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why are californian people so obsessed with norcal vs socal? are they like two different worlds?

tbf here in ontario we just assume someone is from the south because the north is like wilderness

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why are californian people so obsessed with norcal vs socal? are they like two different worlds?

tbf here in ontario we just assume someone is from the south because the north is like wilderness

My current opinion is that one's very hot and the other's only reasonably warm. I guess temperature divides.

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oh man i just thought of a good one

favorite skin for each individual champ on league? (bonus points if you get shinori to also do this)

OKAY, down the line. (IDK if Shinori would bother doing this tho lol)

- Justicar Aatrox

- Challenger Ahri OR Pop Star Ahri (despite this one being semi-fan service, it's actually a well-done skin that I like- especially for the price).

- Blood Moon Akali

- Infernal Alistar

- Little Knight Amumu (concept), but based on Animations/quality - Sad Robot Amumu

- Black Frost Anivia (<3333)

- Panda Annie (Frostfire is a close second)

- Marauder Ashe (though I wish the animations were changed... :/)

- Classic Azir skin/model

- Classic Bard Skin/model

- iBlitzcrank

- Zombie Brand

- Dragonslayer Braum

- Headhunter Caitlyn

- Jade Fang Cassiopeia

- Battlecast Cho (Honorable mention/close second: Jurassic Cho)

- Dragonwing Corki? (Idk- I never use this champ lol)

- Dunkmaster Darius

- Lunar Goddess Diana

- TPA Mundo

- Primetime Draven

- Blood Moon Elise

- Tango Evelynn

- TPA Ez (Second: Pulsefire Ez)

- Surprise Party Fiddlesticks

- Royal Guard Fiora (dat hat OP yo)

- Void Fizz

- Gatekeeper Galio

- Special Forces Gangplank

- Steel Legion Garen

- Dino Gnar (<333)

- Fnatic Gragas? (Idk, don't really see/have a real favorite for him)

- Pool Party Graves (WATERGUNSPEWPEW)


- Hazmat Heimerdinger

- Nightblade Irelia

- Fnatic Janna OR Frost Queen Janna

- Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV

- SKT T1 Jax

- Forsaken Jayce

- Firecracker Jinx

- Blood Moon Kalista

- Order of the Lotus Karma

- Pentakill Karthus

- Harbringer Kassadin

- Warring Kingdoms Katarina

- Aether Wing Kayle

- Artic Ops Kennen

- Mecha Kha'zix

- Lion Dance Kog'Maw

- Ravenborn Leblanc

- Pool Party Lee Sin

- Iron Solari Leona

- Blade Queen Lissandra

- Striker Lucian

- Winter Wonder Lulu

- Steel Legion Lux OR Star Guardian Lux (Both are good quality imo- loved the former's laser animations/sound effects)

- Glacial Malphite

- Snow Day Malzahar

- Haunted Maokai

- (Don't really have a favorite or otherwise looked hard enough at the Master Yi skins to have any to note? xD)

- Mafia Miss Fortune

- King of Clubs Mordekaiser

- Ghost Bride Morgana

- River Spirit Nami

- Infernal Nasus

- AstroNautilus

- Warring Kingdoms Nidalee (Close second: Headhunter Nidalee)

- Eternum Nocturne

- Nunu Bot

- Brolaf

- Winter Wonder Orianna

- Dragonslayer Pantheon

- Scarlet Hammer Poppy

- Woad Scout Quinn

- Full Metal Rammus OR Guardian of the Sands Rammus (Both seem good, but I don't personally use Rammus, so lol)

- Eternum Rek'Sai

- Pool Party Renekton (dat backing animation tho)

- Night Hunter Rengar (don't talk to me about the newest skin released, pls. It's terribad)

- Championship Riven OR Dragonblade Riven (both are awesome)

- Super Galaxy Rumble

- Dark Crystal Ryze (Idk- haven't seen many other Ryze skins played, lol)

- Poro Rider Sejuani (Close second: Bear Calvary Sejuani)

- Masked Shaco

- TPA Shen

- Ice Drake Shyvana (close seconds: Championship Shyvana = Dark Flame Shyvana - their dragon forms look fucking amazing)

- Snow Day Singed

- Classic Sion Skin/model

- Snowstorm Sivir (Close second: Warden Sivir)

- Guardian of the Sands Skarner (Close second: Sandscourge Skarner)

- DJ Sona

- Reaper Soraka

- Tyrant Swain

- Atlantean Syndra

- Dragonblade Talon

- Bloodstone Taric

- Omega Squad Teemo (Close second: Astronaut Teemo)

- Blood Moon Thresh

- Rocket Girl Tristana

- Classic Trundle skin/model

- Demonblade Tryndamere

- Underworld Twisted Fate

- Gangster Twitch

- Spirit Guard Udyr

- Battlecast Urgot

- Artic Ops Varus

- Arclight Vayne

- Final Boss Veigar

- Arclight Vel'Koz

- Neon Strike Vi

- Creator Viktor

- Soulstealer Vladimir

- Thunder Lord Volibear

- Marauder Warwick

- Jade Dragon Wukong

- Guardian of the Sands Xerath

- Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao

- PROJECT: Yasuo

- Pentakill Yorick

- Original Zac skin/model

- SKT T1 Zed

- Master Arcanist Ziggs

- Classic Zilean Skin/Model

- SKT T1 Zyra (Close second: Haunted Zyra)


Edited by Eurykins
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Wot the fok did ye just say 2 me m8? i dropped out of newcastle primary skool im the sickest bloke u'll ever meet & ive nicked ova 300 chocolate globbernaughts frum tha corner shop. im trained in street fitin' & im the strongest foker in tha entire newcastle gym. yer nothin to me but a cheeky lil bellend w/ a fit mum & fakebling. ya think u can fokin run ya gabber at me whilst sittin on yer arse behind a lil screen? think again wanka. im callin me homeboys rite now preparin for a proper scrap. A roomble that'll make ur nan sore jus hearin about it. yer a waste bruv. me crew be all over tha place & i'll beat ya to a proper fokin pulp with me fists wanka. if i ain't satisfied w/ that ill borrow me m8s cricket paddle & see if that gets u the fok out o' newcastle. if ye had seen this bloody fokin mess commin ye might a' kept ya gabber from runnin. but ima shite fury & u'll drown in it m8. ur ina proper mess knob


when are you actually going to post the list i asked for?

Just got done with it. =P

when should paperblade get around to changing his name

Idk- whenever he feels like it?

tell us about the aquarium you worked in?

what is the best food Shinor cooks in your opinion?

favorite mafia game and favorite role?

how are Shinor's parents?

Worked at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA. Worked there since June 2006, and left there around Oct. 2014 (had over 1k hours into the volunteer services n' whatnot). It was pretty fun, and there were quite a few handfuls of animals (ranging from sharks to sea lions/seals, bintourong (also known as "bear cats"), had a baby great white shark at one point, and other program animals (had a few owls, falcons, snakes, etc.) All in all, lots to do, and it was usually a good time unless we had customers that did shit that pissed us off (IE. Some old guy tried pulling our 5' long Zebra shark completely out of the water of our touch pool, and caused her to be so paranoid of people that she didn't eat for a while. =____=).

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I don't think Shinori's really cooked anything out of the ordinary since I got here, so... lol. IDK, for what he HAS helped cook, he's not terrible. Seems to have an okay grasp/feel for the cooking area, I think? lol

Hmmmmmmmm. I personally think "ITTD: Mafia" (Hosted by Elieson) was a pretty fun game I had, along with the card/item mechanics (though Elie totes trolled me on some of the card picks/draws. =____=).

Favorite roles? Kinda depends. I like investigative and scanning roles, but I feel like me being something like a cop = I instantly get attracted to things like godfathers and tailors/framers lol... (so it makes life interesting for me + my fellow townies [if I am town] XD). However, I have liked the feeling of being RB or redirects, just 'cause of the concept of "Ohai, you think you can get yer shit done tonight the way you wanted to? NAAAAAAAAAAAAH BROSKI, you go where I want you to go. ;)"



why are californian people so obsessed with norcal vs socal? are they like two different worlds?

tbf here in ontario we just assume someone is from the south because the north is like wilderness

I... uh, have no clue, honestly, lol. I was never someone who really took much care/interest in whatever "norcal vs socal" kind of talk/shit, and I was often kinda sneered at in middle/high school for that fact alone lol. (People would get all haughty while talking about the different areas, and my disinterest/lack of knowledge kinda made me not care about such convos, which led to them assuming that "I had a thing for norcal" or that I wasn't "truly a socal person" sort of thing. IDK, people in middle/high school can be stupid imo.)

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Eury is not allowed to speak anymore.

She has bad skin choices.

He's just crying because I chose not to list stuff like "Riot Singed" or "Pax Sivir", 'cause I don't really care for those skins myself. Lol

(He's an S1 League bby, so he tends to like stuff like that, imo)

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He's just crying because I chose not to list stuff like "Riot Singed" or "Pax Sivir", 'cause I don't really care for those skins myself. Lol

(He's an S1 League bby, so he tends to like stuff like that, imo)

Your choices > his choices. :P:

(quick, someone take that out of context!)

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why are californian people so obsessed with norcal vs socal? are they like two different worlds?

I would give an answer to this but it's not my Week

that being said

I... uh, have no clue, honestly, lol. I was never someone who really took much care/interest in whatever "norcal vs socal" kind of talk/shit, and I was often kinda sneered at in middle/high school for that fact alone lol. (People would get all haughty while talking about the different areas, and my disinterest/lack of knowledge kinda made me not care about such convos, which led to them assuming that "I had a thing for norcal" or that I wasn't "truly a socal person" sort of thing. IDK, people in middle/high school can be stupid imo.)

this is genuinely eye-opening to me

I was under the impression that most of the time socal forgets we exist :^)

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I would give an answer to this but it's not my Week

that being said

this is genuinely eye-opening to me

I was under the impression that most of the time socal forgets we exist :^)

wait you live in norcal wow.

How is your day Eury?

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@Euklyd: Nah, at least I've never thought that, lol.

@Junko: It's pretty good- had a day off form work, got to play some LoL with SB and others, and all in all pretty relaxing day. :)

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why are californian people so obsessed with norcal vs socal? are they like two different worlds?

Why does BBM think Californians are obsessed with NorCal vs SoCal? I've lived in both parts of the start, and I love them both for different reasons :P:

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Hi Eury!

1. What motivates you to write such massive analytical posts?

2. How did you improve as a player the most?

3. Favorite Fight in Brave Frontier/ current squad?

4. How's the weather/vibe in California? (Potential college destination)

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Did you shoot Tupac?

How many CVS's are there up in NorCal? Is it one on every corner like it is here?

What about In-N-Outs?

Are you conserving water like a good Californian or should I tell the governor on you?

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Hi Eury!

1. What motivates you to write such massive analytical posts?

2. How did you improve as a player the most?

3. Favorite Fight in Brave Frontier/ current squad?

4. How's the weather/vibe in California? (Potential college destination)

1. It's a thing that has to do with one long, in-depth post VS. lots of smaller, cut up posts. I generally prefer to sit down, and sift slowly but surely through massive amounts of posts while responding in one huge chunk, as opposed to multiple posts covering different groups of comments/content. Plus, having all of my response in one sitting lets me look back on my comments and be able to sort of TL;dr them by the end, which helps me in breaking down cases/points consistently.

2. I think improvement comes with the willingness to learn/play in various styles. Like the 300 word post challenge by Kaoz- it was a great challenge, even if I struggled a lot in the beginning and such, and it lets me get a different taste/experience of how to play the game (as opposed to, say, always wall posting). That, and having the drive/will to fully participate in a game- that is, looking at the vast majority of cases, working/offering your own cases out to the rest of the players, and even just getting to know the fellow Mafia players you most frequently game with- all help in creating your own style of gameplay, while learning the basics and leaving much room open in the future to learn from other players as well. (It's a process, and the most improvement anyone can hope to make comes with time and practice and games played.)

3. Not sure about a favorite fight. My current squad consists of: Feeva, Zelnite, Shera, Rigness, and Elza. Also have a few others on the side that I've leveled, with Rosetta, Ulkina, Tora, etc. and I have a few that I still need to level (Ivris, Taser, Quaid, another Feeva, and few others), but yeah. xD

> I also have a lot of units that I'm sitting on for when the Achievement store hits... having 5 Arus's seems a bit excessive, lol...

4. Uhhhhh. Weather in California (southern Cali specifically) is relatively warm/dry, and the air/humidity is relatively dry. Generally doesn't get too cold, even in the winter (only about 45 at the coldest, in non-mountainous regions), but also doesn't rain that often either. Weather kinda gets wonky at other times, but it just really depends on where you're looking at, imo.

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Why does BBM think Californians are obsessed with NorCal vs SoCal? I've lived in both parts of the start, and I love them both for different reasons :P:

OH. Derp. mb.

I have no clue? Lol. I guess it's something stereotypical thing that some people assume that like, apply to X or Y regions/areas (in this case, NorCal vs Socal), but idk. Purely speculation on my part.

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wait you live in norcal wow.

this is like the 5th time you've found this out I swear to god

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Why does BBM think Californians are obsessed with NorCal vs SoCal? I've lived in both parts of the start, and I love them both for different reasons :P:

because I don't know any other state/province where people ask "are you from the south or from the north" (North/South Dakota/Carolina don't count) like it's a thing that matters

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also I can't believe you didn't pick Freljord Rammus

also also Underworld TF is a good choice (TF has a lot of great skins) but I would have gone with High Noon or Jack of Hearts

also also also Resistance Caitlyn is the best

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That's just because the terrain and lifestyle is different between the north and south, I think. I mean, they have trees and mountains up there.

It's a pretty big state.

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