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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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What's your favourite Dreamworks movie?

If you could make yourself immune to one of the seven capital sins (Pride, Covetousness, Anger, Lust, Envy, Sloth), which one would you pick?

What are some of your biggest pet peeves?

Are there any things (TV series, food, characters, etc.) that you feel alone in liking, or feel like they need more fans?

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Probably the last set of answers (?) for the next round of nominations coming up today

21. What is your method for approaching an explanation of your thesis?

22. What is the best and worst thing that can happen to a person?

23. What unrealistic scenario do you want to have happen in the future?

24. You are now in charge of a small business with no focus yet. What would you do with said small business (provide some specific services, etc)?

25. What would you do if you came across an enormous, tax-free windfall of cash (like a billion dollar donation from Bill Gates or something)?

21. I just wing it tbqh ahahah- /shot

22. The worst thing that can happen to a person is to regret what they could've done in the past but decided to do it imo. As for the best thing (?) Being able to accomplish all the things they wanted to do in life sounds pretty good!

23. Teleportation sounds pretty cool to do I think

24. Get a general consensus with the other employees to see what would be best to go from there and go from there really. Best to do something that a majority agrees on rather than choosing something barely anyone likes.

25. I would keep enough for college/university + five years after itcause god gammits those are really expensive times J: As for the rest, I would probably give some to my parents for helping me get this far in live while working so hard and give it to charities!

1. Would you like to play the oldest Fire Emblem games?

Can't think of anything else right now, sorry.

1. haha it's fine; It's not a big interest for me to play Fire Emblem games as much as the rest, but it would be interesting to try sooner or later!

What's your favourite Dreamworks movie?

If you could make yourself immune to one of the seven capital sins (Pride, Covetousness, Anger, Lust, Envy, Sloth), which one would you pick?

What are some of your biggest pet peeves?

Are there any things (TV series, food, characters, etc.) that you feel alone in liking, or feel like they need more fans?

Rise of the Guardians probably!

Hmm that's a hard choice but probably anger or covetousness maybe? More so on anger!

Pet peeves huh..hm. Not sure if I can think of a lot on the top of my head, but people not believing my real name to be actually Kitty is something I get annoyed with really really easily >:

The first thing that pops up in my mind would have to be the Zero Escape series! It's a really enjoyable game series and is pretty creative in how they do things that you wouldn't expect in both the first and second game. Atm the third game isn't still able to be published cause it isn't as big of a want in comparison to things like Pokemon, Final Fantasy, etc etc. So yeah, more fans of that would be cool I would think haha

Not sure how things work in this thread, but hi Kitty! How have you been?

...Yes, that's my question. -shot-

omg Crizix it's been so long ;__; I'm doing well! Hope you're doing well too friend

what do you think of this song

The usage of percussion is interesting and I like the person's voice, but it's not something I would listen to often! Maybe from time to time probably.

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4: Makaze

3: Loki

2: Lettuce

2: Soledai

2: Elieson

2: Rehab

2: TheEnd

2: SeverIan

1: Carmine Sword

1: Shin

1: Horace

1: Draco

1: Glac

Edited by Makaze
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