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Types of characters you would like to see


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All I want to see is a tome wielding dancer. Nuff said.

Hm, this is similar to an idea I had as part of an expanded family of magic classes. Basically I imagined a fusion of the Jugdral and Elibe(specifically FE7) Bard classes. The class would wield Light Magic, have a low Magic stat but high Speed and Luck, and also have the ability to give temporary status buffs to allies.

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I think my favorite thing about that awkward zombie is that it totally seems like something Serra would do.

Honestly the dichotomy between loyalty to your country and devotion to your friends is what makes that archetype great in the first place. You really feel for them.

It fucking sucked to have Eldigan fight against you.

Agreed. Also, I don't think I've ever seen a character in FE who's as hopeless as Bryce. And he managed to keep from being pathetic.

Even now-a-days that idea isn't really that foreign.

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Honestly the dichotomy between loyalty to your country and devotion to your friends is what makes that archetype great in the first place. You really feel for them.

It fucking sucked to have Eldigan fight against you.

I wish Mustafa was a playable character (Kinda like how you recruited Tiki as a boss in Shadow Dragon), and had seizing be an objective for that one chapter

Mustafa was an awesome guy, too bad we had to kill him :(

On a more on-topic note, I kinda want a Cain and Able duo who are less Christmas-y (Their colors would be orange and seafoam green) with the Orange one being the chivalrous pervert who annoy the green one, who is a tsundere, then they fall for each other.

That would be kinda funny

Edited by Mastergabe2000
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Speaking of dancer-type units. I wouldn't mind seeing a singer again. The herons were cool, but surely there are beorc/humans that have good singing voices that can motivate the troops? I did this with a fan character and made him a mounted unit that can also gain a skill that lets him give extra turns to all adjacent units. And like Olivia, he can fight as well. I like this idea. ^^

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Here's an interesting thought. What about a mother who is the antagonist and a daughter who is the hero? I would suggest a father/son thing but that seems really obvious. Also, don't just make it a 'notion', really play it up. Show them together as a happy family playing together, trusting each other, and maybe not even 'hating' each other despite the battle going on. They have reasons to fight and believe what they do, but they're still family.

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Here's an interesting thought. What about a mother who is the antagonist and a daughter who is the hero? I would suggest a father/son thing but that seems really obvious. Also, don't just make it a 'notion', really play it up. Show them together as a happy family playing together, trusting each other, and maybe not even 'hating' each other despite the battle going on. They have reasons to fight and believe what they do, but they're still family.

Five thumbs up. FE has had a couple of good mother/Lord relationships of varying types (Leif & Eyvel, Eliwood & Eleanora, and Ike & Titania all come to mind), but this would be great.

And no, F!Robin and Robin!Lucina really doesn't go where it could've gone with that concept.

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That's a interesting idea too, and I believe I'm doing something similar in a fic. But I'd probably be mentioning my fan stuff too much at this point, so enough about that. :P

Muarim and Tormod count too, right? Muarim raised Tormod, I think. But having the parent in this kind of duo be the antagonist would make for really interesitng stuff.

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As mentioned before, Alm and Rudolf were parent and son, and actually didn't share any animosity on Rudolf's part (I think Alm disliked Rudolf a lot though), but it was the NES days of storytelling and Alm only found out after Rudolf died so it doesn't really have much going for it (or so I hear). Remake please IS!

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Jumping on the train of being in favor of a game with a female "Marth"-type Lord. (That is, one who is unambiguously the main character throughout the entirety of the story.) And have that Lord use something other than swords as her main weapon. Dark magic would be nice, considering there's not been a single Lord who could use it in their own game as far as I know, but really anything that's not a sword would be fine by me. Also give her a hair color other than blue.

I would also appreciate a male Dancer. Or a female Bard.

Just remove gender-locking on classes in general, really.

More build variation among playable characters, especially women. There is a bit, but not nearly as much as there could be.

More ethnic variation, too, and more important, major characters who aren't the game's "vaguely European" ethnicity. And don't do what Awakening did and assign the most prominent non-"white" ethnicity to the least sympathetic enemy nation.

Play around with other classes for the main villain, also. Generals and Druids/Sorcerors (and clones thereof) and Manaketes are neat and all, but I'd like to see more things that diverge from that, like Ashnard's class being based on Wyvern Lords.

Bring back Light magic and Monks 2015

I'd suggest a magic Jagen but that would probably be broken in a number of ways, among which the fact that it'd probably decrease incentive to even bother with unpromoted healers if the Jagen came with a good enough Staff rank and Magic stat.

I know Tellius had a pair of them, (Mia and Edward,) but I'd kinda like to see another "first Myrmidon" who was just a legitimately friendly, upbeat person without any real secret or angsty past to speak of.

More incidental party members (i.e: not the main lord or the maybe half-dozen, tops, other plot-important characters who usually join you) who are, or have meaningful ties to, people, places and things that are significant to the story and/or world in some way. And more giving these characters interesting things to do (recruiting other characters, getting special battle quotes, getting special scenes and items from visiting villages, etc.) many chapters after they join the party.

Remember in Thracia 776 how we had Orsin, that Fighter who was actually really good? That was fun, let's do that again.

Other things that were fun and that we should do again are recruitable base Brigands (FEs 5 & 6) and Soldiers (FEs 2, 9 and 10).

I know it's only been in one game so far, but I'd really rather not see Awakening's portrayal of Dark magic and Dark magic users become a trend. I wouldn't necessarily mind seeing a few more Dark users like that in the future, but they shouldn't be the only base Dark users you can recruit. I'd like for there to be more Raighs, Sophias, Canases, and Knolls to balance out the Tharjas and Henries, I suppose, if there are to be more of the latter going forward. Since included Sophia and Knoll in that list I feel I should specify that I mean in terms of personality, not unit performance.

I want there to be another character like Jaffar or Duessel, who's holds a significant position among the opposing forces, but who defects to the player's side during the main story. I'm kind of a sucker for "enemy turned friend" characters, especially when they were someone important before defecting to the heroes' side.

Back on the topic of Lords, Blazing Sword's whole "three main Lords" thing, with each getting their own "Story", was actually a really neat idea and one that I feel ought to have been explored more than it was in just that game.

And I'd actually kinda like to see Arch Knights/Nomads/Tellius' brand of Bow Knights make a return... Some sort of base-tier mounted Bow-using class. Axe Knights would be cool to see again, as well. Not really sure how I feel about splitting Cavaliers into Sword and Lance Knights, though.

Edited by Starlight36
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A gigantic final boss so big that we have to destroy each part of its body, on different maps, in order to kill it. Grima in Awakening has a vessel to represent him.

Shadow of the Fire Emblem (sorry could not resist that joke)

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I'd like to see a manakete as a lord.

A Manakete main character that uses <not swords>, and also Dragonstones, but at the cost of his/her health.

Character-plot wise, he/she could, through either deciding to command his/her army to kill this/that person, decide to either establish either iron-fisted rulers that oppress the masses, or compassionate rulers/congresses. It would affect which characters you'd recruit, the kinds of weapons you'd be supplied with by your allied nations, and ultimately, the ending, where you'd either defeat Medeptyrmawhatever or Naga. One playthrough you'd recruit one duke or bishop, whereas in another you'd end up killing them. Some units might even desert your army for different reasons; a healer might desert out of disgust if you end up killing defenseless enemy clerics, or you might make the decision to go on a sidequest chapter to destroy an ancient library to avoid letting enemy mages ambush you in later chapters, but at the expense of a magic user who values preserving history and magical theory.

So basically, you'd be Morgan.

Edited by Kysafen
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A gloomy character that is always sad, really sad. Never happy.

A character without legs or is missing a leg.

A character without arms or is missing an atm.

Sounds too tropy. I don't like it.

Also, I'm pretty sure Rabb meant a general that uses Tomes exlusively

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If a one armed character was a mage then it wouldn't seem that odd at all. They wouldn't seem unrealisticly badass for fighting with one arm nor would they be so good as to make it seem unrealistic considering magic doesn't really require hands. A one legged character would have to use a mount since giving them the same movement as other (and giving them 3D Map animation traversing) would just look comical.

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If we're going to get another blue-haired lord, have them use a different shade of blue much like Eirika.

Characters who don't fall into the same archetypes as those from the previous titles. (ie. entirely new archetypes)

Edited by Kiseki
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If we're going to get another blue-haired lord, have them use a different shade of blue much like Eirika.

Yeah, Eirika was good for breaking up the dark-blue haired lord trope.

Lyn's green hair was also pretty good to see, especially cause Hector was the only blue-haired lord in FE6

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Adding on to Snowy's idea, how about a son/mother or daughter/father matchup and get super Freudian up in this bitch. But seriously, it'd be interesting, since from my experience, those are much different relationships than son/father and mother/daughter.

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