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Chrom is the only lord fortunate enough...


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Lief -> Nanna

Sigurd -> Diedre

Ephraim -> Tana (in the third chapter he's playable)

Eliwood -> Ninian in chapter 7 (she's princess-like)

Marth -> Shiida (he rescues her homeland?)

Alm -> Celica (granted in the last chapter of the game)

Seliph -> Nanna/Julia/Tinny (depends on how strict you are with definitions and how you attribute the rescuing)

Edited by Baldrick
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ephraim rescues tana in his chapter 9 and can marry her; eirika kind of rescues innes too and can marry him which is a fun role reversal

and even if they are not princesses, other lords can rescue/help noble girls and usually have the option to marry her (the FE7 lords, roy and lilina, leaf and nanna); marth is also paired with a princess from day one and she isn't rescued because caeda is a strong independent woman who breaks fe11

sigurd marries deirdre (daughter of a prince) and THEN has to rescue her; celice rescues julia twice but she's actually his sister oops (but he can marry one of the myriad girls of noble blood in fe4); alm and celica marry and she's also a strong independent woman

really the only time the lord/princess pairing was not available just because they didn't want it to happen was ike/elincia. someone at IS must have really disliked the idea :smug:

Edited by Axie
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Hector can also marry Lyn, who's like the princess of Caelin.

So literally every other Lord except Ike?

OMG I posted in the Awakening board without thinking, I thought this was an FftF thread, someone please help me!

Edited by Knight
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...to be able to marry the cute princess he rescues early in the game.

Or am I missing someone else?

Which one? Maribelle?

If you count Guinevere as cute or Lilina as a princess... then we've got Roy

Roy marries Guinivere...?

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Maribelle is the closest one to "princess". Or is he talking about Female Robin, daughter of King Validar?


I don't think this is a well-thought-out topic.

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I don't think this is a well-thought-out topic.

The same can be said of most of the Awakening topics.

Really, Chrom is really the only male lord fortunate enough to have self-insert marriage bias.

In all seriousness, this is what I got from this topic:

So literally every other Lord except Ike?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I'm pretty sure he doesn't, but if we're counting Maribelle we might as well count Lilina.

He doesn't

But there's some Roy/Guenivere subtext here and there even though they're like ten years apart (hey, Roy/Cecilia is a thing so).

You might as well count Sue too.

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He doesn't

But there's some Roy/Guenivere subtext here and there even though they're like ten years apart (hey, Roy/Cecilia is a thing so).

You might as well count Sue too.

Subtext? And the age reeeeaaaally isn't of thing of concern, you've said it yourself.

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...So that trophy description in Melee was BS when it said Roy fell in love with Guinivere. I always assumed that if you didn't pair Roy with anyone he wound up with her.

SSB trophies aren't always the most attentive to detail.

Subtext? And the age reeeeaaaally isn't of thing of concern, you've said it yourself.

The age thing is mostly weird because in most Medieval through Enlightenment European societies, marriages were often young girl/older boy, around, 13 and 21 respectively. But IS clearly doesn't care, so it's a moot point anyway.

Namely, he pretty much is completely sympathetic with her late game even though he knows she has information that could end the war. There's also the fact she gets the ending scene when Roy/Lilina isn't a thing, even though Roy's biggest concern is Eliwood and the well being of his territory.

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