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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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SHIT sorry I missed this I had this nagging feeling I was missing something and when I checked back a page it turns out I was right, please forgive me Jenni ;__;

It's OKAY! I forgive you. ♥ Well it was awkward timing, I posted right when you did and also my post ended up on the end of that page! (I was just gonna repost it but then you noticed it!)

6. On a scale of 0 to infinity, how much of a buttface is Pride?

7. What things annoy you?

8. Do you have any dreams, even ones that may not be achievable?

9. What desserts/sweets do you like?

10. Do you worry about how others perceive you?

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Which of the seven deadly sins is least harmful to you?

Would you rather take a light matter too seriously or take a serious matter too lightly?

Do you play any musical instruments or sing?

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4. You have been sent to an alternate dimension where you have some limited control over the creation of the realm. What three things would you want to be different about the alternate dimension (can literally be anything)?

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1. Are you interested in history?

2. Would you like to play the oldest Fire Emblem games?

3. Do you know who I am?

4. Would you say you tend to be optimistic, pessimistic or more neutral?

1. Not a whole whole lot, but I do like seeing things like various artpieces from those times

2. Nah

3. Yep, I see you around at HHH at least sometimes

4. Heavily pessimist who is trying to have a more optimistic mindset because thats what I'd rather be and is more healthy

I don't wanna keep constantly sinking into negativity either

26. What is the name of your Mystic Arte/Hi-Ougi?

27. If you could witness one moment in history, what would it be?

28. Do you have a favorite mythology?

29. What technological convenience would you invent? Assuming it doesn't exist already.

30. What Tales games have you played?

31. Another myth question. What one item from a myth would you bring into existence?

26. Probably something like uh

Empyreal Collapse

..hahaha I just kinda smashed words together that sounds cool this is embarassing ;_; I think its fits with the cornyass JRPG name conventions right

27. I'd love to see when the pyramids were first built just to see how they are compared to now I think I heard they would have been all shinylike????? dunno if thats true but if it is then wow

28. Ancient Egypt's, yeah

29. I'd love some teleporter that just lets you go wherever you want quickly

30. Symphonia and its sequel, some of Phantasia, rented and played a bit of Legendia but I didn't really like it, Graces, Xillia, and Xillia 2

31. The Talaria AKA Hermes' flying sandals just for the sake of flying around, lol

i think you skipped one of jenni's questions

how were your mmo adventures with emerald

are you enjoying the non-smtxfe shitstorm

Wait I didn't skip another one did I?????? I checked and don't think I saw anything else...

They were alright, it was mostly just goofing around with others or randomly beating up monsters though I AFK a lot

somewhat yes

Its funny to see in small doses, as I tire of it quickly

Have you ever walked out on a movie? Or some other piece of public entertainment?

Nope, haven't seen anything that bad thankfully

which is good because I prefer not to go alone and it'd be awkward leaving unless we both mutually agreed on it

Who is best Fate character and why is it Kirei?

Kirei is pretty legit normally and amazing in Heaven's Feel I'll give you that, I'm not sure if he's the best character though maybe????

I can't decide lmao ;_; maybe Rin or Lancer

It's OKAY! I forgive you. ♥ Well it was awkward timing, I posted right when you did and also my post ended up on the end of that page! (I was just gonna repost it but then you noticed it!)

6. On a scale of 0 to infinity, how much of a buttface is Pride?

7. What things annoy you?

8. Do you have any dreams, even ones that may not be achievable?

9. What desserts/sweets do you like?

10. Do you worry about how others perceive you?

Thank you for being so paitient and dealing with my blunderings you are too kind

6. I think he'd just break the scale theres too much buttface to be contained

that thing costs money too, damn him

7. People who excessively guilt-trip and take advantage of my difficulty in saying no too much, loudness, being told to do something in a demanding tone that I was about to do anyway, any kind of offensive/bigoted jokes, people having petty conflicts with one another and trying to drag me into it for starters

8. Yes, though its mostly vagueish and loosely defined things than anything specific like happiness, being able to be around those who are close to me if I can't do that already normally and finding a purpose in life, etc, being able to try out and explore various things and go to a lot of places so I can at least be somewhat worldly and attain more knowledge

9. Plain 'ol chocolate chip cookies especially when freshly baked, cadbury eggs, and vanilla ice cream with hard shell chocolate as a topping

10. Yeep, its a frequent worry of mine

Which of the seven deadly sins is least harmful to you?

Would you rather take a light matter too seriously or take a serious matter too lightly?

Do you play any musical instruments or sing?

Lust, definitely

Serious matter too lightly, if I have a clear head it might be easier to think of a solution and sort things out

Don't play any instruments, I like to sing but not in public

I've gotten compliments from a few people that actually have heard me but I think my range is waaay too limited and being heard is 2embarassing anyways

4. You have been sent to an alternate dimension where you have some limited control over the creation of the realm. What three things would you want to be different about the alternate dimension (can literally be anything)?

4. -When you die, the absolute certainty that theres some sort of afterlife where you can hang out with other dead buddies and look how you want and be able to keep up with various media and do pretty much anything alive people can do besides stuff like getting killed again and having children because that would be weird since you're in an afterlife and such

-No diseases pls

-The power of love really does make miracles happen and can save people when used for good rather than being some embarassingly mushy concept because WHY NOT

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Wait I didn't skip another one did I?????? I checked and don't think I saw anything else...

Nah you got it. He was being slow. :s

Freshly baked goods are awesome~

11. Has anyone ever told you you're reeeally sweet?

12. Do you have trouble sleeping? If so, what do you do when that happens?

13. Have you ever thought of your own stories/games/fictional stuff?

14. Do you want to have children in the future?

15. Did/do you believe in Santa/tooth fairy/made-up things?

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Nah you got it. He was being slow. :s

Freshly baked goods are awesome~

11. Has anyone ever told you you're reeeally sweet?

12. Do you have trouble sleeping? If so, what do you do when that happens?

13. Have you ever thought of your own stories/games/fictional stuff?

14. Do you want to have children in the future?

15. Did/do you believe in Santa/tooth fairy/made-up things?

lol, and yesssssss

11. t-thats an oddly specific question ( /)//w//(\ )

but yes, a few times

12. Sometimes yes, I usually just try to think pleasant thoughts and hope I drift off within a decent amount of time.. I should really try doing what I tell other people to do like listening to really slow ambient music ahaha..

13. Stories I think about from time to time, but I can never think of a plot I like and thus it never goes anywhere and all I end up with is just a bunch of characters with vague personalities/motivations with a comedic scene happening one minute and then maybe a more serious scene the next! And who knows if said scenes would belong in the same story or not

14. Nah, there'd be too many health risks for me throughout the pregnancy and Type 1 diabetes is very prominent on my dad's side too so said kid could get it at any age even if its more common in children thus the "juvenille" part in juvenille diabetes or they may never get it at all. Either way they'd be like a ticking time bomb possibly and that isn't something I'd want any child of mine to have to bear.

Though, even if I was perfectly healthy I'd still wouldn't want to do it as it sounds pretty horrific-- THOUGH I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious on what a person spawned from me and someone else would be like, if in some hypothetical situation where I was in a place where I felt like I actually wanted to raise a kid and it'd still be mine and my partner's without me actually having to get pregnant in the far off future then MAYBE.. Theres a lot of kids who are in need of adoption too though hrrrrrrrrmh

15. I believed that Santa and fairies existed when I was a child

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Your thoughts on the new FErsona

I heard you said you like Lancer

what about him do you like?

thoughts on Tsukihime?

your opinions on how i wlll now forever associate you with Yuudachi, Muzet and Kotori?

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1: What fictional world would you like to live in the most?

2: Darkest thought you've ever had?

3: Biggest pet peeve?

4: Current/initial impressions of moi?

5: Would you sign a contract to become a magical girl?

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alright so

1. who is your favorite artist

2. whats your favorite work of art

3. when was the last time you excercised

4. why are cats literal devilspawn

5. if at all possible could you send me some cookies or maybe graham crackers

yeah probably graham crackers


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Your thoughts on the new FErsona

I heard you said you like Lancer

what about him do you like?

thoughts on Tsukihime?

your opinions on how i wlll now forever associate you with Yuudachi, Muzet and Kotori?

Looks like one huge clusterfuck, looks like it could be hilariously bad but if the story is still gripping and the gameplay fun enough to play that could just add to the charm really

I like his overall fighting style and how more laidback he is compared to most of the servants while still being a pretty decent guy, just wants a good fight but got shafted to a master that makes him gather intel and ultimately gets screwed over at the end

I'm nowhere near as unlucky as him obvs but I'm all "I know that feel" anyways

I'm hesitant to give it a try, I heard it was worse than Fate in regards to uh-- handling certain things, even if I read the version without the scenes it'd still have to imply it probably

wow I

I feel very honored and fuzzy inside

whenever people are like "I associate you with ____" its such a great feeling you don't even know aaaaaaaaaaaAA

1: What fictional world would you like to live in the most?

2: Darkest thought you've ever had?

3: Biggest pet peeve?

4: Current/initial impressions of moi?

5: Would you sign a contract to become a magical girl?

1. Animal Crossing

- guy who is rather paitient regarding houseloans and can easily find stuff to sell to him so no need for a job

- overly friendly neighbors who constantly validate you and feed your ego (I hope theres humans around too though living with just a bunch of anthromorphic animals would be weird)

- stress free lyf

- if you become mayor you make make everything pretty to your liking and don't get swamped with serious work

- did I mention making money is easy peasy

2. Any of the kind of stuff that comes up whenever I question my worth to anyone or anything and wondering if theres even any point to efforting at all

its noooooooot a good way to think at all and dumb of me, I know

3. Not being taken seriously

4. First: Guy I used to confuse with Alicia because you both have 'Frost' in your names at some points

Now: p nice dude who likes Pokemon who is rarely not in a call

5. No

2many responsibilities

alright so

1. who is your favorite artist

2. whats your favorite work of art

3. when was the last time you excercised

4. why are cats literal devilspawn

5. if at all possible could you send me some cookies or maybe graham crackers

yeah probably graham crackers


1. IDK theres like a lot of good artists out there like George Kamitani, Alphonse Mucha, Yoji Shinkawa.....

I can't decide fuck off ;_;

2. uh shit again I'll just pick the first thing that popped up which is Monastery Graveyard in the Snow by Caspar David Friedrich

they have some really nice scenery stuff ok

3. ?????? I did like a few stretches a day or two ago


also cats are rly cute and precious you should feel honored that anyone would even compare such lowly pondscum like you to one >:O

5. no

I can't just mail you out things everytime you get a goddamn craving like geez look at this imbecile trying to take advantage of my generousity

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20). how do you like them eggs?

27). what is your favorite schooling method (free study, strict, lenient)

29). who is the best graduation girl

52). why aren't you playing dfo with me and having MAGE FUN

84). how are you when angered?

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20). how do you like them eggs?

27). what is your favorite schooling method (free study, strict, lenient)

29). who is the best graduation girl

52). why aren't you playing dfo with me and having MAGE FUN

84). how are you when angered?

20. Scrambled or hard-boiled

27. I don't like overly strict stuff but I feel like I need to have some sort of pressure like plenty of work to be done and refreshers because I slack off and forget things easily

29. Sari probababably

52. It looks PRETTY but eugggggggh mmos I don't wannaa otherwise I would consider

84. Usually sulky and avoidant, sometimes spiteful and more stubborn

if I don't want to be angry at said person and/or care for them a lot I'll be avoidant and conflicted because I'm usually too proud to crack first so I'll try to act normal when I really just wanna make things right and be comforted ;_;

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32. Close Game Life or The Unbreakable?

33. How do you prefer your final battles? Group battle or one on one? Specify circumstances of the final battle if you want.

34. Is it easier for you personally, to forgive and forget or hold a grudge?

35. Unlike everyone else, did you already know there was a censor patch for Tsukihime?

36. Have you ever had fried turkey?

37. If you had 1 minute to address the entire world, what would you say to them?

38. If your life was a movie, would you want to watch it? And what would it be titled?

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16. What places in the world do you want to visit?

17. What are your favourite colours?

18. What are your nicknames for Pride?

19. What are you (most) proud of?

20. What are your favourite emotes?

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32. Close Game Life or The Unbreakable?

33. How do you prefer your final battles? Group battle or one on one? Specify circumstances of the final battle if you want.

34. Is it easier for you personally, to forgive and forget or hold a grudge?

35. Unlike everyone else, did you already know there was a censor patch for Tsukihime?

36. Have you ever had fried turkey?

37. If you had 1 minute to address the entire world, what would you say to them?

38. If your life was a movie, would you want to watch it? And what would it be titled?

32. I like how Close Game Life sounds better, personally

33. Just plain 'ol group battles is fine

34. Holding grudges, yep-- I still think theres different degrees of grudges and not all of them have to be taken to unhealthy levels y'know its like uhh

being more self-aware and cautious around certain people

35. I heard yeah

36. Nope, just the traditionally cooked around Thanksgiving

37. "Hey whats up people be sure to take care of yourselves and the people and world around you uhh.. also I accept money and paraphernalia from series I like also don't confuse paraphernalia with paraphillia because thats how I thought it was spelled for the longest time good thing there was never a time where I felt the need to use the word can you imagine how badly that'd go ahaha..ha"

38. Nope, not at all

probably something like "ahaudjhdjshauhgh the Hell is This: The Life of Some Sadfuck"

16. What places in the world do you want to visit?

17. What are your favourite colours?

18. What are your nicknames for Pride?

19. What are you (most) proud of?

20. What are your favourite emotes?

16. IRELAND, Prague and Egypt too maybe--

17. Using the fancy shade names I found off Wikipedia because less vague

Persian Green and similiar shades, Cerise, Apple green, Wisteria and similiar shades, and Pink

18. Chump, Chumplord, Buttface, Pridey, Kittyman, P-man, Dumb

probably a lot more I'm forgetting since I just call him whatever I feel like at the time lmao

19. geee hmm

My memory is usually pretty awful but sometimes I remember random pointless bits of info or something that happened that someone mighta forgot about that I didn't and then I can bring it up and impress them with it and my seemingly latent knowledge

20. ( ´_ゝ`), ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, 「(°ヘ°), (*゚∀゚*), ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_, _(:3」∠)_

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21. How many lives does a Pride have?

22. What nicknames do people have for you?

23. At the moment of answering this question, are you using computer/laptop/tablet/phone/other?

24. Home console or portable and why?

25. Okay?

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39. What would be the name of your boss theme?

40. What weapon do you fight with?

41. Are you good at platformers?

42. Melee or ranged?

43. Favorite fruit?

44. Would you rather be cyborg or human? and why?

45. What would you want to be your most heroic act?

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1. Why Hanayo

2. Wynaut Nozomi

3. Are you getting Puzzle and Dragons Z+Mario next month

4. Why don't you like Pokemon much anymore

5. Paper or plastic

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5. I believe you mentioned YouTube Poop earlier. Are you familiar with it? If so, what's your opinion on it?

6. How do you envision the ideal world?

7. How much lettuce would there be in the ideal world?

8. When it comes to serious topics, what kind of topics interest you? Or do you tend to avoid most serious topics?

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favorite foods?

favorite drinks?

favorite movie? if no one has already asked

favorite anime or show in general?

Besides the stuff I already mentioned there issss steak, grilled cheese sandwiches bagels w/ cream cheese, waffles

Dr. Pepper, root beer, lemonade, apple juice, cherry juice, banana milk but I don't see it anywhere anymore and its really assballs ;_;

Probably Fantasia, I'd really love to see more movies like that

shiiiiet I have no idea for anime, my favorite TV show is The Office though

1. Do you like to eat eggplant?

2. Do you frequently do online personality tests?

3. Do you take them online personality tests seriously?

1. Never tried it

2. I did it more when I was younger, and I'll usually take any that anybody finds if it looks interesting enough

3. For like a few minutes like, if I get a dumb result I'll be like "noooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaay thats not me at all" and then forget about it


21. How many lives does a Pride have?

22. What nicknames do people have for you?

23. At the moment of answering this question, are you using computer/laptop/tablet/phone/other?

24. Home console or portable and why?

25. Okay?


21. Enough to entertain me

22. From the top of my head theress Letty, Cabbage, Mew, Goof, Gooflord, Cinnamon Roll, Am (its pronounced like "aim" my name is too short for my irl friends to make a proper nickname out of ahshshaghdas)

23. Using my laptop

24. I like portable better since you can just, take it with you and don't have to either stay confined to a single room or drag a console around

having to charge can be a pain though and I have bad luck with cords getting bent up and not working

25. Okaaaaaaaaay!

39. What would be the name of your boss theme?

40. What weapon do you fight with?

41. Are you good at platformers?

42. Melee or ranged?

43. Favorite fruit?

44. Would you rather be cyborg or human? and why?

45. What would you want to be your most heroic act?

39. "An Unfortunate Standstill"

40. :o Didn't you ask this already? The one I answered with katar daggers, I think

41. I'm about average

42. I'm more of a ranged person usually

43. Apples

44. I'd love to be a cyborg for the purpose of avoiding deterioration and health problems and any possible enhancements to things like speed, I'd still want a normal human lifespan though

45. I'd want to be able to do something that either causes a major positive change or improves the life of anyone I care for the most

1. Why Hanayo

2. Wynaut Nozomi

3. Are you getting Puzzle and Dragons Z+Mario next month

4. Why don't you like Pokemon much anymore

5. Paper or plastic

1. Shes cute and I like her voice

2. Theres better LL gorls

3. Maybe, idk about both but Z yes possibly

4. Feels too repetitive, Black/White was a HUGE stepup but then they went back to dullness, I miss 2D sprites

I'm glad to trying to avoid some stagnancy but doing it by adding stuff like mega-evos doesn't feel like the right way to go about it(yeahyeah its optional but stillll)

5. uhh

my family has a tendency to hoard plastic bags to use for smaller trashcans/storing stuff in to take places so I'm used to that

When are you fusing with Pride? *runs*

I saw someone with a bag with the word "Lettuce" and thought of you. How do you feel?

As soon as I get anywhere near him like first thing it will be done I promise

GREAT I'm glad you thought of meeeeee I like that sort of thing a lot

Thats also probably the closest you'll ever see to a Lettuce being in Cali ahashsuhsaghshgahshgshgh ;___________;

5. I believe you mentioned YouTube Poop earlier. Are you familiar with it? If so, what's your opinion on it?

6. How do you envision the ideal world?

7. How much lettuce would there be in the ideal world?

8. When it comes to serious topics, what kind of topics interest you? Or do you tend to avoid most serious topics?

5. I'm a wee bit familiar with it, they aren't really my thing

6. One where I'd be living comfortably, with not-shit healthcare and living anywhere that has a bunch of cool people, no worries of natural disasters or major conflicts, anything of that ilk really

7. Enough to always be around

8. I'd rather avoid them most of the time, I don't think I'm very good at discussing such things nor do I find it an engaging or fun way to conversate

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