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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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I used to, but I don't really anymore. I think I can be proud of the fact that my first RPs weren't terrible and were quite similar in nature to the thread I linked down there.

Actually, wait, I suppose this thread would count. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50007&hl=

Edited by Draco
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Nothing more than the playing I did with my brother and some friends when we were little

The very first time I ever played FE was when I was pretending to play it~! Except I didn't really know how it went back then~ All I know is my friend was saying "one of us can be a pupil, one a journeyman, and a recruit" and that one used magic, one used axes, and the other used lances

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I used to do loads. Online RPs, combat LARP, and tabletop gaming. I dont really do any of those anymore cuz aintnobodygottimefordat.png. Also, my DnD group dissolved a while ago and i never could find another decent one. I miss tabletop gaming a lot.

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there's a single meandering dnd 3.5 that I do

most of my rp is rping as euklyd

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Just a few times in campaigns that had/are having trouble getting off the ground, but I really like the idea of them. I love the potential for a mashup between a book/play? and a video game (if mechanics-focused, as I tend to gravitate towards) made with friends. I've also had the odd idea for a system/setting that I might like to build for one.

I can get kind of addicted to reading sourcebooks/supplementary info where I can get them

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Just a few times in campaigns that had/are having trouble getting off the ground, but I really like the idea of them. I love the potential for a mashup between a book/play? and a video game (if mechanics-focused, as I tend to gravitate towards) made with friends. I've also had the odd idea for a system/setting that I might like to build for one.

I can get kind of addicted to reading sourcebooks/supplementary info where I can get them

Rip otf

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roleplaying kills me since i have no creativity

yes I agree

it's so hard to roleplay random characters I or someone else makes up

it's hard enough roleplaying myself

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Forum roleplays for me. Mostly 1x1 these days, mostly for being lazy about searching for new ones.

Q484: What gets you all nostalgic?

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Music, man

I associate feelings (from events that are happening) with music strongly (though idk exactly how much others do the same >u>) so I make strong associations with that music

...... there's one album I can't even listen to anymore because I was listening to it when I was in school and it was announced that somebody I knew "passed away" (he committed suicide :c) and so I was feeling upset about that the whole day while listening to that album. Now whenever I try touching any of those songs (or if one of them ever comes back to my head) I start to feel depressed.

And wow I was just mentioning in the memories thread how Consolation (Kalafina!) brings up feels and memories~ The very first time I was in the car with Integrity he was playing that album and now whenever I listen to it, I get really bright happy feelings. And it often feels really inspirational too fsr and seems to give me feelings of... hope? Idk why I associate that with a car ride with him ^o^ The power of Integrity and Matilda give me HOPE and INSPIRATION

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The opening of ORAS like

Original Ruby/Sapphire animation plays and I'm like holy shit and then it transitions to player in the moving truck playing originial Ruby/Sapphire an I'm like HOLY SHIT

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Ahhhh yeah those transitions were pretty great ;~; Yeah ORAS was really nostalgic and sapphire was a huge game of my childhood.

I was crying ;~~~; Like "here's all this old stuff you're so familiar with, now we're going to present it in a completely new and totally cool way" and and like ZOOMING OUT TO VIEW THE WHOLE TOWN WHEN LOOKING AT ITS SIGN I wish they didn't only do that for like the first two or three towns ;n;

A-and the music~~

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music, definitely. it's difficult to listen to some songs like 'knockin on heaven's door,' or 'cat's in the cradle,' because they tend to make me sad--but i have found that after the initial sadness, the music has the quality of bringing out good memories.

metallica, ah metallica, brings me back to those days as a kid playing kh: chain of memories. not a good band, but they are now part of my nostalgic memories.

i've said this a few times before, but the original spyro series almost makes me cry whenever i play. the legend of dragoon holds a similar spot.

sights can make me nostalgic. smells, however, can't. i guess it just wasn't a strong sense for me when young.

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Sounds, mostly. Hearing old songs or video games being played. But reading can, too. Reading things from when I was younger. One of the reasons I keep logs is for nostalgia. I'm sentimental.

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481. I like my hair as it is.

482. Movies, by a lot. I don't have the attention span to keep coming back to a show over and over, but a movie is just setting aside however long it is once (or more later if you want to see it again). Plus I like seeing it rather concise than taking as long as shows do. I guess it is also worth mentioning I'm not terribly interested in many TV shows anyway.

483. Yep, mostly here.

484. Not really sure. Seeing a movie I liked when I was younger, perhaps?

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