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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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A lot of my dreams involve me being unable to do things I take for granted. Sometimes I can't see, sometimes I can't speak and sometimes I can't walk.

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My dreams tend to be random most of the time.

I've had had some involving forgetting to study for a test and I'm freaking out in the classroom and then I wake up and realize it was a dream.

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A lot of my dreams involve me being unable to do things I take for granted. Sometimes I can't see, sometimes I can't speak and sometimes I can't walk.

Man, when you grow up you are gonna be Poo from Earthbound. (I don't mean excrement, I mean an awesome character)

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people actually have high school rivals???

Weird shit happens in dreams, man.

There was this other flautist in band who I was determined to outplay, if that accounts for a high school rival? We weren't really competitive or anything, granted but it's the closest I got to being competitive in high school with another person.

Other than band though, real high school for me was more or less a trippy experience that I am still trying to sift through what memories are real, what I made up to censor the reality of the situation, and what was a dream altogether.

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I've had like...a couple zombie survival-based dreams but it's not common enough for me to list as a theme.

I blame State of Decay.

Its not even survival its horrifying I hate zombies

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Death and loneliness.

Usually I find people I trust IRL turning on me -- for no reason, sometimes -- and I just find I can't trust anyone, maybe not even myself. Everyone is out to get me. I usually die at some point, sometimes in some particularly gruesome ways... ehhh.

I don't have many pleasant dreams, but when they do happen, they're particularly pleasant. Almost always with a sense of adventure.

Barely weighed down with some light gear, scaling down a snowy hill. Swimming into a large submerged cave, maybe with some light ambience. Calm stuff.

I'm also pretty obsessed with rain and find it in a lot of my dreams.

EDIT: When I was younger, I used to spin around uncontrollably!
...It was pretty annoying~!

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Well, guess I'm a bit more like Henry then I thought...

And also, whenever everyone else dies in say, a car accident, I survive because dream immortality

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I get kinda shitty dreams. Dreams are usually variations on one of two themes.

A) Me or somebody else is getting attacked and I'm the only one who can try to fight off the assailants.

B) I am going through a haunted place and it's spooky. Most of the time I never see any ghosts or anything, but I can feel it's bad and haunted.

As a weird, lesser thing, I have a strange habit in some dreams of taking my pants off for no reason. It's not an issue to me or people around me, I just do it because ???


"Wow this class lecture is awesome - it'd be even more awesome if I wasn't wearing pants!"

and so I take my pants off in class and go back to taking notes and no one cares



Q457: What is the riskiest thing you've ever done?

Shoutout to Serenesforest.net user Moiraine for the question

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-Rope a pig [Don't ask why.], and get dragged through the dirty oarts of the farm, and through and electric fence.

-Accidental near-castration via a combination of door hinges and rushing into a taxi at night.

-Almost falling down a steep flight of stairs in a swanky hotel because I don't know how to keep my balance in leather soled shoes.

-Playing with my erector set, make a thing with lots of spinning parts, and then shit flies off and misses my neck by half an inch.

-Cooking seafood.

-Being part of a human barricade for a parade.

-No-protective-gear Black belt level sparring in TaeKwonDo.

-Jumping out of the trunk of a car into an airplane runway and almost getting shredded by a prop plane taking off.

-Going into a septic tank.

-unintentionally let propane leak 5 feet away from a fireplace. [i can't hear shit like the gas flowing ok. Bad hearing.]

-Every day when I cross the fucking streets since I can't hear approaching cars/vehicles and Filipino driving habits make redneck assholes look safe.

-Every time I loose my balance due to some kind of fluid imbalance in my inner ear.

-That one time I turned down a gay guy who hit on me in a restaurant, and then he brought this big scary looking guy with him on the table right next to mine.

-Every time I answer a girl asking me 'Does this make me look fat?"

I think that's about it.

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holy fuck

considering I've seen a car accident happen right in front of me by somebody running a stop sign just as somebody who didn't have a stop sign passed, I'd say that's fairly risky~

unless that just works out differently than running a red light which i suppose i can see

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