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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Skipping the impressions bandwagon because that would just be cruel.

1. What subjects do you enjoy the most at school?

2. I've seen a lot of mentions of your artworks here, do you have ambitions of making a living out of it?

3. Do you have any advice for someone else trying to overcome shyness? I'm asking for a friend. I need help.

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What do you think of the F-Zero series

What do you think of the Mario Kart series

What do you think of the Gradius series

What's your favorite kind of ice cream

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Haha oh wow

That's rather amusing to think about (no offense)


Have you gotten around to playing the other Ace Attorney games yet?

I have Justice for All on the laptop atm! Haven't played it in a while so idk which trial I'm on o/

Kitty, limit lift on my spoiler?

Also a legit question if lifting for me; how much do you like ragnarok online?

Oh god answering those question will take a while, but I'll do them tomorrow when it's not so late in the morning!

I like Ragnarok Online better than the second Ragnarok Online they made, but Elsword holds a dear place as a nostalgic sort of thing.

How many fire emblem games have you played?

Did you enjoy it/them?

I've played more of the recent ones so that might be..5 of them iirc.

They were all enjoyable but some moments had its struggle. Especially Radiant Dawn since Kim and I decided to get that as our first game and we never past some parts and quit for months at a time.

Do you WANT me to torture you (lol)? (this counts as a question)

(In short, if you answer "yes" to this I'll probably be asking an endless stream of questions all week)

I would prefer if you wouldn't use the term torture since that sounds really weird

Though I don't mind being asked a couple of questions! Just as long you don't go overboard like Elie did earlier OTL

Skipping the impressions bandwagon because that would just be cruel.

1. What subjects do you enjoy the most at school?

2. I've seen a lot of mentions of your artworks here, do you have ambitions of making a living out of it?

3. Do you have any advice for someone else trying to overcome shyness? I'm asking for a friend. I need help.

1. My favorite subjects at school atm would have to be German, Algebra 2 and Journalism 2! They set up their classes differently than everyone else and it's fun to learn those subjects.

2. I consider art to be more of a stress reliever or a hobby for the most part and not as something I can go into as a career! I'm trying to start commissioning this year but that'll take a bit of time before it actually becomes a thing.

3. It just takes baby steps! What I did is made little goals for myself every day to help overcome it. If I passed that one goal for the day, I would make a harder one that would require being less shy and such. If not, I would try to focus on improving on what I couldn't do. It's a weird system but it worked for me, though it may or may not work for you. (sorry if it didn't make sense, just ask for clarification if needed!)

What do you think of the F-Zero series

What do you think of the Mario Kart series

What do you think of the Gradius series

What's your favorite kind of ice cream

1. My man captain falcon is the bestest; Haven't played F-Zero games enough to have an opinion about the series!

2. Mario Kart is something I grew up with in the family since we had a lot of competitions with it at family reunions and such. Probably still one of my favorite games to play with family every year!

3. I have no clue what that is I'm sorry :c

4. It's a tie between classic vanilla and cookies n' cream!

What do you think of penguins?

You know I have to ask that.

[spoiler=big gif showing how I think about penguins]4889967a05.gif

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I would prefer if you wouldn't use the term torture since that sounds really weird

Well given the way other people handled my questions so far it wouldn't be too far from the term...


2. If you could overturn one piece of legislation from the Obama or Bush (Jr.) era, what would it be?

3. You are forced into a situation where you can push a single man into the tracks to stop a runaway train, thus saving five other people working in the tracks. Would you push the man or not and why?

4. Who would you choose to lead the U.S.? The world?

5. If you could choose to relive a point in your life, when would it be and why?

Edit: Warning, I may ask repeat questions in the flurry. You can feel free to skip over them.

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1. Do you ship KinTon?

If you will permit me to ask,

1.5. What pictures did you draw of them, in other words, are you going to share them?

2. Which two HHH members together with an animal of your choice would you put on a desert island for two weeks?

3. What was life like before you got a drawing tablet?

4. What emotions/things do you feel when you stare at the stars?

5. Would you rather (a) Answer 30 of Elieson's questions or (b) Answer 5 of Interest's most gruelling questions?

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5. Would you rather (a) Answer 30 of Elieson's questions or (b) Answer 5 of Interest's most gruelling questions?

I've only asked 24 so far, and she's answered 8 of them. I promised her 50 though Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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5. Would you rather (a) Answer 30 of Elieson's questions or (b) Answer 5 of Interest's most gruelling questions?


f-fifty huh. assuming she takes 2 mins on average per question, she'll be here for at least an hour or two!

Using a question generator is fun too. Why not make 100 questions?
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Well given the way other people handled my questions so far it wouldn't be too far from the term...


2. If you could overturn one piece of legislation from the Obama or Bush (Jr.) era, what would it be?

3. You are forced into a situation where you can push a single man into the tracks to stop a runaway train, thus saving five other people working in the tracks. Would you push the man or not and why?

4. Who would you choose to lead the U.S.? The world?

5. If you could choose to relive a point in your life, when would it be and why?

Edit: Warning, I may ask repeat questions in the flurry. You can feel free to skip over them.

2. I'm not sure exactly! I haven't been conciously aware of Bush Jr's term to know what he actually did other than failing in the Katrina efforts. As for Obama, there isn't a big thing from him that I would want to overturn so far in his term. If anything though, I would probably want to overturn the fracking that has been done recently since it's damaging the environment big time lately.

3. Most likely I would probably follow Aristotle's golden mean and John Stuart Mill's utilitarianism -- it depends on the person and the situation that's been put upon me. If the person was say really big and could actually stop a runaway train I might do it. I can't exactly measure outcomes nor predict the future, but if it allows the greatest good for the least amount of harm, I'm willing to take the risk and push that said person.

4. I have no definite opinion of who I would want to rule the United States or the world, but a universal leader of peace (people like Mandela, Gandhi, Dalai Lama) would probably be the type of person I would like to run things o/

5. I would probably want to relive the last day I saw my childhood friend before she got shot from her mother. When I thought I would be alone in elementary school due to the bullying issues I said previously, she was the first one to stand up for me and I never really got to thank her for that. It's a big regret I have up to this day, so being able to see her again would be a dream come true really haha

1. Do you ship KinTon?
If you will permit me to ask,
1.5. What pictures did you draw of them, in other words, are you going to share them?

2. Which two HHH members together with an animal of your choice would you put on a desert island for two weeks?

3. What was life like before you got a drawing tablet?

4. What emotions/things do you feel when you stare at the stars?

5. Would you rather (a) Answer 30 of Elieson's questions or (b) Answer 5 of Interest's most gruelling questions?

1. I never thought of it, but I guess I don't ship those two.

1.5. Whenever a situation happened in the HHH thread that involved those two, I just drew it out. I can't remember /exactly/ but I know one of them involved Tonton wearing a dress and Kinumi wearing a tuxedo. I can't share them since I shredded them in fear of Kinumi finding the drawings : D

2. Hmm I would probably put Soledai and Hero-King with some giant ferocious beast (maybe a DEADLY tiger idkk). They sound like the type to try to fight the tiger off in some epic battle and it sounds pretty interesting!

3. There was no life before the drawing tablet It was generally the same! I drew on paper a lot, but being left-handed sucked while you get all these smudges on your hand and it always ruined a lot of my drawings. Now everything is nice and clean so it's a nice transition I would think o/

4. There's a sense of nostalgia and happiness when looking at them. Nostalgia for not being able to look at it anymore like I used to with all my childhood friends before they moved far away, but happy for the fact that being in the same sky with the people I know and love is just heartwarming for me haha

5. MOST DEFINITELY go through elie's questions since they're easier to answer I would think

1. If you had the opportunity to spend time on a deserted island, for like a month, would you go? No outside contact, but everything else is provided for you.

1. I would definitely go for the experience since I could learn a lot about myself while not having to worry about a lot of outside things that would usually distract you.

it was brief, but nice knowing you
your art was cute

It's nice to meet you as well and thanks!

Okay koneko my updated question is now
5 of Interest's most gruelling questions
100 generated questions

It depends how grueling! But probably 100 generated questions since I have an excuse to do 100 generated answers /shot

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