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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Fictional: A sky whale

Other: An elephant, both for the obvious wow/literally a siege weapon factor and for their intelligence. That is, if the process of making them ridable in real life wasn't so horrific

My dad's some kinda British mutt at this point, traces the family name's roots to Alsace-Lorraine in today's France, then Scotland to fight the English, then fastforward to the American Revolution and we somehow ended up being Royalists, chased into Canada. My mom's a descendant of some shunned Amish dude, so Swiss, I take it

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a yoshi

I would pick honey badger if I could have that guy from the popular youtube video narrating any glorious combat I might partake in

is that still a meme am I cool now

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Q426: Ever had a supernatural or otherwise unexplainable experience?

Mods please probate anyone who goes on an unnecessary fit about how spoopernatural things don't exist ty

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Imo yes, but i might be wrong about it. In at least one case I think it was just a hallucination (I didnt hallucinate while on acid but I think I was having a flashback) but there are a couple of other times I feel unsure about. Unfortunately I am unwilling to share those experiences for judgement.

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I can't really remember anything like that. The closest was this one time I touched a metal door that was touching a live wire. The period between entering the room with the door and actually getting shocked is totally dark in my memory, even back then I didn't realise how, when or why I went there and touched the door.

But that's kinda boring.

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I don't know if this counts, but there have been times i heard stuff like knocking and other creepy noises of no origin while i was trying to sleep.

I still never know where those noises come from, and it is really unsettling

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a yoshi


Also idk I'm really trying to think of oooooooone but I guess if it's difficult for me to remember then I must not have thought much of it at the time, if there was anything

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I do not enjoy talking about them.

mostly has to do with dreams that give the feeling of deja vu months later, and then I remember it being a dream.

Another one is that phantom touch, where I think something is talking to/touching me, but really nothing happened.

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Also idk I'm really trying to think of oooooooone but I guess if it's difficult for me to remember then I must not have thought much of it at the time, if there was anything


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When I was growing up, I would always close and latch my closet door at night. Invariably, it would be unlatched and open a crack in the morning. I don't remember when it stopped happening.

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One time, I jokingly told Integrity that I hoped he forgets to check for toilet paper first before he does his thing on the porcelain throne, or else he'll be stuck.

The following week, it actually happened.


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A few years ago, I had a pretty bad fever.

I slept for a few hours during it, and it was the most fucking obscure dream I'd ever remembered having. Involving literal mirrors, which served as gateways to alternate dimensions and realities, and holy fuck. I can't even remember what happened and thinking about it hurts.

Also during this fever, I was talking a lot of gibberish and things that made no sense. I also remember pissing in the bath when the toilet was right there next to it, and fuck knows what else because I can't remember. As headstrong as I usually am, for the life of me I could not make heads or tails of the world for a good 12 hours. I couldn't even remember the password to my laptop, which I'd been accessing several times a day over the 8-10 months I'd had it. And through it all, I was sweating like a bitch and feeling like shit, and probably had a body temperature of 37-38 degrees C if I'd had a thermometer handy.

If someone can explain why the fuck that kind of shit happens during a fever, do tell.

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Omg omg speaking of dreams (but man Raven I've never gotten sick like that... D=)

Though this is probably more like a really huge coincidence~

One night I had a dream that I saw Integrity's school newspaper and I saw that he had made the front page because he's so cool and smart~! But but not only that he was so cool that he was able to make it to THREE articles on the front page! BECAUSE HIS SHCOOL LOVES HIM

That morning Ike told me that he had great news about how he's so cool and popular!

I respond jokingly [11/1/2014 06:13:11] Freohr Datia: according to my dream I already knew

He tells me how he's going to be featured on the front page of the college of engineering webpage at some point~!

and I go =O

and he says BUT ALSO

he'll also end up front page of liberal arts too!!

and I go =OO

and he says BUT ALSO

the school paper wants to interview him!!............. though who knows if that was to be front page or not~


because then that'd make it THREE

I was just joking when I said my dream already let me know so that was SO COOL that it turned out to actually be true ^o^ (though they didn't exactly match up but it still felt so amazing to be told that as soon as I woke up from it ;u;)


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One time, I jokingly told Integrity that I hoped he forgets to check for toilet paper first before he does his thing on the porcelain throne, or else he'll be stuck.

The following week, it actually happened.


esme are you a witch

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