in Fe6. Comparatively Ike just has great stats all round minus resistance so I'd consider him more a hero (which makes an awful lot of sense given that's his class and he gains the typical hero weapon set upon promotion).

Edited by Jotari
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Ike's base speed is 23 in level 11, which is decent. However his speed growth and cap are conflicting totally.

I believe he belongs with his 35% speed growth to the slowest characters in the game (same speed like Micky and Soren). I don't know any Beorc yet, whose speed growth is below 30% (maybe Oliver).

The growths in FE10 are strange anyway. General Gatrie with 60% speed and Laura with even 70% speed and a priest speed cap of 15 (which is just stupid).

Edited by The Taninator
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I want to see lord with blue hair. And his peg knight gf. And his red and green cavaliers. And old and wise general with great base stats but awful growth rates. :smug:


Eliwood had red hair, a gold cavalier, a manakete girlfriend, and Marcus has competent growths yet he never gets appreciation for being different. Jus' super saiyan. >_>

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I also want to see a thieving tank, dancing tank, and a flying tank.

An unholy monk or cleric, very dark and twisted. Likes seeing people bleed and hurt, became a healer just so he could see people get hurt again. He would rather see someone suffer than die.

An extremely buff female, any class. Girls with big muscles.

More ugly faced characters, not viewed as attractive.

More fat characters in general, even though overweight soldiers would most likely die quick in a realistic setting. Especially a fat female character.

A character who would rather fight unarmed but is always scolded about it by a tsundere protective older female character, older sister.

A healer that attacks with his stave, not during gameplay, but during the scene you recruit him/her he is getting attacked and manages to give the attacker one damage.

An old lady character, we've seen old men already.

More dark skinned characters.

A pink, purple, orange, brown, black, haired lord.

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The growths in FE10 are strange anyway. General Gatrie with 60% speed and Laura with even 70% speed and a bishop speed cap of 15 (which is just stupid).

Priest, not Bishop. Her Bishop speed cap is 23.

I also want to see a thieving tank, dancing tank, and a flying tank.

RD!Haar says hi.

Especially a fat female character.

Meg also says hi.

An old lady character

As does Niime.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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An unholy monk or cleric, very dark and twisted. Likes seeing people bleed and hurt, became a healer just so he could see people get hurt again. He would rather see someone suffer than die.

A character who would rather fight unarmed but is always scolded about it by a tsundere protective older female character, older sister.

These interest me. 1 reminds me a bit of Henry, if he was a healer I can see him being that way.

And 2...what do they think they're going to do? Bite? Do karate? xD

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FE could certainly use more Basilios and Flavias. The Khans were the best characters in Awakening.

My God, yes! I don't care what anyone says, Basilio's story arc was so good; he did the buff-not-meathead thing better than Walhart. Flav-a-lava-ding-dong—sorry couldn't resist—was really good too. I liked their relationship: how they clearly cared about each other, but also had a serious rivalry, and in retrospect, even how they couldn't get married.

I'd also love to see a Pirate King for some reason. We have a ton of rugged bandits and ruffians in Fire Emblem, I'd love to see one who has declared himself King. Bonus points if we finally get to see Shanty Pete.

Also, yes. So much yes.

Fighting family is always fun, I'd like to see a Lord who has to do a bit more of that. Despite the sudden Death Syndrome of Lord's parents, I think Alm is the only one who actually tried his hand at parricide.

That would be kind of cool, especially if they knew they were fighting someone they were close to, like if Guinevere was the main character in 6. IIRC, in 2 Alm didn't know Rudolf was his dad so there wasn't that conflict.

I'd also like to see a Jagen that actually looks like they've seen combat, like how Tibarn has all those scars or Haar with his eye patch, and is mounted, specializes in swords, is strong and slow. So basically, Haar on a horse with swords. As for personality, he takes what he needs to seriously, but can actually joke around, and isn't cynical despite having seen war.

Also, this is from an idea I've been kicking around in my head for a while: a sniper Gotoh that's the lord's dad. He'd have a prf bow that's just obscenely OP and was a hero in some previous war. He and his son don't not get along, but they aren't close. Throughout the game, the lord finds out about his dad and why his dad was a little distant while he was growing up from friends/brothers-in-arms of the dad who were like uncles to the lord. So the dad and co are like Athos and co, but still alive and actually explored as characters.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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A healer with high attack.

But unpromoted healers do not attack, and many of them have good combat once they promote.

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An unholy monk or cleric, very dark and twisted. Likes seeing people bleed and hurt, became a healer just so he could see people get hurt again. He would rather see someone suffer than die.

I know it's not quite the same, but I couldn't help but be reminded of this when I read that.

On topic, though, I'd love to see more things that are aversions and subversions of the current FE tropes, which seems to be what a lot of people are suggesting. Another female lord is something that I'd love in particular, but other gender-/class-/role-swapping would be awesome.

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I would like to see a perverted character that always gets scolded by an tsundere girl by getting dragged away by the ears like Misty and Brock. Virion and Cherche didn't satisfy me at all.

I would also like to see a chapter where a village or town is being attacked and the local kids, deliquent gang, come in with sticks and extremely low stats, you have to kill the enemies before the kids get too close to the enemy. The leader of the gang isn't a little kid, but instead a young adult or teenager who takes care of them. He serves as a their role model. He could be a trickster or theif. Food is too expensive for them sometimes so they steal what they need and bring it back to their hideout. Alternatively this person could be a female theif. They have a bad reputation. At the end of the chapter she/he leaves the kids under the care of someone else and joins the main protagonist on his quest to return peace to the land.

I would like to see a recruitable monster, this monster is different than the others and hates violence.

I would like to see another vegetarian character.

I would like to see an athiest character who despises religion and has a hatred for the gods, could work well with the nonreligious priest.

A dark skinned character with a hair color other than black, brown, or blonde. Blue, green, red, purple, orange, and pink are mandatory.

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I would like to see a perverted character that always gets scolded by an tsundere girl by getting dragged away by the ears like Misty and Brock. Virion and Cherche didn't satisfy me at all.

Saul and Dorothy more or less have that dynamic.

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I would like to see a Camus who has a better reason to fight you instead of joining you than "Bla bla loyality to my country despite it being evil bla bla." For example, he could have a very good reason to believe that you are being manipulated by the villain, and because your Lord insists he´s doing the right thing, the Camus has no other choice than trying to stop your army by force.

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I would like to see a group of non generic characters, a seperate army with characters that fight as your allies, but they can't join you. They each have their own personalities and names, but they can't join you.

I would like to see mage who never wanted to learn magic. When he was young he always dreamed of becoming a swordsman, but his rich parents forced him to enroll in the royal school of magic.

I would also like to see a squirrel, rabbit, kangaroo, fish, bear, dog, cat, and turtle laguz.

I would also like to see a whole family join the main protagonists army. Mother, father, sister, and brother. It'd be really interesting.

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I would like to see a Camus who has a better reason to fight you instead of joining you than "Bla bla loyality to my country despite it being evil bla bla." For example, he could have a very good reason to believe that you are being manipulated by the villain, and because your Lord insists he´s doing the right thing, the Camus has no other choice than trying to stop your army by force.

Honestly the dichotomy between loyalty to your country and devotion to your friends is what makes that archetype great in the first place. You really feel for them.

It fucking sucked to have Eldigan fight against you.

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I would like to see a Camus who has a better reason to fight you instead of joining you than "Bla bla loyality to my country despite it being evil bla bla." For example, he could have a very good reason to believe that you are being manipulated by the villain, and because your Lord insists he´s doing the right thing, the Camus has no other choice than trying to stop your army by force.

I used to hate the whole "Muh Honor" reason for Camuses to not join you, but after taking a Medieval history class, I started to get it.

For knights, who were often 2nd, 3rd, etc. children that didn't have anything to inherit, honor was pretty much everything. Chivalry was srs bzns.

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A character who starts out as a weak NPC who assists you a couple of times (and you need to defend) in a brown robe and is only able to wield swords early in the game, but comes back later with amazing stats, growths, and the ability to use all 3 parts of the weapon triangle (But they would kinda need to be a Gotoh). I may or may not plan to be that in an FE game I make when FEXNA is released. I just kinda want to be in a FE game

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