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Fire Emblem 11 Mafia - Game Over


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Okay so last night, Refa asked me to redirect Junko onto himself to get the protection because he was wary of getting NK'd. I did what he asked and redirected Junko onto Refa. Junko wound up dead so we have this situation. I am talking Dand about this as well since Refa isn't responding to me. Here is what I think:

[8:08:44 PM] #HBC J: if he tracked me and saw me visit RockyRyan/Junko

[8:08:53 PM] #HBC J: and not Refa

[8:09:01 PM] #HBC J: see I think the scum-team tried to kill Refa last night

[8:09:05 PM] #HBC J: and Junko blocked the kill

[8:09:39 PM] #HBC J: but Refa tracked me to Junko, if I had tried to kill Refa, I would have been tracked to Refa, not Junko

[8:10:16 PM] #HBC J: Okay I am 100% Refa is town and was targetted with NK which makes him town but not smart for misreading his NA lol

Basically the thing here, I think Refa proven town through Junko dying last night because it makes 0 sense for RockyRyan to die since he was high on everyone's target list and Junko had just replaced in. I see no logic behind that. So we have Junko dying because I redirected him onto Refa and he ate the NK.

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Sorry J, I'm an idiot. Should've done this yesterday (although the scorri hammer wasn't really my fault anyways).

##Vote: Terrador

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Thats actually exactly what I was gonna ask him about. Cool

Though why would Jailer!Terra (hooker?Terra) not attempt to hook Refa or the obviBG unless role restrictions I guess

So who is last scum?

Also not feeling like quickhammering sry present wrapping comes first and I am a jackass who wants to prolong the phase I guess


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Actually hooker fakeclaiming jailer is a legit thing I guess if youre scum wow I didnt realize how much sense that made

Or maybe he is just xshot

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Also wut








Makes sense to me? I guess idk dan makes more sense as scum than vhaltz because dans speecial role over whatever vhaltz is. Something just seems off about all of this

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No death night plus last night argue refa as super town and eury and I are the stupidest people to be scum and with Potential Lylo, at least one of J/Terra have to be town given the scenario unless im missing something idfk anymore scum just claim

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Vhaltz being scum is actually more probable than I thought and its more than likely two of Vhaltz/Terra/Dantheman than anything else because of mostly what ive picked up through OC and possible explanations of N3.

Though imo Vhaltz and Terra are probably not a team unless they were going for the most uber of mindfucks

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I'm as surprised as y'all are, but I'm genuinely not scum, and I ain't givin' up this fight.

FMPOV... the scumteam's hard to gather. Given that Rocky and I are both town... maybe Vhaltz is scum? I honestly don't know, but man, this game has confused the hell out of me.

I'm gonna take my next guess as scum on That Blasted HBC J.

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And also since I'm probably not going to be around for long periods of time because Christmas, don't lynch anybody who isn't J or Terra, one of the disruptive roles is necessarily mafia, since nobody has claimed having their role tampered with throughout the game other than redirected/jailed targets (making a hidden mafia roleblocker extremely unlikely)

Last scum should be within Elie/Dandragon, since I doubt that J/Terra are a team (although I'll have to reread logs to make sure I'm not wrong)

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##Vote: Terra

Too many plays irk me. Why would you turbolynch scorri without a response from her? even if you were forced to jail her you knew there was a 1-shot doc around for use that night that could've also blocked the kill. Why would you attempt to pressure and control all of Junko's/Dan's/my roles for N4 instead of letting town leaders come up with optimal actions to catch scum? Specially when fypov Rocky's slot and J's were scum and you were so quick to call that scumteam, then why tell Junko to bodyguard you?

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