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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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7. Are you more intimidated by PMs or public interactions? Why?

8. What is your most embarrassing memory?

9. What is your proudest memory?

10. Impressions of this thread?

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41. do you dislike the ship trigger-happiness

42. are there any fictional characters you identify with

43. are there any non-fictional people you particularly admire (prof aside)

44. curry or no curry

45. favorite game soundtrack(s)

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Are you suure? Well I don't mind him not admitting anything as long as he eats his fruit, tangerines are great.

Of course, in fact I was not expecting you to fall for such a thing and anyways I would have worded it differently if I implied the "fruit"

What is your opinion on fan made games and translations?

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7. Are you more intimidated by PMs or public interactions? Why?

8. What is your most embarrassing memory?

9. What is your proudest memory?

10. Impressions of this thread?

7. You mean online? Intimidated by neither, but PMs can be a little awkward when you don't know if the other user wants to keep conversing or not. Also PMing one-to-one can make you more self-conscious.

8. I may have had minor embarrassing moments but I seem to have forgotten them... Oh! There was this one time in a Chinese class the teacher asked what a term meant and I gave the literal translation (which was also in the back of the textbook) but the other students laughed.

9. I can't pinpoint a proudest memory. But I was very proud of my graphical hacking work for the FE12 translation.

10. First: interesting idea!

Current: it's a really nice thread! I wonder how long it will live for. And I can't believe it's in the 17th week already.

Who do you ship your brother with? ».»


Haha! Nobody, sadly. (And by nobody I mean no one.)

I think Madoka would be strange. or any fictional character really.

41. do you dislike the ship trigger-happiness

42. are there any fictional characters you identify with

43. are there any non-fictional people you particularly admire (prof aside)

44. curry or no curry

45. favorite game soundtrack(s)

41. Nah it's fun. I just hope the recipients of such trigger-happiness aren't discomforted by it.

42. Hmm can't think of any.

43. Can't think of many.

44. Curry, once a week or so.

45. In no order, Layton, Ace Attorney, Xenoblade, Falcom, Skies of Arcadia, Radiant Historia.

How many questions do you think TheOldMan will ask before this is done?

Over 100 I think!


Of course, in fact I was not expecting you to fall for such a thing and anyways I would have worded it differently if I implied the "fruit"

What is your opinion on fan made games and translations?

Ohh okay. :o

I think fan games are nice, people can make really cool things with their skills. Translations are wonderful and let a wider audience appreciate the original game who otherwise would not have been able to play it in a language they understand.

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11. What do you think I am if not a hermit?

12. What impresses you when meeting new people?

13. How do you handle rejection?

14. What questions do you ask yourself when faced with a new problem in life?

15. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? Why?

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46. why over a hundred questions

47. is there any fictional character you admire or a non-fictional character you identify with, then

48. do you collect/did you use to collect anything

49. have you been paying more attention to politics as of late

50. what are your favorite kon puns and sask names

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Sadly I don't play often these days, last time I played around was in Summer. :( I started 12 years ago I think, I used to have lessons in school. Then 6 years ago there were no more free music lessons for me so I bought my own flute and played at home for fun!

No worries, we're just being silly,

Aw, me neither. It's hard to find time to practice when it's not an obligation...hah, maybe I'm just lazy. Did you play in a formal ensemble or were you a soloist?

Hehe, of course. I'm pretty used to getting shipped anyway lol.

45. In no order, Layton, Ace Attorney, Xenoblade, Falcom, Skies of Arcadia, Radiant Historia.

Which Layton games have you played? :0

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More questions!

5. Who are your favorite characters in 999?

6. Wo are your favorite characters in VLR?

7. Do you like 999 or VLR more?

8. Are you as sad as I am that Zero Escape still hasn't gotten its third entry?

9. Who is your favorite defense attorney and/or prosecutor in the Ace Attorney games?

10. What is your favorite Ace Attorney game?

11. What is your favorite Layton game?

12. Has any game you've played made you cry?

Numbering them this time because I forgot to the first time ;-;

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Have you played 999 though?-- oops my interview

Haha, it's okay, I asked quite a bit of questions myself during mine.

But yes, I have, and I enjoyed it quite a bit.

13. Do you have a favorite character in 999? If so, who?

...Whoops, sorry. ^^;

They were? Haha, thanks.

It was fine, I enjoyed your questions.


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That was not a question btw, I will come up with something later

I know, just had to respond to it.

11. What do you think I am if not a hermit?

12. What impresses you when meeting new people?

13. How do you handle rejection?

14. What questions do you ask yourself when faced with a new problem in life?

15. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? Why?

11. You are a non-hermit person. Given your persuasion/influence, maybe you could be a politician or a salesperson.

12. I am impressed by people's: kindness, enthusiasm, charitableness, confidence, intelligence, skillfulness, knowledge, clear visions for the future. And by confidence, I mean confident but not coming across as arrogant or overbearing.

13. Interview rejections: I don't get put down by rejections, because I can imagine why I was rejected. But I don't know how or I don't seek to improve myself to be better at them, and just hope next time is better. Or I just assume that place wasn't for me anyway.

In general, rejections don't make me depressed or anything. Also I tend not to assume high hopes, so that when such things happen I don't get the "hopes dashed" feeling.

14. I ask myself: "Oh no, what do I do?" and then start fretting or worrying. Haha, it depends on what problem I guess. I don't think I consciously ask myself questions, but I just think about what things I could do.

15. I am more optimistic because that's just how I think. It's healthier to have a positive outlook on life, and enjoy what you have. Or perhaps I'm still "naive" and not exposed to the world enough to understand the grittiness of life.

46. why over a hundred questions

47. is there any fictional character you admire or a non-fictional character you identify with, then

48. do you collect/did you use to collect anything

49. have you been paying more attention to politics as of late

50. what are your favorite kon puns and sask names

46. 100 is a nice number. And it was an extrapolation from "50 per day". Since the interview lasts at least 4 days and taking into account you won't really ask 50 per day, then I gave an estimate.

47. Actually last night I did remember a non-fictional person I admire. My friend from college is amazing, she has achieved so much. She's making the most of her time at university and she has ideas for her future. And she's talented too at what she does. We were very similar back in college, but her wings have sprouted during this time! When we meet up the occasional times per year, we still have great laughs reminiscent of our old days! So her personality is still wonderful but she's had some great experiences.

Fictional character I admire: probably a lot. LoGH characters, you know why. Reinhard- shiniest star in the sky, flaming ambition, and so smart. Yang- so reasonable, rational, down-to-earth, cares about his comrades, fights passionately for 'democracy'. Kircheis- the kindest man ever, cares about others, honest, keeps Reinhard in check.

Also Tohru from Fruits Basket even if she seems impossibly kind. Even if spoiler:she may be feigning some of her politeness due to her father's death back then (though it's probably become her own habit now), because she is just naturally sweet and considerate of others.

Non-fictional person I identify with: Hmm can't think of any.

48. I used to collect bells from museums I went to on school trips. I just noticed most of them sold such bells, so it made nice souvenirs. I only have like 4 bells though.

I don't have any major collections really, maybe just minor ones. Eg, stuffed toys, bracelets. Oh but bracelets are accessories to wear, do they count as a "collection"?

49. To be honest I've still barely paid attention to politics but running up to the General Election over here there's naturally a lot of focused articles. But I don't always read the newspapers or look at the news. DDD: Last thing I saw was yet another article about the Tories screwing up the finances.

50. Kon puns: I don't remember, but it's funny when many kons can be fit into one sentence. But I also feel bad when Kon gets unkonfortable from all the puns.

Sask names: I think Saskules is cute, Saskuleon rolls off the tongue easily, Saskman and Saskinnuman(?) are kinda funny. But James doesn't seem to like Sask anymore so I'm trying to avoid Sask names. Looks like other people aren't stopping though!

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51. how is your relationship with your brother now, has it changed a lot in the past ten years

52. who likes/d lego more, you or your brother - in a scale of 1 to 10, how would you compare the two of you in that regard

53. have you ever lost a close relative

54. what do you think about zoos and what's your experience with them

55. do/did you gladly visit museums outside of school trips

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Should I number my questions?

Has my question already been asked?

Describe to us what your perfect week would look like; things you'd do, people you'd see, food you'd eat, drinks you'd...drink, places you'd visit, games you'd play... Yeah that's an ok question, I think.


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Alright then...

2. If you were given rulership of the entire world somehow, would you take it and if so, what would you do?

2. Wow. Well if I took it I would most likely search for the most appropriate person to take rulership instead, since I don't know enough about the world to know what's good for people. Or I suppose since I'm the one ruler, I just ask my advisors for advice, and also ask for lots of people's opinions and views.

Aw, me neither. It's hard to find time to practice when it's not an obligation...hah, maybe I'm just lazy. Did you play in a formal ensemble or were you a soloist?

Hehe, of course. I'm pretty used to getting shipped anyway lol.

Which Layton games have you played? :0

Yeah, and I no longer have someone professional to ask for help in techniques! Maybe I'm just lazy too.

In school, I played with the other woodwind players (flute, clarinet). There were only around 5 or 7 of us in that group I think, and we had performances roughly twice a year, once for Christmas and one for Summer. I'm not at solo level!

Ooh (who else do you get shipped with...)

I played and finished all 6 Layton games! Plus the Layton game app which was very un-Layton-like but was still a great game by itself.

More questions

5. Who are your favorite characters in 999?

6. Wo are your favorite characters in VLR?

7. Do you like 999 or VLR more?

8. Are you as sad as I am that Zero Escape still hasn't gotten its third entry?

9. Who is your favorite defense attorney and/or prosecutor in the Ace Attorney games?

10. What is your favorite Ace Attorney game?

11. What is your favorite Layton game?

12. Has any game you've played made you cry?

Numbering them this time because I forgot to the first time ;-;

5. I don't think I have favourites in 999, but I think Snake is cool. Snaaaaaaake

6. My favourite in VLR is probably Luna, she is just so sweet. Also Sigma, for being Badass.

7. I like VLR more. 999 was the first mindblowing game, so I wondered if VLR could give me the same shock. It turns out it did, even with the same 'time shenanigans'. Overall it felt like VLR was improved (story jumping) and in terms of the plot I think there are more things going on. Also since the plot has a wider scale, I think that was more attractive for me.

8. Yes I am so eager for the third entry!! I'm almost afraid I can't take the awesomeness. o3o That and actually the "horror" atmosphere is still scary to me, I avoided wearing headphones while playing these games so that I wouldn't immerse myself too much, at least until I can feel it's OK to wear them.

9. Fave defense attorney: Apollo Justice. He's just so cute (and maybe because he's the underdog).

Fave prosecutors: MILES EDGEWORTH. He is so logical and smart and cool. I like his ruffles too.

Klavier Gavin, who doesn't like him.

10. Favourite AA game: Probably Apollo Justice, I have a thing for 'time shenanigans'. Also I really liked the music, and the connected plot. Otherwise it would be Trials & Tribs, which was also amazing. Oh wait what about Dual Destinies? Hmmm I really loved it too, especially the graphical improvement (smooth smooth animation).

11. Favourite Layton game: A bit tough, most likely Layton3. I mean, that ending. You know what I mean~

12. I've almost forgotten what games made me cry. I only remember TWEWY, when the ending song came on. The melody tug on my heartstrings. Also possibly 999, near the end, spoiler:damn, experimenting on children and locking June in that room with that creepy bastard staring through the window. Sudoku.

It's okay!

Haha, it's okay, I asked quite a bit of questions myself during mine.

But yes, I have, and I enjoyed it quite a bit.

13. Do you have a favorite character in 999? If so, who?

See reply to Kon. Not exactly, but Snake was pretty cool.

Will edit with new answers.

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Okay I don't need to edit my previous post :D

51. how is your relationship with your brother now, has it changed a lot in the past ten years

52. who likes/d lego more, you or your brother - in a scale of 1 to 10, how would you compare the two of you in that regard

53. have you ever lost a close relative

54. what do you think about zoos and what's your experience with them

55. do/did you gladly visit museums outside of school trips

51. It probably has changed, I have a wider circle of friends. But we still get along very well, and play games maybe together (hey we both play Shuffle).

52. Maybe my brother likes Lego more, or maybe I'm just more conscious of what I spend my money on without having my own source of income. Say he likes Lego 7/10, I'll be 5/10. I do get impressed by massive detailed Lego creations though.

53. Nope. It doesn't help that I'm not very close to many relatives. Let's just hope everyone lives as long as they can!

54. Zoos are fun. I only remember visiting one on a school trip, which was over 10 years ago probably. The closest thing recently I been to was a vivarium, which basically had tanks of frogs, lizards etc. It was nice to see them, even if a lot of them were hidden behind rocks or branches or leaves.

55. I rarely visit museums, I don't know why. Maybe I haven't found/asked anyone to accompany me. Especially when they're free and so conveniently close!! Well there is a gallery I want to visit soon, there is an exhibition that sounds interesting.

Favourite videogame character?

What makes your brother so beloved in your opinion?

How did you get to know the OldMan?

One day I should compile my Favourites list so I can easily reference whenever I have to answer these lol, I always seem to forget. But if they're my faves, I should remember right?? Okay well I do remember this one, Professor Layton! I think my problem is that I lose the initial enthusiasm after not seeing these characters for a long time, and my memory is a little shoddy if I don't revisit things often. Anyway, Layton is just an amazing gentleman with a stylish top hat, and he is very intelligent, and has various skills like fencing, horseriding, and building makeshift planes on spur of the moment?!?

Umm I'm not sure if my brother is beloved but sometimes I wonder if he'd be able to take care of himself ahaha.

I first met TheEnd circa 2004 back in the legendary FESS. I was just an immature child (not even of COPPA age when I joined) and he was a snarky FE4 player known for his graphical and wallpapering skills. We had some interactions, I requested wallpapers from him, argued that Arthur should be the owner of Holsety (and he argued it was Sety), and stuff I don't quite remember. We added each other on LiveJournal, but even then I don't think we knew each other very well. Not sure if I was still shy or something. But then everyone migrated to SF and it was here and FE4Thread that we started to talk more, and maybe I was not a shy little girl anymore so I didn't refrain from spamming silly comments or something like that. Whereas back then I might have worried what was appropriate to post to this "great graphical guy"?? That and his LJ posts were spammed enough as is.

We had a lot of chances to talk since we were discussing graphical projects related to SF, Eg badges or SF main website design. I don't really remember the order of things. I think one day he just left a random comment on my profile begging me not to ban him for spamming my profile.

Go optimists \o/


Should I number my questions?

Has my question already been asked?

Describe to us what your perfect week would look like; things you'd do, people you'd see, food you'd eat, drinks you'd...drink, places you'd visit, games you'd play... Yeah that's an ok question, I think.


If you want to!

I don't think anyone asked that.

Perfect week: Are we assuming I won the lottery and have a huge amount of spare money?

I would visit all my friends across the country, two of them are far away from me right now. Heck I'd invite them to go on holiday with me, we could go to France or Italy or Japan. We would eat delicious food, go sightseeing, relax, catch up on everything we've been up to.

Actually you know what my current perfect week would be? I would actually manage to revise a whole module for university and type up some more of my project, do part of my coursework by now, maybe have a nice Japanese lunch on one day, relax a bit in the evenings and watch some movies or play some games in my backlog. I already drink tea so that part is perfect for me. ^_^


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