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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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-Being alone, in a quiet place. [i've had horrible eyesight my entire life, but my family didn't find out about it until I was around 10. Same with hearing, except they found that out when I was 7]

-Black People [i swear to god this is true.]

-Fat women.


-Death Metal fans

-Shit like the wtf mutation baby cancer growth thing from Akira.

-Modern Horror movies.

-Yu Gi Oh's shadow game thing.

-People with thin mustaches.

-People popping up behind me.

-Going to church and gatherings involving sitting down and listening to speeches. I had awful hearing and an overimaginative imagination, so I used to daydream that each one of the speakers was coming up with a plan to take over the world and that it would involve killing me.

I guess I was also scared of harley davidson choppers. Fucking things looked like the vehicle of the DEVIL to me. Then I grew up and read Ghost Rider

Oh and twinkies.

Motherfucking twinkies scared me because I thought that it would be easy to conceal poison in the opaque and overwhelmingly, sickeningly sweet filling. I've only had ONE twinky in my whole life.

Edited by Howard the Duck
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I remember in middle school gym a bee was buzzing all up in my face when we were supposed to be sitting in rows doing pretzel leg stretches or something, and I was menaced enough to get up and run like fuck while all the other kinds were still sitting down

I had accidentally gotten stung (not like most people get stung on purpose, but anyway) when I was even tinier when I put my hand down on the velvety lining of an instrument case without looking, and oops turns out there was a bee there get wrecked me, so I hadn't really gotten the memo that our bees really don't fucking care about anything that isn't a flower

(could've sworn it continued to chase me though)

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The dark (especially after being traumatized by a resident evil game I saw \o/ I thought that ZOMBIES were going to come out of the dark and KILL ME and it took a while for that fear to wear off)

The thunderstoooorms all that loud noise was so scary (though when I try to sleep it does still shock (haha geddit) me when it's supposed to be dark and quiet then suddenly BRIGHT FLASH or LOUD BOOM but when I'm awake and up and about and things are less calm then thunderstorms aren't even shocking (hehehehe) at all anymore)

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the only thing i could think of was when i was like


and i was scared of my older cousins hair

b/c he like, dyed the top of his hair blonde, and i was a little kid thinking it was some animal on his head

silly, i know

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stinging insects. i stepped on a bee and couldn't walk for two days, so that one's justified.

let's see... the floors in our old house creaked a lot; most nights i thought we had an intruder and i'd go hide (somehow i didn't grasp that my dad stayed up late and would walk around sometimes).

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Needles, I used to be so scared to get blood drawn or shots because the idea of getting poked with a needle scared me so much.

Also bees and other stinging insects, I'm still scared of them to a lesser degree than I used to be.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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WASPS. OH MY GOD, WASPS. I'm still pretty horrified of them.

The dark, sort of. I was more scared of the fact that I couldn't see what was in it.

Demons and the supernatural.

Even though I've almost died 3 times in my life, all of them by nearly drowning, I still love swimming.

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There was this poster in my parent's room that was a fish. I thought it looked like a box monster. Now, I tried to convince myself many times that it was a fish.


This is a bit horrifying if you look FAR enough!

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Ones I remember distinctly that, esp isn't something that I'm not particularly fond of now, and is a bit silly now that I look at it, are those big-ass TV antennae on top of buildings back when I lived in China. IDK why but they really bothered me.

Also I watched a lot of rather bloody TV shows because of my fondness for the historical setting and I got kinda scarred by all the beheadings and severed heads. Still not particularly comfortable with them.

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I was one of my most fearless kids I knew. I became almost completely fearless after I had that dream about the volcano. I didn't have any specific fears. I know I was scared of some things at some times, but I can't remember any of them because I didn't dwell on them for long.

I had things to lose, but I was confident I would not lose them.

Edited by Makaze
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