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maybe this meta wasnt such a good idea


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i'd rather live in a world where we could freely use mega rayquaza than one where we dont

but you have to admit the fact that a team of six moody users is in the top 450 is a bit concerning.

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AG is the stupidest idea ever ugh

ubers is supposed to have everyone so just deal with it and allow broken megas to dominate ubers it's not like ubers was ever balanced anyway

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Well the rationale is that why Ubers is not balanced, you also never saw a level of domination that mega rayquaza would bring. I think the most a pokemon has ever been used in Ubers is like Xerneas at 45%; mega rayquaza is feared to go up to like 70+% usage which is centralizing an already broken metagame.

It's one of those things that really can't function in said metagame. At the very least, while Ubers is borked, it's not stagnant.

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if mega rayquaza is really able to sustain such centralisation over a period of months then... ban its mega stone?

this ubers/ag split feels like an excuse to ban things other than mega rayquaza in the near future and i find it weak and unjustified. ubers isn't even a tier defined by usage to have things banned

(with this said i don't oppose ag as a concept separate from ubers instead of being its banlist. no clauses can be lol)

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> Ubers is essentially a banlist for imbalanced pokemon.

> Mega Rayquaza is banned from the banlist.

Considering for a while, they banned Mega Gengar for the same reason (He seems to be back in ubers, though.), I'm pretty sure it's safe to assume Smogon is starting to lose its credibility.

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it doesnt have a mega stone. thats part of the problem.


okay that IS sort of a big problem but is a new tier really the answer? like i said they'll just use the opportunity to ban mega gengar and god knows what else

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okay that IS sort of a big problem but is a new tier really the answer? like i said they'll just use the opportunity to ban mega gengar and god knows what else

over 800 bst, life orb, access to e-speed and a 120 stab, access to both SD and DD vs. shadow tag. very different circumstances.

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the point wasn't to compare them

the point was that since they created a tier to banish megaquaza to, now they can just be like "well now that we have a tier over ubers we might as well put mega gengar there" and then possibly do it to other pokemon and then ubers would become a banlist with a banlist

if it's not a tier defined by usage it should not have things banned from it is my stance in this

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okay that IS sort of a big problem but is a new tier really the answer? like i said they'll just use the opportunity to ban mega gengar and god knows what else

Well the thing is that even despite its status as a banlist - there's still regulations behind it and it does have its own merits as a separate metagame.

But yeah Life Orb + Dragon Ascent Rayquaza can outspeed a shit ton of things and OHKO even things like Palkia. Delta Stream also basically negates all of its weaknesses.

But, uhh, here's chaos' full argument if you're interested. Many good points in there and a lot of number crunching.

One or two dragon dances is not only basically guaranteed as a result but it's incredibly dangerous. It OHKOs with Extremespeed. I'd like to note that Rayquaza is still in Ubers, Mega Rayquaza is just not anymore. It has the added benefit of saving you on your car insurance.

Edited by Lord Raven
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But, uhh, here's chaos' full argument if you're interested. Many good points in there and a lot of number crunching.

yeah it's kinda impossible to not disagree with these points and i do agree every pokémon should be usable somewhere

i just hope they find a way to make ubers a bit more independent from ou then since it is now a tier of its own

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