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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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1: What fictional character do you find the most admirable?

2: Ideal personality traits in a significant other?

3: Greatest gaming accomplishment?

4: What bizarre animal would you like most as a pet?

5: How often do you brush your teeth a day?

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I'm cool with UNLIMITED QUESTIONS since people are actually numbering their things and that's like whatever man

hi how are you rn


1: What fictional character do you find the most admirable?

2: Ideal personality traits in a significant other?

3: Greatest gaming accomplishment?

4: What bizarre animal would you like most as a pet?

5: How often do you brush your teeth a day?

1. No one springs to mind as NUMBER ONE, I'm awful at broad questions! If you really want me to think on it feel free to say so

2. FELICIFIC, I'd leave it at that but you said traits so uhhh: caring, creative, reserved, intelligent, idk.

Not a topic I think about often, actually.

3. When I beat the first dungeon in Ocarina of Time on my own when I was like, four years old.

4. An armadillo, I'd probably never get tired of it curling into a ball. It would be legit

5. Twice, sometimes three times if I ate something that made my breath smell especially gross.

Would you rather believe in the me who believes in you, or the you who believes in yourself?


Why are there numbers in your username?

I made my username when I was twelve years old, and I'm way too unimaginative to come up with something else after so long. Everyone knows me as PK, or Lucas, or a billion other variants already so that makes it weird to change too.

What is the one thing you can't stand?

I can't stand when a bar of soap gets all small and not-lathery

it's so unsatisfying

Edited by PKLucas531
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That is not a Stegosaurus.

Not even close.

That's the point of it saying "I am a Stegosaurus"~

(though I guess the better way to word it is "that's the joke")

Edited by Freohr Datia
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1. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? How well do they mesh?

2. Why do you like Mafia?

3. If you had to give up every principle but one, what would you choose to keep?

4. What person do you value most in your life? Why?

5. First and current impressions of me?

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Time for some questionarinos:

Have you ever invested in a kickstarter? If so, what?

Favorite emoticon?

What do you think the life expectancy of our generation is (feel free to use sources if you want to make a guess based on those)?

What is the first thing you will do when you reach 21?

-.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / .-.. .. . -.- / -.- .. -- ..--..?

Edited by Interest
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Man this took awhile.

What's your favorite Fighting game bro

and Least favorite?

Most favorite all time: 3rd Strike

Most favorite recent: Guilty Gear Xrd

Least favorite recent: Whenever my friends turn on Skullgirls I'm like ughhhh. It's not a bad game, I just only like one character so it's hard to play.

1. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? How well do they mesh?
2. Why do you like Mafia?
3. If you had to give up every principle but one, what would you choose to keep?
4. What person do you value most in your life? Why?
5. First and current impressions of me?

man this is a lot of hard hitters

1. [spoiler=Strengths]

I'm honestly not sure about my greatest strengths, so I went with what I'm told often.

- Honest/Blunt
- Intelligent
- Conscientious


- Indecisive
- Lack of passion
- Lazy

[spoiler=How they mesh]I think my weaknesses overpower my strengths, to be honest. I do have the capability to do things, I just really don't have the right mentality to be successful or want to be successful. All the weaknesses I listed are a recipe for disaster, really. I'm actually dealing with depression, so my lows can get very low and my highs don't get very high. This description is negative too! bleh. Without a doubt if I pulled myself together some way or another I could go somewhere in life. I guess I'd say my strengths are worth more than my weaknesses, because I'm pretty confident I can get rid of these weaknesses eventually.

2. mafia sucks

[spoiler=real answer]I don't actually like mafia, haha. I only play EiMM and EpicMafia because I'm asked to. I tried playing a real mafia game, but I didn't really "get it" or get why I would want to play it. I didn't know most of the players or anything, so it didn't have that fun familiarity or instant gratification EiMM and EM have. I'd like to try a traditional game again, but I haven't found a good springboard.

3. Honesty.

4. My younger brother. Hard to explain, there's just that connection where you can read each other like a book. He was also the first person to come to mind.

5. First impression:

I don't really remember. I think I first noticed you when people made a small fuss about your gender being "Not Telling," something about "what gender did you pick for MU in FE13" in the FE4 Thread. No idea how I remember that, though.

Current impression:

I don't really like making opinions on people I haven't talked to or known for that long, and I barely know you, but...

I'd describe you as eccentric, which isn't bad, sometimes I'm like "is this guy for real" when I read your posts. Nothing against you, it just stands out. I think people have told me you're intimidating and things like that, but I don't see it.

Now I know why Euklyd hates that question though, for people I don't actually know it's like "how do I dress up how neutral I am towards you" Bonus points for having a Czeslaw avatar from time to time.

We all know how people celebrate St. Patrick's Day. How would people celebrate St. PKLucas's Day?

What is your favorite song?

Everyone would have to be more boisterous and have a toasted bagel in the morning. I dunno, do whatever you want I'm some guy not a cop. Best holiday.

I listened to this whole album everyday for the longest time, but I really like song #4(at 11:55)


also what's your favorite animal

what's your goal in life, like career-wise etc


Just keep breathing/be happy. Really low standards, kinda has something to do with the strengths/weaknesses question above. Working on it though :V

Time for some questionarinos:

Have you ever invested in a kickstarter? If so, what?

Favorite emoticon?

What do you think the life expectancy of our generation is (feel free to use sources if you want to make a guess based on those)?

What is the first thing you will do when you reach 21?

-.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / .-.. .. . -.- / -.- .. -- ..--..?

1. Mighty No. 9

2. I have a whole text file of emoticons I like that is ever expanding, but #1 will always be >:E

3. I literally have no idea how to answer this, like 80? I'd be cool with it being closer to mid 60s early 70s though.

4. breathe

5. ya

Edited by PKLucas531
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Now I know why Euklyd hates that question though, for people I don't actually know it's like "how do I dress up how neutral I am towards you" Bonus points for having a Czeslaw avatar from time to time.

Points for effort, then.

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Just keep breathing/be happy. Really low standards, kinda has something to do with the strengths/weaknesses question above. Working on it though :V

turtles are cool

it's okay \o/

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what are your

first and current impressions of me


first: this kinumi person has an edea avatar I should talk to them they are definitely cool

current: kim is my favorite person


what are your

most favourite fruits?


I like nearly everything except for pineapples though, I started listing more but then I realized "that's almost all of the common ones"

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Now I know why Euklyd hates that question though, for people I don't actually know it's like "how do I dress up how neutral I am towards you"

it's the worst

even when you don't feel neutral it's like

describing people with words is hard

that being said what are your first and current impressions of me

for the record that's a joke not a question


on a scale from "favorite food" to "not soapy bar of soap" how would you rate that question?

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1. If you like had some sort of personal throne room for whatever reason, how would you decorate it?

2. Whats the coolest thing you did today?
3. Favorite smells?
4. Have you ever been outside and you like saw something neat like a seldom seen animal or a pretty rock and you were all

"woah neat"

5. In your own personal opennyeenin, what is the best way to get inspired?

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