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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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I'm too lazy to look through pages of interview since I've been busy for the last few days, so I'm just gonna lob these at you even though I can poke you on Skype:

6. What are your first and current impressions of me?

7. What is your favorite Ragnarok Online class?

8. Nishiki or Flannel and why?

9. What is your favorite kind of cookie?

10. Do you condition your hair? If so, how often?


6. first: A very cheerful and bubbly person, current; a very talented writer who is still cheerful and bubbly, always seem to make the most logical arguments possible ^^; very good at what you do in general.

7. Back when I used to play, I liked Sniper and Lord Knight quite a bit.

8. While I love the lore of the fox, wolves are an animal I usually associate myself with. So Flannel, basically what it boils down to at this point.

9. Snickerdoodles, one of my cousin makes some of the best i'll ever have, been hooked ever since she first started making them.

10. Usually every other day, although sometimes I get really lazy with it, I used to be more dedicated to it..

Asian or European dragons?

Favourite kind of weather?

Favourite chapter in all of Fire Emblem?

What are some underrated games you'd recommend?

Now that Roy has the Koopa Car, how screwed is Bern?

European dragons, they have more of an aura of power, Asian dragons have that aura of elegance however, European wins the day this time because of their lore I enjoy.

I enjoy breezy clear days, sunset with it as well. I always told myself, whenever I manage to get a girlfriend, I would take her on a sunset stroll for a date. I also really enjoy rainy days, and thunderstorms oddly relax me.

That's difficult, but I think I'll go with Chapter 3-E, from Radiant Dawn, while its a pretty damn simple chapter, the game/story integration was the best FE has pretty much ever seen with the counter to 80 people slain, be they foes, allies or your own units. All counting down the start of the final arc.

Ohhh I could give you a small list. Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen, Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Calibur, Dark Cloud 1 & 2, Yugioh: Duelists of the Roses, Yugioh: The Falsebound Kingdom, Starfox Assault, I'd consider Sonic Unleashed pretty underrated, Eternal Eyes, The Legend of Dragoon, Tomba 1 & 2, and many others.

I'd say pretty screwed, his defense probably shot through the roof and he doesn't have to be carried to the throne now!

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1. Well considering I've played and beaten every single FE. Yeah :P. I like every FE too, (well I haven't played and beaten Fates yet but.. details~)

I love you.

2. I don't bike that often, if thats what you're asking

Yep, that's what I meant.

4. Heck yeah I am, I particularly love the Three Kingdoms of China, Waring States of Japan and War of the Roses in particular, although I love a-lot of other history too, be it Greek, European, American, Asian etc.

You seemed like the type of person to be interested in history. That's great to hear!

6. Have you read The Lord of the Rings or any other of Tolkien's books?

7. Are you interested in law?

8. First and current impressions of me (if any)?

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1. Why did you join SF?

2. Why Jedi?

3. How would you rate me on Smash 4?

4. Your initial impressions of me vs your impressions of me now?

5. You just won a lot of money. What things would you do within the first week of getting it?

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6. Have you read The Lord of the Rings or any other of Tolkien's books?

7. Are you interested in law?

8. First and current impressions of me (if any)?

6. Yep! It's a yearly tradition to read the trilogy for me, also like the Hobbit quite a bit.

7. Sort of, but not really enough to study it outside of like Criminal Justice.

8. I sadly don't have too much of one yet ^^;

1. Why did you join SF?

2. Why Jedi?

3. How would you rate me on Smash 4?

4. Your initial impressions of me vs your impressions of me now?

5. You just won a lot of money. What things would you do within the first week of getting it?

1. I found the site some time ago through a TV Tropes link, it looked like an interesting place. Although I debated over it for like a day, because I had bad experienced on a previous FE forum. I'm glad I did or else I wouldn't have met all of you!

2. It's a nickname people tend to call me, because its simply my name shortened to an extent, it stuck, although i'm surprised "Jedi" wasn't taken on a forum like this, or else i'd have had to stick with my usual of "Jedisupersonic."

3. We haven't faced each other yet! I have no rating haha.

4. Hmm, first impressions were pretty much, "Oh this guy writes in red, seems to like lewd stuff, but is a passionate and honest fellow", now its more, A fun person to chat to (although we can't seem to chat often.) You always let your opinions be known and out in the open, something I can respect. (the initial impression still stacks onto this).

5. Well, first off I'd make sure the family and friends I cared about most were more well situated, then i'd probably use it to establish a nice home for myself and keep it running for awhile. Would also probably buy some reaaaally nice food the first week or so.

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What's your favorite trope on TVTropes?

Opinion on the Princess Maker type of games?

Do you enjoy karaoke?

This one is pretty amusing and informative http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TooAwesomeToUse

Princess Maker 2 is like one of my favorite games of all time actually, I quite like the management and various endings aspect of it, gives it alot of replay value, plus its amusing how some scenes go depending on your stat load out. Why would a girls father buy bust pills though.

Never done it, I'd probably be too embarrassed to try it lol

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How much do you know about criminal law?

How do you feel about radishes?

How do you normally deal with cramps?

Just the basics like, procedure and such ^^;

Radishes are ok, really depends on what they are used for.

I just tough it out, it can sometimes be VERY ANNOYING, but depending on what cramps up, like my foot or leg and I try to stretch it out for some reason lol.

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have you engaged in any sort of martial artistry?

As of this time no, but I do intend to learn Tai Chi.

Meanwhile my sword practice is very rough and self taught lol.

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What's a culture that you don't know much about, but would like to know more?

Who are your Smash mains?

Do you like Lego?

Who is your worst Smash character?

Are you an MCU fan? (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

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Have you been asked Ogre Battle questions? If not, I am surprised.

38. What do you think of Destin?

39. Favorite S sized Class?

40. Favorite L sized Class?

41. Favorite songs in OB:Motbq and OB64?

42. Fight it out?

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Yes omg lol

Too bad >:]

Favorite mission in Rogue Leader?

Thoughts on Rogue Squadron 3?

Do you prefer Rogue Squadron or Star Fox?

Venator-class or Imperial-class Star destroyers, which is better/cooler?

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What's a culture that you don't know much about, but would like to know more?

Who are your Smash mains?

Do you like Lego?

Who is your worst Smash character?

Are you an MCU fan? (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Korean culture seems quite interesting, I've been meaning to study it for some time now.

Sonic, Roy, Ike, Meta, Peach

Lego's are cool, although I haven't messed with them in quite some time. I used to build all sorts of stuff like mazes.

R.O.B lol, i'm absolutely terrible with him.

Yeah, I am, always been more of a DC guy then a Marvel guy. But I like em all the same.

Have you been asked Ogre Battle questions? If not, I am surprised.

38. What do you think of Destin?

39. Favorite S sized Class?

40. Favorite L sized Class?

41. Favorite songs in OB:Motbq and OB64?

42. Fight it out?

I haven't yet!

38. Destin is a really cool character with a neato design, although his "character" in Motbq kinda depended on you. So it was a bit inconsistent :P

39. Gotta be the Black Knights/Evil Ones, man, they have such a badass design, and 64 made them so effing hard to get.

40. The Quetzalcoatl, all the electric attacks, all the stuns.



42. NYnucyI.png

Too bad >:]

Favorite mission in Rogue Leader?

Thoughts on Rogue Squadron 3?

Do you prefer Rogue Squadron or Star Fox?

Venator-class or Imperial-class Star destroyers, which is better/cooler?

The Battle of Endor, because it recaptures the movie perfectly, just like the other missions based on the films, but its so INTENSE its awesome.

Pretty solid, although the ground missions are kinda weird, also only like.. 2 Jedi stages.

Star Fox probably, although you are making me want to play Rogue Squadron again.

IMPERIAL, It just has a much more classic and awesome look to it.

ever did near random things just because?

Yeah, sometimes I'll just start saying things in a very goofy voice for no reason. Among other odd quirks.

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As of this time no, but I do intend to learn Tai Chi.

Meanwhile my sword practice is very rough and self taught lol.

Tai Chi doesn't count


Ever go to a medieval/renaissance fair?

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What's your favourite MCU movie?

What's your favourite specific scene in Star Wars?

What's your favourite real-life castle?

What's your favourite fictional castle?

If you could choose any FE to be remade, which one would it be?

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Tai Chi doesn't count


Ever go to a medieval/renaissance fair?

Once, but it was such a long time ago, I barely remember much about it.

What's your favourite MCU movie?

What's your favourite specific scene in Star Wars?

What's your favourite real-life castle?

What's your favourite fictional castle?

If you could choose any FE to be remade, which one would it be?

Captain America, I really did love it.

Probably the duel between Luke and Vader on Cloud City, I always loved the various locations they fought in, also the banter they share. Also amusing in how Luke is a cocky mofo when he starts the fight

Corvin Castle in Romania, it's quite the sight ^^.

Fictional castle.. HMM, probably the Sumner's Tower in Gauntlet Dark Legacy, it's such a cool hub for the game.

I would choose, Thracia. Just to see how it would hold up & have a nice mix of modernization along with it, hopefully it would still be as brilliant as it is :P

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what's the one sin of the seven deadly one's that you engage in the most.

Envy, easily. As I have a bit of an inferiority complex. I used to get jealous very easily when I was younger too.

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what was the first transformer, star wars, and nintendo related toys you owned.

do you collect old comic books?

First transformers one was probably Optimus Primal from Beast Wars, first Star Wars one was PROBABLY the small model X-Wing I have, and the first Nintendo related merch I have (I have a small collection) was probably my Link action figure.

Also no, i'm not super huge on comics, alot of continuity and such to even begin to dig through, this is why I like animated/movie canons whether it be Marvel or DC.

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how would you say this interview experience went for ya?

Overall really well, I'm very thankful for all the questions you all asked me.

I was expecting like maybe 7 or so overall askers, but well haha ^^;

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