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Is Excellus male or female?


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May seem like a ridiculous question, but a perfectly valid one. There really isn't much of a hint, because Excellus seems pretty androgynous. After Yen'fay's death, it is said "I could become the next princess", implying her being female. Yet according to the Fire Emblem wiki, he's a guy, with "he" and "his" used. Both male and female sages (save for Lissa and Emmeryn) have the same clothing style, and the voice of Excellus seems to be either male or female, slightly more female than male. The conversation between Avatar and Aversa in Chapter 22 has Aversa refer to Excellus as "he" Any thoughts?

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He's male. Believe it or not. It is pointed out a couple of times in the game. I thought he was female as well until I heard people refer to him as a "He" and "Him"

Edited by Rxmonste
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I think Libra was much harder for people to figure out he was a guy. Correction: I don't think anyone thought he was a guy

Another correction: I never mistook Libra for a girl. I felt he had a face that was masculine enough.

Now Lucius in FE7 is a completely different story...

Oh, I would've mistook Excellus for a woman, though, if it wasn't for his name and having already heard fans call him a guy.

Edited by Anacybele
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Another correction: I never mistook Libra for a girl. I felt he had a face that was masculine enough.

Now Lucius in FE7 is a completely different story...

Oh, I would've mistook Excellus for a woman, though, if it wasn't for his name and having already heard fans call him a guy.

I've always known all three were men. I feel that Libra should've had a very masculine voice.

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Another correction: I never mistook Libra for a girl. I felt he had a face that was masculine enough.

I feel ashamed that I thought he was a girl now.

He's a male.I could just tell by his portrait.

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He could just be a very gender-confused guy

Nah not really. Just a eunuch.

And here I was thinking he was a Eunuch...

He is. Aversa more or less points this out to us in her convo with Chrom (boss fight).

I could tell Libra was a dudebro by the fact that he was wearing pants.

True story.

Or the fact Libra is fuggin' huge. Seriously, its hard to even imagine him being mistaken for a woman because of that masculine jaw and basically nearly Walhart's height.

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I could tell Libra was a dudebro by the fact that he was wearing pants.

True story.

I wished Libra was a girl when he was first announced just so I could have more pants-wearing women in this game.

That was when we only had his model and voice to go off on, I believe.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I'm a bit late to the punch, but yeah, Excellus is a guy. He has very feminine mannerisms and evidently primping routines, (and is also heavily implied by Aversa to be a eunuch) but he's a man.

Edited by Starlight36
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