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Just got a Wii U, any recommended titles aside from Smash Bros.?


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I just got a Wii U for around $500. [damn import costs.]

It came with mario bros. u and nintendoland.

From what I know of, Smash Bros, Hyrule Warriors, Pikmin 3, Lego Batman 3, and The Wonderful 101 all look like decent games to get. [Can't get Amiibos here. They're very rare and are usually $20+]

Hyrule Warriors and Wonder 101 seem to be the most interesting, but The former is new and is fairly expensive, while the latter has shaky reviews complaining about a huge learning curve.

Pikmin is a series I enjoy, but I wouldn't buy it first, same with lego batman 3 [despite the fact that it has the blackest night story in it.].

Smash Bros. is too damn expensive here.

So, any help on this SF?

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Mario 3D World

Bayoneta 2

Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate

Nintendo Land (for the multiplayer)

DK tropical freeze

Outside of the ones mentioned already

Edited by Jedi
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My recommendations would be:

Hyrule Warriors if you're a Zelda/DW fan

Mario Kart 8

Pikmin 3

Super Mario 3D World

Maybe Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze

Bayonetta 2 has very good reviews, but I haven't played it myself.

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Wind Waker HD, as someone who loves the game to pieces. It fixes all the original's flaws, it's definitely worth the money~!

Fangirling over my second favorite game aside, I'd recommend getting Earthbound off VC if you've never played it. Great RPG.

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Well, I'm not the big survival horror expert but I would say ZombiU is pretty damn fun.

However, it's also really stressful since it uses a Dark Soulish revival system: If you die, your character becomes a zombie and you have to hunt it down with a new character in order to get your stuff back. Since this means that the scales are always very high, it is usually too heavy for me to play between coming home from work and going to bed. But it's very satisfying to play when I actually have some time for it.

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lol you shouldn't even have to ask

Xenoblade Chronicles X
Pikmin 3

Bayonetta 2

The Wonderful 101
Hyrule Warriors

EarthBound (technically)
Advance Wars (also technically)

Super Mario 3D World
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Nintendo Land
Wind Waker HD


Edited by Heropon Riki
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Windwaker HD if you never got the original on the cube.

You could still get it because it fixes some glitches like the storage glitches,but it still has a far share of them.I'm a glitch person don't judge me.I'm pretty sure it has some more side quests,too.
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You could still get it because it fixes some glitches like the storage glitches,but it still has a far share of them.I'm a glitch person don't judge me.I'm pretty sure it has some more side quests,too.

Yeah it also has miiverse features added and alot of the mechanics were streamlined like changing the direction of the wind is sped up and maps display where you are at sea on the gamepad (actually really helps) and item switching can be done without pausing.

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Well, people have already said the games I was going to say, however there are a lot of games on the Eshop which are fun, of course you got your Virtual Console titles; Super Metroid, Earthbound, Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Golden Sun, etc. There's also some other Eshop games which are good; Shovel Knight (if you don't have it on the 3DS) and Guacamelée are my favourites.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It really is. It's a game so broken that it took less then a day for people to find a way to get through the game in less then an hour. It's unbelievable to me that Sega cares so little about their reputation to release another Sonic game in this state. By now most people would probably have thought that new Sonic games would at least... well, work.

By now, they released a demo of the game on the Wii U shop. Even though the scenes are handpicked, they still do a good job to show how unpolished and awkward everything is. I especially love how the acid looks. It's just two textures moving past each other. The glitches seem to work too. The Knuckles infinite jump glitch in particular is really fun.

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Mario Kart 8

Super Mario 3D World

Zelda: Wind Waker HD

DKC: Tropical Freeze

These four and Smash are, in my opinion, the biggest staples for any Wii U owner.

Bayonetta 2 is really good if you're okay with the mature themes of that game (I'm not so I can't tell you much about it beyond it being a Game of the Year Candidate). Shovel Knight is also really good as well.

Edited by Floor Ice Cream
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