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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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This mexican restaurant in my town.

It tastes pretty good but every time I eat there, I go to bed and wake up in the middle of the night to go throw up. I don't know why.

There's definitely more but I'm forgetting.

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Civilisation, the game. I mean, I really like it, but I also suck at it. As in "can only win on easiest mode" suck.

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Star Trek (2009).

As an action/Sci-Fi film I absolutely love it (minus the overuse of lens flare). However, as a Star Trek film (and me being a Star Trek fan) I absolutely hate it since it takes a big, smelly dump on 30 years of Star Trek canon.

Now, I know that people have defended this film by saying that it takes place in an alternate timeline/dimension/reality, but I still hate it.

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Philosophical concepts, which technically means everything if one thinks hard enough about it...

That's kind of hurts to think of.


Also this. I'm miserable but refuse to end it.
Edit: Actually, I was wrong. I meant the concept of living.
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Forum roleplays for me. Mostly 1x1 these days, mostly for being lazy about searching for new ones.

Q484: What gets you all nostalgic?

8-bit games, certain movies made in the 80s, music, etc. Lots of junk really.

music, particularly Nirvana. my dad used to drive me around and we'd listen to their mtv unplugged album over and over. "smells like teen spirit" is still one of my favorite songs. kurt <3

This post makes me feel so freaking ancient. You have no idea.

The smell of cocoa butter and sunscreen, the buzzing noise tattoo machines make, and the song Watermark by Enya is almost hard to listen to sometimes because of nostalgia haha

Q485: Do you have any piercings? Do you want any?

I meant to ask this after the tattoo question and did not

Yeah i got my ears pierced. Three on my right ear and two on my left. Am i gonna get more? Likely not.

Once, yes, but now none. Won't be getting any again due to allergy issues

Q486: What do you have a love-hate relationship with?

This QOTD has been brought to you by the letter NinjaMonkey and viewers like you

America. Its really bad in areas like our government, but some stuff is hella awesome. So its like a tug of war and im the rope. My hometown is another. Its too small leading to congestion. Theres not a lot in the way of opportunities either. But damn if it aint pretty up here in the hills!

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Chemistry. I don't even hate it that much, it just really hates me. All my chem profs were so endearing in one way or another, but I always sucked at their class. I'd have felt a lot happier if I was good at the subject.

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Candy. Thinking back on those frequent candy binges I used to have makes me cringe.

W-well...I always feel bad for killing them. :[

But it was just a generally really good and pleasant period in my life when I discovered and played Tri extensively (the game helped, of course).


Hmm. Don't piercings typically heal eventually?

They do. I don't think my piercing will ever heal enough to offer anything other than a weak resistance when I put something in there again though.

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my physical health - i'm normally hale as shit but i'm crook as rn and it sucks

also football, but hell, the hate of losing is all part of the appeal

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