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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Well, I can sound like a native if I try to speak Korean or Japanese. Can't pull off an accurate accent though. I can sometimes do British, and also a really racist sounding Mandarin Chinese one (is it still racist if I'm part Chinese?). Not sure if it's Mandarin accent or Cantonese though.

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kind of.

i can pull of the arabic accent the best. i like to think i'm pretty good at a "british" accent. no one else around me does though so whatever. i really wish i could pull off australian, scottish, and irish.

i'm really good at speaking fake chinese and arabic.

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Please, all of your "british" accents are probably laughable

The most I can manage are Indian, Italian and a horrible southern drawl.

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I barely remembered to update this before lab sorry! B'D

Only Kentucky, from what I've gathered.

Q497: Can you do any impressions?

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I can do Christopher Walken!

...And that's pretty much it.

If you can do a good Christopher Walken I don't think you have to worry about doing any others.

Hmmmm...I can do a pretty good impression of a dog barking. Or at least, I managed it once. I walked into a friend's back door while my friends who were already there were in the front of the house. Her dog came to greet me and bark at me. I barked back. The dog (a yellow lab) looked a little confused, but barked a solitary bark at me. I barked again, she barked again, I barked again, etc. Eventually I quit it, but I had managed to make my friends laugh successfully.

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I had a serious thing as a wee Specta for Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys lmao

For not real people, Dmitri from Anastasia

Q495: What is an embarrassing phase you went through when you were younger?

Emo was so after my time.

I dont consider my grunge phase really embarrassing. I did have that "I liked the New Kids On The Block" phase at around 10 years old, but thats highly common for people my age. I did have a mild weeb phase and it was short lived, when i was in my early twenties. I had that Alpha Metalhead phase too. I dont really regret it cuz i had some really good times then.

i liked green day

Oh yeah, theres that. There was a very short period where i was totally apeshit over Green Day's Dookie album. I try not to think about it too much. I was about 13 :U


I'd think my yugioh phase in general is best forgotten but tbh it's kind of amusing to me in hindsight

Q496: Can you do any accents besides your own?

Yeah i can do a pretty good British accent that has psyched out quite a few people over the years. I can do a decent Swedish accent too.

Please, all of your "british" accents are probably laughable

The most I can manage are Indian, Italian and a horrible southern drawl.

Not mine!

I barely remembered to update this before lab sorry! B'D

Only Kentucky, from what I've gathered.

Q497: Can you do any impressions?

Ehh not really. Even my Alan Rickman impression isnt great.

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