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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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recycling the series one stuff now would be fine imo

You could throw them in as bonus questions.

A lot of people answer consistently I think, so repeats might be kinda "eh" for them, but if you did one new question + a repeat occasionally it would be better? Once a week or something?

I think I'll go with this.

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the specterator and i have no power for the time being and she (dipshit) didn't charge her phone so i am burning 4g data to update qotd

Q424: Where do your family roots go back to?

my dad's family has been mostly american for a long time, but consists of chiefly english, bavarian, and blackfoot blood (the latter way watered down in his branch, but you can see it in some of his uncles).

my mom's family is less total american and goes back in the last few generations to sweden, bavaria, and a bit of england. out of both sides i got mostly the swedish looks, like her

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So that's why I'm so lonely this morning~

But but aikuuuuuuuu you have to help me name our beautiful babiiiieeees :c

Maaaaan we were having a discussion about this recently

As far as I know I have, my roots have been American for a while on my dad's side, and Native American+Canadian on my mom's side (I have no clue how that works, do I just say Native American for her or Canadian or both??). Then my dad's side of the family supposedly originated in Austria (though we have a German last name), and have a mix of German, Irish, Polish, and Dutch in us. Maybe more than that or different than that, we don't know because there's a lot ;u;

BUT as far as my mom's side of the family goes, at first she thought we had a bit of Chinese in us, then recently she said she realized that that Chinese grandparent or great grandparent or whatever that she thought we had wasn't actually related to us so we thought she was pure native american.

BUT recently my dad and older brother were discussing that because my brother got so annoyed with being told by assuming people that "you must have some asian in you!!!" and preferred the story that we don't have any asian in us at all just so those people would be wrong. However, my dad said that people have always insisted we look like we had some asian in us and my dad would always say to those people "oh well that would be from the bit of chinese in them" but he wonders why it took so long for our mom to suddenly realize that that person wasn't really related to us. So he doesn't believe it.

So WHATEVER I MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE CHINESE IN ME but oh well, majorly I'm american/european/native american/canadian~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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As far as i know, my family has mostly went back to Puerto Rico

but my mother's side of the family goes back to Spain, with my father's side mostly staying on Puerto Rico, probably as far back as the natives that resided there. And probably some blood from Africa.

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Wish I could look into from like the 1600s but I'm sure most of my genealogy is based in Nigeria, West Africa. My great grandfather was nobility in some village like Lyn so that's pretty cool.

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Umm. On my dad's side, his father has a Czech background and his mum has an Irish background, but both were born in the USA. On my mom's side, her mother is of Polish ancestry but mostly grew up in germany (she left cuz jew in hitler germany). My grandfather on my mom's side is part Swiss, and part Russian, and some other stuff too afaik (my mom is actually not exactly sure of all his ancestry). He was also Jewish. My dad's side is catholic but I'm not sure if anyone on that side goes to church regularly.

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