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What would you do with a super power?


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We all ask the question 'if you could have a super power, which one would you have?' Well, what if you just got one? What do you do with it? That's an even more important question.

So imagine for a moment you have a super power; any super power. What would you do with it?

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If I could choose one, I'd go for teleportation and enjoy the boons of an extra half hour in bed each morning. Commuting and travel would be a thing of the past!

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Ability to control time

With that i would gather a sword without anybody noticing it, kill everybody and destroy earth

but before that i would steal a 3Ds, a wii U a ps3 and 4, xbox whatever and play all games except shooters

Edited by Flareragnarok
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I actually would choose a minor superpower that I thought about already!

I call it "Retrospective visions"

Basically, I could have the power to see what would have hapenned if I made a different choice!

For example, let's imagine that I decide to skip classes for the whole day, the night of that day, I could actually know what would have happenned if I stayed in class and all, but no specifics like what would have been studied. Just the general gist of if it is too convenient!

Edited by Chasticot
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I actually would choose a minor superpower that I thought about already!

I call it "Retrospective visions"

Basically, I could have the power to see what would have hapenned if I made a different choice!

For example, let's imagine that I decide to skip classes for the whole day, the night of that day, I could actually know what would have happenned if I stayed in class and all, but no specifics like what would have been studied. Just the general gist of if it is too convenient!

I may have something similar to that, but it sucks really hard, you want to go back in time and change it, but you can't and even if you do manage to go back in time, you are RNG screwed, or rather fate screwed, you should know what exactly to alter about the past to get a future you wish(like with rng you want a perfect level up but you should exactly know what to do) you end up doing everything with trial and error and screwing with your future(i have experience in that)

it would be a better superpower, if you could change it or if you could see how the coices you make affect your future, but no different, if you have seen the anime Steins;Gate(which is extremely good) it would be the "Reading Steiner" or something like that only reversed and slightly different.

Edited by Flareragnarok
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If I could choose one, I'd go for teleportation and enjoy the boons of an extra half hour in bed each morning. Commuting and travel would be a thing of the past!

this. teleporting everywhere would save me a lot of time. i also wouldn't have to walk as much.

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You know you've been playing FE to much when something bad happens and you go 'screw it, I'll reset the chapter.'

Save states would be great and all, but...eh,I guess ot feels to scummy and I don't think I'd enjoy life as much if I was abusing them all the time. Teleporting and super speed would both save me a lot of time and be useful for screwing with people. Still, the matter of teleporting into things or the super perception I'd need to use super speed effectively making life unbearably slow are kinda worrying...but eh, this is all just fun, so I'll assume those issues don't exist. Super speed, to be incredibly productive, is my final answer.

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0-The power to steal or copy other peoples powers. If superpowers did exist, then no doubt there would be people other than me with other abilities. I'd hunt them down and take their abilities.

1-Immortality if I had to choose one. I don't want to die and never be able to think again, have eternal suffering, become a different person, or be deprived of all my freewill because of a cruel god.

2-The ability to transform into anything would be next, for perverted things and trolling. I'd also steal my favorite games.

3-Teleportation for easy travel and more stealing video games. Travel to Japan for exclusive goodies.

4-Mind control for perverted things and video games.

4.5-Invisibility for perverted things and video games.

5-Flight would make traveling funner than just teleportation.

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If I had an accelerated healing factor...I'd become Deadpool.

You know what was an idea for a power I always thought was sad to not see? The ability to detect/negate psychic like powers. You know, so if Magneto tried to rip the iron from by blood or Pheonox tried to turn me into molecules, it wouldn't work. I mean, pretty useless if there aren't other supers though. So I guess I'd just use it to beat up supers or something.

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I always would love the power Night Girl from the Legion of Super Heroes has

the power to become stronger with less light present

would work like a charm for me since i hate light >w>

in all seriousness probably something along the lines of intangibility, invisibility or flight

Especially flight

Won't have to worry about a car if i had that

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I'd like to be a vampire. I live mostly at night already, and feasting on bad people isn't too bad. Vampiric lores, from the good to the bad, fascinate me. With vampirism comes immortality, super strength and speed, and even other things if the writer is too liberal. :P

My favorite hero, though, is Batman, and he doesn't really have any superpower. If there's anything "super" about Batman, it's his intellect.

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My favorite hero, though, is Batman, and he doesn't really have any superpower. If there's anything "super" about Batman, it's his intellect.

His superpower is being super rich

Mine would be the ability to mainpulate probability. For example, what are the chances of me rolling a pair of dice and getting a double 6 three times in a row? I would manipulate the probability to becoming 100%. Or what are the chances of me failing a test? i could manipulate its probability to 0%

I'd use it for my own good i guess. To make sure that i never go wrong. And i'd definitely make sure i dont tell anyone about it too

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