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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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plans are looking like the professoral dream: teaching and research!

currently i have TA/recitation instructor work and my first small research project! plus i might be jockeying to teach an introductory class in the next year!

this kind of. grad school is so tempting, and my university has this accelerated masters program, so i can do five years and do PhD stuff after that, but med school is cool too. idkkkkkkk

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ngl if software eng industry work doesn't work out for me for some reason I'm entirely open to getting a phD in statistics or something

I really like math and I do have an undergrad degree in it as well alongside my compsci so it can work out

funny how I have a dual degree in computer science and applied math but I really don't want to do finance, though, my degrees are really good for it but it's just not for me; I did the math degree entirely because I like math and it was fairly convenient to get as a secondary as a computer scientist

alternatively I /could/ do art but since deciding to go to programmer school my progress has been slow (and definitely way slower than people who go to art school) and the art industry is harder to get into than software engineering lmao

Edited by Thor Odinson
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English teacher, baby. Gonna get TESOL certified, too. \o/

Q534: If you had to make a dish to bring to a big SF get together, what would you make for us?

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I would not just bring one dish. For such a gathering, I would bring triple chocolate cookies, turkey meatballs (possibly with red sauce and pasta), and those spinach triangles which are pretty much spanakopita but have a different appearance and a name similar to/rooted in the word "triangle."

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Ooo nice question. :)

I'd bring apple pie and whipped cream. Oh, and lots of chicken wings.


then maybe I wouldn't have to bring as much and some would probably like one and not the other~

SF Piecnic imhotep

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Well, I got a really good chicken enchiladas recipe from one of my friends, who I dub 'the master chef'. It's really delicious, and everyone that I know who's had it has loved it a ton. So I would recruit a few other people to help me because otherwise it would take forever, and I'd bring a few pans of it <3 made with love, dears.

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a pizza, y'all welcome

Fried rice.

Mountains of it.

You damn thievessssss.

I'll probably bring seasoned steak or something. I hope y'all don't mind blue rare!

(Actually, in terms of realism since steak is quite expensive pound for pound I'd probably cheat and bring salad or something)

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