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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Ya...but...I actually have an odd thing going with drinking tea, which is that I generally let it get much closer to room temperature than most do. I mean, it's all anecdotal, but I generally don't like things very hot. Spicy is another story.

I also let my tea steep for a while, but that's not as unusual.

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Tbh, I've never had crumpets, not even with tea. Please don't beat me up for being a loser. I do think scones can be pretty amazing though, and I like biscuits with delicious currants/jams/whatever (especially strawberry). I feel fairly confident I would like crumpets, but in terms of the most exhaustive analysis of my experience I can't determine whether or not I like them.

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Blue and gold. Like in the tom waits song.


I was gonna link to a youtube video of it but the video actually had nudity in it! Didnt know that was allowed. Regardless, the way my phone interacts with youtube seems to preclude actually getting a standard link to the video.

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1. Where do you hail from?

2. If you have one, what's your favorite ship in Infinite Space?

3. If you have one, who's your favorite character in Infinite Space?

4. Could you name the space operas you like?

5. If you had one Game That Everybody Who Wants To Get With You Should Play (optional stipulation: That Rehab Hasn't Heard Of), what would it be?

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2. What is or has been your greatest obsession?

3. What have you felt the strongest about? Why?

4. Red pill or blue pill? Why?

5. What is your dream profession?

Sorry if any of these have already been asked.

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1. Where do you hail from?

2. If you have one, what's your favorite ship in Infinite Space?

3. If you have one, who's your favorite character in Infinite Space?

4. Could you name the space operas you like?

5. If you had one Game That Everybody Who Wants To Get With You Should Play (optional stipulation: That Rehab Hasn't Heard Of), what would it be?

1: Born in Texas, lived in NJ for the rest of my life except for college in Indiana.

2: I really like the red pirate ship that the pirate queen sorta lady has. I'm not totally sure if that's my favorite of all the ships in the game, but I couldn't find a decent database with pics of the ships to be sure. A lot of the ships are cool though. I remember really liking some of the large escondido ships (IIRC, that's the place where one of the routes pits you against an invisible ship).

3: Nia and her old boyfriend who joined the empire EREMON! are both great. The crazy professor dude is great as well. I also like Fomich a lot for some reason. If you don't remember him, he's one of the important elgavan politicians. He flees Elgava when the empire guys attack and you can recruit him during the second part of the game. IIRC he goes well in a subordinate slot for leadership.

4: I actually haven't read that many longrunning sci-fi book series. I'm not good at distinguishing space operas so I'll just list sci-fi series I think of.

-The Gap might be my favorite. It's absolutely brutal and harrowing but really good with keeping tension running high.

-I'm 2/3 of the way done with The Chronicles of Solace, which I've been enjoying in part due to all the technical minutia which I admittedly don't entirely understand.

-Jack Vance's Demon Princes series is just really entertaining. The villains can be really colorful, the settings tend to be interesting, and, I mean, it's Vance.

-The Book of the Long Sun might count as a space opera. It starts by being about a priest who's trying to keep save the manetion (sp? well, it's synonymous with a church with an altar) he's running from going bankrupt and being bought out by a crime lord. It's a really creative book IMO. By the author who wrote the book with Severian in it.

-Another Vance series, Alastor. It takes place in a star cluster, and the three books are pretty independent from one another. It's kind of weird. But I enjoyed it.

-The Foundation series was really fun, though I barely remember it now.

-Don't hate me, but I reread most of the first Dune book recently and came out of it somewhat unimpressed. Hard for me to articulate why. I guess that Paul and his mom came across as a bit too perfect in their handling of shit.

5: Get with me :wub: ?!??! Well, anyway...this is a tough question. I don't really know what to say. I'm going to go ahead and go with Super Mario RPG, Earthbound, or Suikoden I or II. I know that's 4 games. Any one of them is fine. Even none of them is fine.

2. What is or has been your greatest obsession?

3. What have you felt the strongest about? Why?

4. Red pill or blue pill? Why?

5. What is your dream profession?

Sorry if any of these have already been asked.

2: The apparent impossibility (to me) of something like Laplace's Demon. Or women. Or the feeling that the deaths of others are more detrimental to us than our own deaths, unless hell (dying, on the other hand, depends...).

3: That we should be more open to suicide.

4: I forget which one takes you where, but I think I'd go with the one that takes you out of the matrix. It's kind of arbitrary, but I feel like if you've already spent some time on one side, you're losing out if you don't head over to the other one. Maybe I'd be open to being "reindoctrinated" into the matrix after being outside it. But I'd like to think I wouldn't need that to happen.

5: Ugh. It's retirement. Umm, besides that? Maybe a train conductor. If I get to tack on a bunch of extras...reading privileges. And I get to switch routes whenever I feel like it.


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Oh BTW I hope this doesn't count as derailment of the thread. :x

[spoiler=LoGH]Hmm I see. Well they gotta make the anime super long with wars haha...

Reinhard is so ambitious! He has a fire for world domination, and he can't stand boredom. I know what you mean by douchey, he's probably got good qualities as a dictator, but for the good of mankind... he's not one for a peaceful era. When he had an excuse to invade FPA, he jumped at the opportunity like a lion. Reinhard wouldn't be satisfied with just the Empire, he wants the whole universe.

agh I want to say a lot more but it's been months since I finished it and I forgot some details. But I was so caught along in the anime and impressed by Reinhard's charisma and ambitions (and shiny hair) that I didn't really question if he made the right choices. And like you say about the gung-ho FPA government... ahhh crazy people.

I think I've only seen two gaidens, Silver Valley and Songs of Night. I got put off by it. :( but I should at least watch Kircheis' one. (aka my fave character)

6. What do you think of Yang Wen-Li's cat?

7. What are your (greatest) fears?

8. If you could promote one idea or message to the whole world, what would it be?

9. What are your hobbies?

10. What are your defining traits?

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1.What SMT demons do you have with you summoned that best reflect your personality?

2.Also, Law, Chaos, or Neutral?

I will get to the questions, but for now I need to clarify: do you mean like, I should consider the demons in my smt iv save and decide from that selection?
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Oh BTW I hope this doesn't count as derailment of the thread. :x

[spoiler=LoGH]Hmm I see. Well they gotta make the anime super long with wars haha...

Reinhard is so ambitious! He has a fire for world domination, and he can't stand boredom. I know what you mean by douchey, he's probably got good qualities as a dictator, but for the good of mankind... he's not one for a peaceful era. When he had an excuse to invade FPA, he jumped at the opportunity like a lion. Reinhard wouldn't be satisfied with just the Empire, he wants the whole universe.

agh I want to say a lot more but it's been months since I finished it and I forgot some details. But I was so caught along in the anime and impressed by Reinhard's charisma and ambitions (and shiny hair) that I didn't really question if he made the right choices. And like you say about the gung-ho FPA government... ahhh crazy people.

I think I've only seen two gaidens, Silver Valley and Songs of Night. I got put off by it. :( but I should at least watch Kircheis' one. (aka my fave character)

6. What do you think of Yang Wen-Li's cat?

7. What are your (greatest) fears?

8. If you could promote one idea or message to the whole world, what would it be?

9. What are your hobbies?

10. What are your defining traits?

6: Before I start, I just want to say that I wish I could have a bigger sig (me and only me) because my sig image cuts out Dusty Attenborough looking down on Yang and Fleet Admiral from a video screen. The picture is already great IMO but Dusty has a serious expression on his face and adds to the scene.

I love Yang's cat. It looks pretty cute and funny, and no one makes a big fuss about him. He's just a beloved cat.

7: Practical: Not getting through this semester of school because I don't get enough x-ray cases.

Futurey: I am scared of a mind reading device being invented, and ever having my mind read.

Emotionally: Parents and/or brother dying.

Inhibiting (maybe not phobias but still kinda bad): height, driving.

8: Hmm. Sometimes I want to get people to be "slow to judge others, quick to judge themselves." But the truth is that even if someone is just denying their flaws and even blaming others unfairly for mistakes they have made, I think that confidence could leave you more room to grow than something like my lack of confidence in myself, which makes me go so far as to defer to others when it comes to opportunities because, speaking from a utilitarian point of view, other people will derive more from opportunities than I will and therefore my growth should be of a lower priority because I'm not a promising prospect. I guess I wouldn't want to inflict lack of confidence on other people.

I guess I would want to promote a sort of mentality where people should more frequently consider when doing something that benefits someone else at the cost of something to oneself should be taken more seriously if the other person will probably benefit more than you will lose. But obviously they shouldn't hang themselves out to dry, so...ya, I don't really have a good answer to this question.

9: Reading, video games. And I've been doing some swimming again if exercise can be a hobby. But even when I have the energy to swim laps for a longer period of time, I still usually stop 20-30 minutes into my swim because I get too bored with it to continue.

10: Skepticism. Actually, I'm more just unhinged. I'm really on both sides of the fence, minimum, for a lot of things. Sometimes, when I'm working on fairly simple mathematical things, I tend to "check" basic rules with simple numbers to make sure they work the way I remember them working before applying it to the problem at hand. That isn't really a trait on its own, I'm just tying it on to skepticism. I hesitate a lot. Uh, I think I have an OK sense of humor. I procrastinate a lot. I'm very laid back, usually. I like conversing with people OK, but I rarely initiate a conversation because I'm usually not actually interested in learning anything about other people until I've already started learning about them because they're engaging me. And I think I'm pretty irreverent?

What were/are your first/current impressions of Riki?

First: Haha, this little guy is adorable and pretty funny. BTW Frontier Village the best.

Current: This guy has an amazing voice actor and incredible gumption. Everybody Hero Time! BTW Frontier Village the best.

1.What SMT demons do you have with you summoned that best reflect your personality?

2.Also, Law, Chaos, or Neutral?

1: My compendium is limited because I actually haven't beaten SMT IV yet. I guess I'd go with Melchom. My favorites are probably Mara, Ishtar, Frost Ace or Deemoney Ho, Masakado?

2: Law or neutral, I think.

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I'm happy, because I think it'll give me a reason to make giant posts for once. I used to do that more often but more recently my posts tend to be pretty short, if I'm not mistaken. I'll be slightly dismayed if I don't get that many questions, but that's OK - I still have a few already.

1. Why did your giant posts become pretty short posts?

2. Why did SeverIan become Severlan?

3. Do you have any interest in playing the oldest Fire Emblem games?

4. Why ducks?

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1. Why did your giant posts become pretty short posts?

2. Why did SeverIan become Severlan?

3. Do you have any interest in playing the oldest Fire Emblem games?

4. Why ducks?

1: I'm not exactly sure. But I think it may have been sometime around middle to late 2012...

2: To mess with people in a really weird way. Every so often around here, someone would make a post calling me SeverLan (caps to make it easy to distinguish) and then someone else would make a reply like "He's Severian, not SeverLan!" (again, caps to make it easy to distinguish). So one day when someone said I was SeverIan with an i, I decided to change it (you can check my name history to find out when) and then reveal the change around new years of 2014->2015.

"You thought it was SeverIan, but it was me, Severlan!" Basically, I decided to steal away the hope of the people.

3: I have played FE4-6. I've played bits of 1 and 3, but I wasn't that wowed by 'em. I might try them again, though. I'd like to give FE2 a try since it seems really different. I actually did play it for like, 2 minutes, but I didn't have a translation patch at that time so I didn't even finish a chapter.

4: OK, so I'm almost completely sure that Free asked me that because my member badge used to be a cute little duck. A while ago, member badges used to be based on postcount (if I understood ppl correctly). At the time that they converted from postcount to member's choice, they took away my ducky from badges available (unless it has been there this whole time and I was just too stupid to find it). And life has never been the same :(

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